Your favourite game


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
FF7 is by far my favorite. Great characters, great story, great combat... It's the whole package.

SH2 is a heavy contender, though, as it's probably the most subtle game I've ever played. It's a work of real genius.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
It'd probably be the first game I ever played on any sort of console.

Usually I played games on my parents PC (back before Microsoft Windows. Back when PC's ran on MS-DoS), like the original Duke Nukem (2D Side-scroller), or Prehistorik (2D side-scroller featuring a caveman with a large wooden club), or Scorched Earth, and of cause the game that ignited my passion for Fighter-jets, F29 Retaliator.

But my (or rather, me and my sisters) first console was the Playstation One.

And the first game (one that I've recently re-acquired for my PS3), was Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped.

I loved it, and still do. And it's one of the games where I even look at the graphical glitches with a gleeful sense of nostalgia.

It's simply my childhood being relived when I hear that soundtrack.


New member
Oct 16, 2010
Would have to be minecraft, it is the one i keep coming back to.

On top of that, with the modding community you can pretty much turn it into any type of game that you want to play.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
MrFalconfly said:
Scroched Earth
Ha! Remember assigning every tank to an A.I. and let them duke it out on those random generated maps. Fun game, while not being one of my favorite games, there's no denying that it has some nostalgic value for me.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
It comes out (again) in less than a month!

The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask!

Why? Because I love the idea of interacting with characters and helping them. The fact that it's a continuing 3-day cycle also ensures that I don't miss a thing! I would say it's also one of the most mature games I have played, people think that blood, gore and swearing = maturity but that's definitely NOT the case.

Majoras Mask deals with some dark themes that we rarely talk about in the real world. Themes such as; Depression, Loss, Anxiety, Existentialism and Fear but also positive themes such as Acceptance, Life, Selflessness, Caring etc. It really is a mature game but subtle in how it presents it. It has an overall 'creepy' vibe/atmosphere to it but it is the stories between the characters what makes that atmosphere feel real.


New member
Jul 2, 2012
impossible to answer... i have dozens of favorite games.. no way to pick only one...Batman Arkham City, Crash Bandicoot 2, Resident Evil 3 Nemesis, Resident Evil 4,Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2,Metroid Prime, Super Mario World, Spider-man Web of Shadows, Saint's Row, 2, 3 and 4, Tomb Raider( the 2013 reboot) Persona 4 Arena Ultimax,Legend of Zelda Wind Waker(the gamecube version of course, Sonic the Hedegehog 2,Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door,Dishonoured,Persona 3 FES, Persona 4, and God of war's 1,2, and 3 are among my many, many favorites.. but I could never pick just one game... no one could really...


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Wow, this one always makes my head explode, because every year my answer would be different. This year I'd probably say Silent Hill 2 for it being everything I want out of a game ever. The story is beautiful, the horror creepy, the town lonely, it just conveys emotion on an entirely different level. That's why I'm so excited for Silent Hills, judging by P.T. it's going in all the right directions. Everything about PT made me go YES YES GOD YES MORE OF ALL OF THIS

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
The winner still remains Resident Evil 4.

Everything about it... is just awesome!


Will never say anything smart
Feb 25, 2014
Kingdom Hearts II. Simply because it remains the first and only game that I have played and beaten 7 times.


Jun 9, 2010
I would say a pinned down best game is hard as my interests change a lot. Although one I come back to a lot is the original Doom. I mainly play with custom maps and mods, but damn it's crazy how well even the original plays with a few minor additions like mouselook.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Probably Halo 3. It was the first game that I was ever really excited for, and the first game that I ever really played a lot. It had both an amazing campaign and multiplayer, and it had really solid gameplay to boot. It was the sole reason for why I got an Xbox 360, and it is the only reason why I still have my 360. If I had money to splash on a XbOne, I would probably get one just for the Master Chief Collection, but seeing as I don't really fancy spending around £300, I think that I am okay with my 360 copy.


New member
Jun 1, 2014
Final Fantasy 7 holds a special place in my heart, mainly it was the first game I ever played EVER.

But if had to exclude FF7, I'd have to choose between

Crisis Core FF7 (I forgot about FF7 until I played this game and it jogged my memory)

Bayonetta (Either 1 or 2, for dat crazy Platinum action)

Kingdom Hearts 2

Shadow of the Colossus

Persona 4 (or P4 Golden)

Yeah. It be REALLY hard for me to pick one......


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time, because the Nostalgia is strong with this one.

Chrono Trigger, because it's just as awesome of a game and a story as it was when it was new.

Fire Emblem 4, The story is amazing, like super amazing. Nintendo please translate this game and bring it state side.

Halo: Combat Evolved, The Single player is really good, like the story blindsides you with the Flood and it kind of gets incredible after that.

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Most of the time when I make a list or something I always write Spyro/Mass Effect because honestly I would say they are both my favorite and share the spot but when it comes down to it Spyro is still just an inch higher on that list.

So there you have it.

Spyro The Dragon, favorite game of all time.


New member
Jul 19, 2014
Rome : Total war . Its the emperor of RTS genre .

Runner ups are Deus ex , Vampire Bloodlines : The Masquerade SW Republic Commando and SW Battlefront 2 .
Jun 20, 2013
Tomb Raider (1996) is my default answer when someone asks me this. I love the haunting atmosphere, the level design, the music, the non-hand-holding gameplay. Did I mention the level design? Also the controls were very precise if you had the patience to learn them, unlike many of today's action adventure games that either feel like jelly or feel like they're playing themselves.

Killer7 is my secondary favorite, because it's goddamn Killer7.

Doom, Mega Man Legends, Portal 2, DKC2, Earthbound are all honorable mentions.


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Super boring answer but I'm going to have to say Ocarina of Time. I was obsessed with this game growing up and my love for other favorite games in the series (Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, Majora's Mask, etc) is predicated on how deeply this game affected me. While not the first game I ever played, Ocarina was the first game I ever owned. It took me a few years to understand it though as, contrary to popular belief, the game was fairly hands off in comparison to the fighting, racing and 2D platformers I was used to. This made the world feel even more alive however as I had never played a game this open. Nostalgia aside, Ocarina was a landmark title for how perfectly it nailed it's adventurous tone through use of music, cinematic set pieces, and it's meticulously crafted world/dungeon design. While quite modest by today's standards, in 1998 Ocarina of Time and the imagined world it begged players to explore was better realized than anything that came before and as a result the title contains a sort of timeless magic for me that will alwatys bring me back despite how routine I have unfortunately made this game due to how many times I have played it since I was 8 years old.


What am I doing here?
Jun 3, 2014
Dota 2. I know. I'm a terrible person. That's what it says. I'm a terrible person.