Your first ever MMO experience

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
Star Wars Galaxies.

The game had very few events for half its life so it got rather dull at times, but it honestly had one of the most well built universes I've ever seen. The space combat was impressive, felt real, and just felt Star Wars. I still remember doing circles around a Corellian Corvette in my YT-1300 as my guild mates were running around the ship putting out fires.

All the best gear was player created at the time and it made the player economy soar. It made crafting a worthy profession and add the fact you can drop houses down onto the world you could actually have a shop players could go to.

Jedi were awe inspiring. Taking months and months of hard work to unlock and even then you couldn't go around slicing up things with your lightsabers. Showing off too much got you on a bounty hunter lists were player bounty hunters could see if they could track you down and eliminate you.

It was just a lot of fun, great experience. I really wish they would take the multitude of events that are created these days with the world of SWG.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
I guess I am dating myself here but as a few others my first MMO existed before the term MMO existed, before the internet as most of you know it existed.

Batmud... what a great game, I was a Draconian alchemist. Batmud is still up and running today which is pretty amazing.

I passed on UO but I was there during the EQ launch. This was still back before all you noobkock assholes figured out the internet and there was actually role playing on non RP servers. Serinanth was the the only dark elf living in Faydwer on the Rodcet Knife server. I still remember the day the guards only glared at me threateningly instead of killing me on sight, when I could actually go up the elevator and wander through Kelethin, people thought I was a guide or that I had a costume on, this was well before any thought of betrayal quests even existed.

And then some one told me about the Drizzt books =)

Wholly hell what is it with the shingles captcha?!

Mr Cwtchy

New member
Jan 13, 2009
purf said:
Mr Cwtchy said:
Nothing else has appealed to me thus far. I might have tried out GW2 if it had a 'try it out' option, as there's no way in hell I am shelling out ~£50 for a game I might not even like, but mostly because all of the 'greatest MMO ever' and 'revolutionises the genre' talk has done more to put me off it than make me want to play.
You know, I got to talk about GW2 earlier in this thread and all I had to say was critique - let me redeem this.
~50,- have so far given me 275 hours of good enough entertainment. 315 even, if I count across all characters.
I'm not bashing the game, don't get me wrong. But ~50 is a lot of money to spend, especially from the perspective of a college student with no job. It's simply not worth the risk of me shelling out the cash and then hating the game.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
The first MMO I played was the Matrix Online. The launch was a mess and there was a definite lack of varying pve content but I had a lot of fun with it and I still prefer many of its systems and features to any new MMO. I hate rolling alts, why can't I just have the one character I've invested so much into just respec to anything? Three factions was sweet (Merv 4 Life) and i've not had as much fun in open world pvp in any game since. Punting. Combat was... well interlock had its limitations but it worked very well for 1v1 fights and the combat actually felt like you were fighting, I've never been able to really get into any hotbar combat mmo since. and /snake, they might have been better off working on other areas but the amount of emotes/stances/dances that game had is still unparalleled.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Guild Wars was my first. I made a character on a friend's account and played it for a couple of hours with them guiding me through it, then i got a copy of the game and we had a guild that had only eight of us. we were hella good at the competitive even though i prefer PvE.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I very first mmorpg experience was with a Star Wars Galaxies two week free trial, right after the combat update but before the NGE. Completely blown away, and I have never been able to find another game that has ever came close. It's one of the few games that I felt actually like I was inhabiting an actual world. There were all kinds of classes/jobs with half of them having nothing to do with combat. Nowadays you're just sent from one hunting ground to the next while acting as a generic "adventurer" whose only goal is to reach the end game of repeating large raids.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Escapist keeps eating my posts, but basically....

I started with Knights Online, about 10 years ago, when I was only wee little Mordekaien. And from then I have a history of coming to games that will close soon after I came in. Shadowbane was kickass, and they cancelled it. City of heroes the same. The only game I play regularly is Minions of Mirth, because it's awesome and has great community, even though a small one.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Legend of Mir. I don't remember the exact date but it was late 90s. I thought it was incredible, running around with all those real people, killing monsters together. Loved it and played it religiously for several months until the glow wore off, then I moved to Lineage. Played this for a year, loved it to bits as well, felt like a real step-up from Mir. After that, I discovered Ragnarok and Anarchy Online and spent the next 5-6 years bouncing between the two. They remain in my top 5 games I've played to this day. I've since tried out countless smaller MMOs, I've dallied with Runescape (no thank you), WoW (max level and all content cleared in one month, yawn) and SW:ToR. (Terrible game. Just lacks any kind of detail in the world and feels empty and bland.)

The last MMO I played was GW2 and the only reason I'm not playing it right now is because I'm waiting for a couple of friends to finally buy it so we can set up a PvP team.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
It was two years ago and I was playing the super popular, at least then, Korean MMORPG that was cartoonish? It was during their cake versus pie thing. Started it up with a friend, made a character, and did some things for a bit.

Once she went to bed, I roamed as beat on my own, did a few missions, had a guy follow me around for a bit, got really bored, and left.

Never went back on. Seemed like a massive waste of time. And I wasn't patient enough to learn the ropes of the game.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Tuesday Night Fever said:
Back in April of '04 I was still on a 56k dialup connection. When they released a patch for CoH, it took me days straight to download it. That meant that for days nobody could use the home phone line. If someone accidentally picked up the phone or I had a connection hiccup, that means getting potentially pushed back hours in total download time since it would revert back to the last point where it saved my progress in the patch download.


City of Heroes is what finally pushed me into upgrading my connection.
City of Heroes was my first as well, although I never got a chance to truly enjoy it, because of that damn 56k connection. Between that and the outdated computer I was playing on, by the time a dungeon loaded, my group had already killed half the enemies.

Patching back then was brutal because of the sheer amount of time it took to download something. It was made worse by the fact that the nature of dial up meant it kept the house phone busy, and that was back when people actually used said phone.

Rin Tezuka

New member
Dec 9, 2012
Back in 2005 when I was relatively new to the internet, I stumbled upon Runescape, my sister having played it before me, telling me it was good (For me anyway, she hadn't played it in a year or so.

I do recall having a guy start to flame and cuss at me for mining the ore in some rocks he had "Reserved". For me back then, it was terrifying.

Sunk about a good year or two into the game, going through several accounts due to my younger brother being gullible enough to keep believing in scams and never changing the password on the accounts. Looking back at it know, part of me really wants to punch my younger self.

Marcus Kehoe

New member
Mar 18, 2011
Mine was SWTOR, and though disappointing in the end my hopes for it was unfairly high at best.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
A friend convinced me to get Guild Wars 2, so I did. And after about four hours, I decided I probably wasn't going to stop hating it. So I uninstalled it.

I've been trying out The Old Republic since it went free-to-play. Pretty much everything I hate about it is everything that makes it an MMO. I turn chat off and solo everything I can. It feels like such a waste of a great IP, but I can find some enjoyment in it.

I won't be trying any more MMOs.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
inklewert said:
I remember dialing up to play a game called Tibia way back in the day. There was something about it that just made it so appealing. Like the trust based trading system.. which meant any time you wanted to buy something you actually had to safe up enough to buy it 10 times because only one in 10 would actually trade and not just steal your gold.

I actually went back to it for a couple of weeks in 2005 and it was still kicking around, bet it still is.
jepp, Tibia for me as well. God, love that game. Last year or something I went back to with some of my friends. It's not as fun as it used to be because they have made it a lot more noob friendly and added lvl caps on items. That sucks because I remember how me and a couple of my friends were like lvl 10-15 we ganged up on lvl 20 knights because they had the best gear most of the time. PVP was really fun because you could be killed almost everywhere. there were some safe zones, The bank and the church. And if you died you had a percentage of losing some of you're items and you always lost your backpack. I actually started playing on an open tibia server a week ago. it's pretty fun although there aren't many people on that server :(


New member
Jul 10, 2011
My first experience with an MMO was Ragnarok Online. I had seen an advertisement for it in Shonen Jump. I loved playing it for a while, but after a while I really started to get tired of the leveling system and it was too hard to make money. So I put it down, and looked for another one. I played a free trial of Warcraft and got hooked, and I haven't really tried or done anything since.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
Does farmvile count? I think is counts. I last played it years ago however, don't worry.

Arina Love

Apr 8, 2010
Lineage 2. My mates were playing it and i decided to join to see what's all this MMO stuff. It sucked me in for 4 years. And unlike casual WoW when i was playing L2 ( from c4 up till Gracia) it was truly hardcore mmo, no quests-leveling just hours upon hours of mindless mob grind and party grind on high level , gathering of mats to craft armour (pretty much only way to gear up from lvl 52 and up) with chance that it will fail and you loose the mats. But pvp oh THE PVP so fantastic. It's not artificial race vs race nononono it's real pvp for server dominance castle sieges, Ganking, random pvp with enemies of your guild,PVP for Epic bosses and Olympiad and PK.
To this day i believe that lineage 2 (before goddess of destruction ruined it) is best mmo ever created.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Started playing WoW in WotLK, after the release of Ulduar I believe.

I was extremely prejudice against it.
It stole my CoD: United Offensive clan from me.

Then, I met my ex and now best friend and she played it and I watched her play it for quite a long time (always been one to enjoy watching people play games) and then tried it out on her account.

First character was a hunter, always played a hunter as a main since then (tried other characters but hunters ftw).

Still play it, I'm an officer in the guild I am in and in the raids nr 1 raid team :D

Will probably still play it for a long time aswell.


New member
Feb 3, 2012
Runescape. hated it after 1 day of playing.

Than i played a game called Wonderland Online. Actually... not bad. i played it for almost a year before getting bored with it. Majority of my gameplay time was spent on Auto just grinding and farming for items. (the game let you auto-battle so you didn't even have to play to grind) that system is what kills the game. Because of that the experience required to level is ridiculously high. Also the game is hard as hell. it's terribly unbalanced. still the game had charm, some great moments and a good community. (quite small) that is... until i blacklisted everyone and deleted my account xD