Your honest opinion on Modern Warfare 2.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
*looks up from Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC Beta*
People still play MW2? Weird. I've never played Modern Failware 2, and I never will. Maybe you should care less about what your idiot friends think about your gaming habits?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Never tried the online, as I don't own it (and I don't play online anyway).
The SP campaign was fun, but the story (being really stupid IMO) sucked out the fun for me. I was expecting something well told, but simple, as with the first game. I don't think it held up though.

If I had to give it a score (based solely on SP) I would give it a 6.5 or 7... Yeah, 7.


New member
Jan 18, 2010
The campaign was quite good (for an FPS anyway) but just too short. The multiplayer sucks and Spec Ops is terrible. A slightly below average title, although a suppose for a shooter it's not that bad.


New member
May 10, 2009
I really liked the single-player, mainly due to Lance Henriksen and Keith David. Multiplayer, not so much.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
I'm addicted to the online. It's strange too, the first game had a fantastic story campaign that I couldn't wait to play and find out what happens, and the multiplayer was okay, but I wanted to play Halo 3 over it.

Now, I play the story mode every so often when I forget the anger it caused just before and I spend my time playing online, enjoying it to the point that soon I'm working on joining a clan hopefully...though I don't have a headset yet...but I enjoy it much and find the

I Resurection I

New member
Sep 2, 2009
I really like it but it is also the first Call of Duty game that I ever got into. The online line pisses me off a bit, but it is getting better as time passes. Glitches are being patched but the whole leaderboards hacking is annoying as hell.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
I don't like it much. The campaign was very short and it takes so much time to find a game when you play online, and when you find a game it's not "that fun".
Greyfox105 said:
Ahhh... my honest opinion?
I think it should be renamed 'Call of Duty: Lobby Warfare', as I seem to spend most of my time sitting in the lobby, searching for a game...


New member
Nov 19, 2009
My honest opinion?

I didnt like it at all, it felt like playing in a interactive movie rather than playing a GAME.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
The single-player is cool, with intense moments and breaks from shooting/reloading fun, but the story is just plain stupid, and nonsensical.

The multi-player needs split-screen to work on LIVE (like Halo), or at least bots, but otherwise, it is generally quite fun and addicting. The thrill of getting an AC-130 or Chopper Gunner killstreak never gets old, and despite certain flaws, the MP is quite good.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
The single player story was great even if it was short, loved playing spec-ops split screen with a friend some real intense missions in there, played the multi-player for a bit but, as I only rented it I never gave it a decent amount of time to give a fair review.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
The game is fun, but i thought the story was so ridiculous that the game lost some appeal (at least for me).
I really enjoy the addition of the Spec Ops.
One of the biggest mp communities online, but far from the best/friendliest community.
and the online mp can be fun, provided you can play the 1 week a month that glitches aren't being horribly exploited...

I'm glad i bought the game, but wish i would have waited to get it used or when it dropped in price a bit.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
It's good for what it is, but it's just another FPS. The campaign is fun with a good degree of variation between point A to B and kill everything, to the few vehicle parts. Co-op is fun tho, I like being able to play with someone beside me and actually accomplish something. Multiplayer is what you would expect although you can't demolish buildings and stuff so I think I might try Bad Company 2 since it's known for that added realism and vehicles. I like vehicles.

Overall it's just "good" nothing spectacular. I'm not a huge FPS fan but I like them in their different styles. Like Half Life 2 I thought was AWESOME and BioShock 2 same, really really good. But that's because of the added "rpg" elements I guess.


Bored at Work
Jan 30, 2009
It's not for everyone.

It's for you if:

You don't care about the single player campaign.
You like FPS multiplayer and have a lot of friends you can do matches with.
You like being rewarded for playing well and don't mind potentially unbalanced matches which aren't just from a skill difference but a perk/weapon difference as well.
You have a lot of patience.
You enjoyed MW1 MP.

It's NOT for you if:

You demand a SP campaign that lasts longer than 5 hours and doesn't ask that you COMPLETELY suspend disbelief.
You don't have a lot of friends to play matches with and/or don't like making "friends" online.
You think online players should not be given rewards for doing well, which basically makes it easier for good players to do well and harder for lesser/newb players to succeed.
You don't have a lot of patience.
You did not enjoy MW1 MP.

Basically, unless you plan on jumping online or have a big TV with a lot of friends to play split screen with, this game is not worth buying. The single player campaign has its moments, but it's nothing you haven't seen before if you're even moderately into FPS games (especially other CoD games) and the shortness of it hurts as well. It's definitely worth checking out, but just know that being underwhelmed is a very real possibility.