Your games to-do list for 2019


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Wintermute said:
Ass Creed games. I have a lot of Ass Creed games to play. From what I've seen, up to Rogue they run fine if I lower the res to 1280x720.
2 and 4 are considered the best of the "Classic"(before the series went full RPG with Origins, or before the slump that started with Unity). 3 is good in my opinion but does have some notable flaws(Don't rush through the main storyline, do the homestead and Peg Leg side missions and it works a lot better). The others are of varying quality(including some of the DLC/Expansions).

Wintermute said:
Also Stalker games, Fear, The Walking Dead, Divinity: Original Sin, Torchlight II, Transistor, Sunless Sea, Darkwood, Stasis, Orwell, Distrust, The Banner Saga, Shadowrun Returns, This War of Mine, etc. Realistically speaking, I expect to finish maybe 5 of these over the year.
Fear: Played the first one and the first expansion, found it okay. A lot of unused potential there.

Walking Dead: Enjoyed Seasons 1 and 2, didn't bother with anything after that. Was pumped for the final season but then Telltale collapsed and now I'm really iffy on it. Season 2 does suffer somewhat from how everyone explicit askes the 8 year old child to make final decisions on pretty much everything, which comes across as wierd and clearly catering to the fact she's the PC.

Transistor: Really liked it. It's like Bastion but cyberpunk and more turn based. Soundtrack is amazing like Bastions was.

Sunless Sea: I love this game but you can play it forever and there's a lot of RNG invovled at times. I do need to get back to it. Also, Sunless Skies will be hitting full release sometime this year and I need to move onto that.

Stasis: Played it. Found it fine but barely remember it now. I imagine it's like if Dead Space was an adventure game.

This War of Mine: I've yet to complete a game of it. Both because of how difficult it is and how depressing it is. I really need to go back to it. What makes it really hard is if you try to play it as a good person, instead of just screwing over anyone you can to get supplies.
Oct 22, 2011
Wintermute said:
Also Stalker games, Fear, The Walking Dead, Divinity: Original Sin, Torchlight II, Transistor, Sunless Sea, Darkwood, Stasis, Orwell, Distrust, The Banner Saga, Shadowrun Returns, This War of Mine, etc. Realistically speaking, I expect to finish maybe 5 of these over the year.
If you want to shave some of that backlog, just skip straight to Shadowrun: Dragonfall. Returns feels more like a tech demo, and is the least interesting of all 3.

Oh, and it's fine to not bother past first season of TWD, but that's me.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
First order of business will be more CrossCode. From the looks of it, I've still got plenty of that to go through. After that it'll be Katamari Damacy Rerolled, when my copy finally decides to arrive.

Aside from those, I'll try to reduce some of that 70+ games backlog. Then again, that was also my gaming resolution for last year and I've essentially made zero progress. I blame all the freebies. Lousy free stuff clogging up my collection! Also doesn't help that the remainder of that backlog has some twenty 40+ hour rpgs in it.

As for new games, I don't know. Might give the new Doom or Metro a spin, tho I'll probably wait till they're half price or below. If Nintendo decides to release Metroid Prime 4 this year, I'll get that day 1 tho. Unless they fuck it up.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
hanselthecaretaker said:
I only played a bit, but liked how they have you access it. The first daemonic machine encounter was no joke. Really, it looked like just a mere Ravager (that breathed fire like a dragon) but seemed far tougher to take down than a Thunderjaw from the main game, and that was playing efficiently. I must?ve put 20 or so tearblast arrows into its weak points before even getting to do decent damage, and my bows are upgraded enough to pretty much moonwalk through the base game. ?Tanky much?? was my first thought, and I just came fresh from Bloodborne?s Old Hunters bosses. Can?t wait to see what the hell this frigid wilderness throws at me next.
Yeah, that Ravager is a pretty blatant 'git gud or piss off' sign. I usually just snare the fuck out of that area.

I've played through the DLC twice now, but never with an end-game character. Both times I went for it at level 25-26, and on Ultra-Hard. There's just something about the Frozen Wilds tempering you, and then returning to complete the base game as just the hardest *****. That first time returning from the Cut I felt like such a fucking badass, and I was eating Glinthawks and Sawtooths for breakfast. And despite the super strong gear I got from the DLC it felt earned, because I fought myself through some crazy tough battles.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Casual Shinji said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
I only played a bit, but liked how they have you access it. The first daemonic machine encounter was no joke. Really, it looked like just a mere Ravager (that breathed fire like a dragon) but seemed far tougher to take down than a Thunderjaw from the main game, and that was playing efficiently. I must?ve put 20 or so tearblast arrows into its weak points before even getting to do decent damage, and my bows are upgraded enough to pretty much moonwalk through the base game. ?Tanky much?? was my first thought, and I just came fresh from Bloodborne?s Old Hunters bosses. Can?t wait to see what the hell this frigid wilderness throws at me next.
Yeah, that Ravager is a pretty blatant 'git gud or piss off' sign. I usually just snare the fuck out of that area.

I've played through the DLC twice now, but never with an end-game character. Both times I went for it at level 25-26, and on Ultra-Hard. There's just something about the Frozen Wilds tempering you, and then returning to complete the base game as just the hardest *****. That first time returning from the Cut I felt like such a fucking badass, and I was eating Glinthawks and Sawtooths for breakfast. And despite the super strong gear I got from the DLC it felt earned, because I fought myself through some crazy tough battles.
Hmmm...if I had the time some time I?d want to try that, but I went in after beating the main game. I usually only want to go through games with extensive upgrade systems once - especially if they?re heavy on story - and then do NG+ for kicks, but I like how this plays enough to possibly make an exception. Time divided between too many other games I still want to get through is the biggest factor deterring it.

As for The Cut, I?ve resorted to rope casting the Scorchers since they are so relentless, which greatly helps targeting its weak points and taking them down quicker. Most of my equipment is only around half of max effectiveness but I did just hit level 51 around the point of finding the Tallneck parts. It was kinda eerie because I activated it in the dead of night. Would like to also wait until day to see how it looks coming to life in the sunlight and snow.

I also really like how you can loot while riding now.

Lufia Erim

New member
Mar 13, 2015
-Lost child
-Ni no kuni 2
-Dragon quest 11
-Mario odyssey
-Pokemon let's go
-GoW ( maybe)


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I need to get to Gris, I'll probably grab it the first day its on sale.

I got Battletech over the winter sale but have been playing other games so I need to get to it. I did love their Shadow Run games.

Same with Ghost of a Tale

I wish that Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition was on sale over the holiday, I've been wanting to play it for awhile since I've always liked the series.

Of the ones that aren't out yet, the ones I'm most looking forward to are.

Freedom Planet 2: loved the original, the only game that plays like 2d sonic that I like.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice: I mean its a From Software game.

Resident Evil 2: I really liked 7, this one isn't a reboot like it, but so far its looking really good and I did quite enjoy resevil 2 back in the day.

Serious Sam 4: I'm assuming this will come out 2019, if it does I will be all over it.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Plenty of games I want to play.
Games I already own, games I want to buy and games I am waiting to get release first this year and then buy them.

Games which will come in 2019:

DOOM Eternal
Blue Omen Operation
Devil May Cry 5
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Blazing Chrome
Ion Maiden
Knuckle Sandwich
Psychonauts 2
Katana Zero
Atomic Heart
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG
Brave Earth: Prologue
Dark Drive
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Daymare 1998
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
UFO 50
Narita Boy

Games I own or games which got released already and want to buy later:

The Forest
God of War, PS4
Dragon's Crown
Ace Attorney 6
Stein;Gates 0
The Crown of Leaves, chapter 2+
Shovel Knight, the last DLC
Resident Evil Revelation 2
MediEvil Remaster
Spyro Remaster

And manyore, but with all honesty I don't remember in memory the other games.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Dalisclock said:
-Horizon Zero Dawn

I got it for Christmas 2017, haven't played it yet.

-Assassin's Creed Odyssey.

Because Ancient Fucking Greece, not to mention I rather liked Origins so why not?
Got H:ZD, only just got the opportunity to start playing (yay, got my PS4 back...!) and going to buy AC:Ody shortly.


It's apparently really atmospheric and such. Also, it's 4 hours long, which is really nice in an era where every game has to be a 60+ hour open world game because reasons.
For me, this game is all about the soundtrack. It's a relatively easy game in the vein of Journey (albeit 2D), if even more of an emotional journey, and is quite upfront with the symbolism (Jimquisition's take on it is spot on IMO).

Other than that... clear my Steam backlog (which includes a load of really old games I never really played). For 2019 releases? Eh, not that much excites me and those that do aren't even confirmed for release this year... -_-


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Find some other go-to game besides Total War: Warhammer II.

The # of hours logged are getting irresponsibly high.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Casual Shinji said:
I'm fine with the cheesiness, that's actually one of the great things about it; to see this big, stone-faced criminal deal with some of this wacky shit. But having to click through, sometimes, 10 minutes of voiceless textboxes can be very grating.
Oh, for sure that hokey element only works in its' favour, but that doesn't stop the eyeballs instinctively rolling when it reaches the more potent levels.
Feb 7, 2016
I know I have at least a hundred games I need to play that i've already bought, so I'm going to try and narrow it down to ones I'm actively interested in playing.

- God of War (PS4)

- The World Ends With You (Switch)

- Bayonetta 2 (and 1 since they come together)

- Superhot VR

- Budget Cuts

- Spyro trilogy (PS4)

- DUSK (should be relatively short, so that might be sooner on my list)

- FF XV (had it on PC since it came out there, but haven't touched it)

- Monster Hunter: World

Dear god, there are so many games I've either never started, or never finished...

- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

- Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

- Yakuza 0

- Kingdom Come: Deliverance

- Far Cry 5 (DLCs)

- A bunch more I'm embarrassed to admit I've had for so long and never played

Oh dear god, there are games I'm excited for this year coming out too...Oh god, Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming out in a couple weeks! I always 100% those games!


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
SckizoBoy said:
Got H:ZD, only just got the opportunity to start playing (yay, got my PS4 back...!) and going to buy AC:Ody shortly.
H:ZD is next on my list. As soon as I finish Uncharted 4. I know it's not a super long game, but it's fairly long for being a cinematic action adventure(I keep forgetting any given chapter can take up to an hour). The holidays and sickness also cut into my game time quite a bit the last couple weeks.

SckizoBoy said:
For me, this game is all about the soundtrack. It's a relatively easy game in the vein of Journey (albeit 2D), if even more of an emotional journey, and is quite upfront with the symbolism (Jimquisition's take on it is spot on IMO).

Other than that... clear my Steam backlog (which includes a load of really old games I never really played). For 2019 releases? Eh, not that much excites me and those that do aren't even confirmed for release this year... -_-
"It's about Depression, because they all are"

I look upon my steam/gog backlog and despair at this point. I was maintaining an excel spreadsheet keeping track of all of it but that got too much to keep track of and similarly depressing. Now I'm just using the tags on Steam/GOG when I complete games to mark them as done.


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2011
In relation to games coming out in 2019:

-Serious Sam 4. Loved playing the third game co-op, and I have high hopes for the next one. (Technically no release date but 2019 is a possibility).

As for games I own but haven't gotten to playing yet:

Just Shapes and Beats
Overcooked 2
Serious Sam 2
We Were Here Too


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Well, my friends have decided now is the time to get on the Warframe bandwagon.

I don't trust any publishers anymore, so everything is wait for review. Exodus is probably top of the list, along with Hades.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Elfgore said:
Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Honestly, I feel like this game is on its last legs. It's been going on for a while and seems to just be wallowing in low player numbers. I've heard some great things about some of the story paths, especially the Imperial Agent, so I've decided I need to put on my big boy pants and do them before the game shuts down. Especially as a Star Wars fan. I'm currently doing the Sith Warrior, which I've done before and enjoyed immensely. Such a stereotypical amazing Sith Star Wars tale. After that I'll do the Smuggler and who know's what after.
Man, I know we'd need like an alternative universe for this but instead of closing that game down, I wish they'd just patch it to make it single player.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
- God of War (PS4)

Playing through it, now. The combat is so crisp - depth in simplicity. Not seen much of the story, but if they can drip-feed enough combat enhancements throughout the game, even if the story is a flop for me, I can at least stay entertained.

- Red Dead Redemption 2 (PS4)

Got it for free with my PS4 Pro. Loved the first game to bits, but im hot off the heels of Spider-Man, so jumping straight into another open world game will only lead to bad things. Gotta mix things up, you know?

- Bloodborne (PS4)

Fun fact: I never actually got past the Undead Burg in DS1, because I thought it was too difficult, and I never liked the slower-paced feel of the game. In my infinite wisdom, I got Bloodborne, and from what little Ive played of it, I enjoy the faster paced feel of the game. Maybe one day, I will have my first proper souls-like experience.

- Until Dawn (PS4)

Got it for Christmas a couple of years back. Still never touched it. Maybe one to play with the girlfriend?

- Killzone: Shadowfall (PS4)

It was $2.50

(Fun fact, despite all of the above, im actually mainly a PC gamer)

- Assassin's Creed: Odyssey (PC)

I played Origins, and enjoyed it quite a lot, so the formula is definitely a winner for me - that being said, I feel like its story failed to really capture my interest enough to really sit through the game any longer. I also got this game for free, so its not a complete wash, should it not grip me.

- The Walking Dead: The Final Season (PC)

Now that the game has been resurrected, im eager to finish of Clem's story. I really enjoyed the first two episodes, and it has proven to be probably some of the best work that TellTale ever did - I was devastated to think that the story would never finish, but im glad that it has got that chance, now.

- Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (PC)

Got it for my birthday, last year. I reasonably enjoyed the first game, but much preferred Doom. The combat in this looks better than the reboot, but I have been put off by the critical and public reception to the game, and it lack of - well - "game". Im sure its fun enough, though.

Honorable mentions for games that I started to play, but got distracted by others
Pillars of Eternity (PC)
Divinity: Original Sin 2 (PC)
The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine (PC)
Valkyria Chronicals (PC)
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Story) (PC)
Moster Hunter: World (PC)
TellTale's Guardians of the Galaxy (PC)
Knights of the Old Republic 2 (PC)
Undertale (PC)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PC)
Alien: Isolation (PC)
The Last of Us (PS4)
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales (PC)

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Laggyteabag said:
Until Dawn (PS4)

Got it for Christmas a couple of years back. Still never touched it. Maybe one to play with the girlfriend?
I would say yes. Despite being single-player it functions great as a party game.