Insanum said:
I recently have quit MW2. I only Play Hardcore TDM. But the problem is the respawn times, Waiting up to 15 Seconds to respawn is one way to seriously piss me off.
So i join a game of Underpass. Spawn, Sniped. 15 second respawn time. Spawn, Walk round a corner, Shot & killed by a dick hiding in a hedge. 13 Second Respawn time. Spawned, Shot in the back after 3 steps & 1887'd in the back.
Rinse, Repeat, RAGE.
I threw my controller, It bounced & hit my new acoustic Guitar, Chipping her.
I wonder how long I'm going to take that. It's not so much the respawn timers, I can live with those, it's just the camping bullshit that pisses me off big time. That and the usual crap: dual 1887's, broken matchmaking, chopper gunner (that thing can kill you indoors, I mean
come on). Makes me long for Bad Company 2. Campers? *blows up the whole building* Where are you going to camp now huh?!
Also 2 parts on Veteran difficulty: running down the hill after downloading those files, for some odd reason the game decided to screw me over by dumping me on a checkpoint right when I was shot from all friggin' sides.
Second part was that part in Contingency where you have to run to the submarine. For almost 2 godsdamned hours I had no checkpoints in that whatsoever, and I was either swarmed by enemies or lacked time, and each time I
did have a good moment there were no checkpoints and I died by some random fluke. So. much. rage.
Other games:
- Explosive shurikens in Ninja Gaiden 2...*breaks down into tears*
- One of the last levels of Starfox Adventures when I was about 12 or something. The whole game was pretty much a breeze, but then that level came along in which you had to target towers or something. I cried from rage.
- Simcity 4. Good GODS they upped the difficulty from Simcity 3000.