Your Moments of Gaming rage.


New member
Dec 25, 2009
My first moment of raged gaming...was actually with my GBA: SP. I was playing Donkey Kong Country and this level had me so effin' pissed...
I finally twisted the screen on my GBA: SP and it shattered into about twenty pieces. I didn't have any video games until I could afford a used GBA...

Secondly, I usually end up screaming if I have a horrible game while playing online...


New member
Nov 22, 2009
SF4 recently. Has happend on PES/FIFA in the past when the oppo gets a last min FK for nothing and smack it in the top corner where theres nothing i can do about it


New member
Nov 23, 2008

Ugh okay, I'll come clean, There was a 1% wipe on Anub'arak, Trial of the Grand Crusader 25, and I really did let off a scream of despair*. I threw a pillow off my bed on the ground and stomped on it...

..Then I told my group, i'd be 1 minute, got a drink of water and calmed down.

*Please Note we had been at this quite possibly... 18 tries? It was getting dangerously close to the limit of tries avaliable. (For those unknowing, you get 50 tries for all 5 bosses) So I think I was warrented this rare bout of mental distress.
Yeah we aren't all that 'L33tsauce' and this was seriously huge for us.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Since I got Xbox LIVE my blood is at a constant boiling point. Before then I rarely got so mad at a game that I yelled and swore. However, I do remember the first time I ever got frustrated at a game.

It was the year 2000. I had gotten Super Mario Bros. Deluxe for Gameboy Colour. I was 3/4 through the game when I encountered a Hammer Bro. I couldn't just jump on the platform above him as he killed me every time. I couldn't time the jump correctly to get over him at all, it was a nightmare of epic proportions. I died about 3000 times before I finally got past him, and I was filled to the brim with rage.

Thus began my gaming life full of rage quits and cursing. How long will it continue? Probably forever.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
when im in the nearby social center, me and my friends usually throw the wiimotes around because either:

1. someone gets a smash ball that they only hitted once.
2. our friend Peter gets lucky for the 148 bazillionth time. or breaks the usual hitbox again... apparently Snake´s arms are longer than Ike´s AND HIS FUCKING SWORD.
3. i spike someone with Ganon. my friends ragequitted 2 times on different occasions because of the Thunder Stomp.

sorry, forgot to mention above that we play nothing but SSBB over there.



New member
Nov 25, 2009
on the NES, playing Contra, I was so furious at one point that I smashed the controller. First and last time I did that.


New member
Apr 11, 2009
I few years ago I was trying to make a perfect save file on Final Fantasy VIII. I'd already played through it twice and had never had any problem with the software. I was about 60-70 hours in when I was saving my game and the game just froze. "Shit!" I thought. Had to restart my computer, and when I went to load my file the game said it was corrupted. All the hours I'd spent working were forever gone.

I don't think I got that angry, but refused to play it again for about a year.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
I think the one time I was playing Halo3 with a 12 year old (pre-pubescent) smart arse and I was actually winning (I never win). I was running the flag back to base to score and right when I was outside of the room to score this 12 year old boy team killed me, grabbed the flag, ran it in, scored. All the while berating me and the rest of the team for "sucking so bad." I usually don't talk to people online but I grabbed a mic and unleashed my fury. 12 or not, that stuff's not cool.

Oh and Final Fantasy X, I refuse to play it anymore.

Guitar Gamer

New member
Apr 12, 2009
when no one else is home I shbout obsinities at the screen
if I'm off line I turn off the mick because that would be just ignorent to keep it on

when I had anger problems I broke a controller because I threw it too hard


New member
Jul 13, 2009
there was a pretty big one for me when i first got shot through a wall as a Boomer in L4D. i swore he was hacking: "Fucking fucktard just stopped in front of a wall, looked right towards me, and blew my hacked ass APART! Fucking glitch fuck hack fucker!" Teammate: "Dude, that's not a glitch, that's supposed to happen." Me: (awkward silence)

The biggest on of all time for me was in a gamer called Demon Stone, you may not have heard of it. The gist of it is you control a fighter, sorcerer, and rogue who are journeying around together and must constantly switch between the three and grab health potions randomly dropped by enemies (as well as heroism potions, which instantly charge up your "hero" meter and allow you to do a super-powerful special attack that hits the crap out of everything) and keep EVERYONE alive because if one character dies, you lose, period. In the 9th level out of 10, there is a dragon boss that you fight in two parts. At first, he goes and hides on some stalagmites sticking out of a pit of lava, and you have to dodge his fireballs and hit his wings with projectiles while enemies constantly teleport in to screw up your aim. But that's not the bad part. The BAD part is you then have to fight him toe-to-toe in a comparatively narrow corridor. Once you hit him enough (and this is one of the two things that pissed me off so bad), he backs up, breathes a wall of fire in front of him so you can't even hit him with spells or throwing weapons, teleports in yet MORE enemies to fight you, and REGENERATES HIS FUCKING HEALTH. The other thing that pissed me off so bad went hand in hand: the friendly AI. They hog the heroism potions, but they cant use the special attack without you switching to them and making them do it. They also ho the HEALTH potions. It doesn't matter if you're the rogue (runs the fastest) and have a sliver of health, if the fighter (runs the slowest) has so much as a paper cut, he WILL, I repeat, he WILL see the health potion 30 feet to your left as SOON as it shows up and outrun you there from halfway across the room, leaving you to die because you didn't block the damn ORC behind you. After a similar scenario about ten times with that dragon boss, the floor now has a dent in it, and that PS2 controller has a chip of it missing. I think its under the bed.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
SecondmateFlint said:
Oh and Final Fantasy X, I refuse to play it anymore.
WHy? Evrae, or did you find the glitched Adamantoise that spams the Quake attack and constantly puts the Delay effect on your party, preventing you from taking a turn and just mowing through everyone on the field in one "turn"?


New member
Nov 24, 2009
masterjiji said:
SecondmateFlint said:
Oh and Final Fantasy X, I refuse to play it anymore.
WHy? Evrae, or did you find the glitched Adamantoise that spams the Quake attack and constantly puts the Delay effect on your party, preventing you from taking a turn and just mowing through everyone on the field in one "turn"?
To be honest I got stuck. I'm in this plain on my way to...somewhere I can't remember but my whole team is almost dead. I take one step forward, random encounter, team dies. I take one step back towards the city I came from, random encounter, team dies. I guess I got myself in this situation by not leveling up but I found it to be so frustrating I quit. I'm not really a fan of turn-based combat systems.


New member
Oct 17, 2009
Ok this one I really ain't proud about. I'm actually in a Modern Warfare 2 clan called |m| (Murder) and we are on (MLG). About 1 or 2 weeks ago we were having a scrim against this other team, which I do actually believe they hack... but that is not up to me to decide... if they ever go tourney the admins at gamebattles will have an eye on them. So we were all playing to the best of our skills but just kept getting raped over and over again in Domination and capture the flag maps. I was already getting pissed because we had starts and a few of my team mates weren't doing them well. (Like capturing A before B or the contrary.. since when u capture 1 flag your spawn changes and sometimes depending on the map your better off capturing a point before another) Then the guys on the other team started nade spamming over the bushes in Wasteland and always getting us, since we were always spawning at the same place.

I Kept my cool.

Next map was Search And Destroy. Some of my teammates were rushing and got killed repeatedly with c4/semtex/claymores. I would alway be the last one alive and would get raped from all sides. Then on the last round (was like 3-1 for them) They called in a chopper gunner, with a pavelow. 2 fu***ng predator missiles. Then a few seconds after the pavelow had left I heard an ac-130 coming in.

I punched my lcd so hard it actually broke (all cracked up) I was screaming from the top of my lungs "Fu*k You" and all other sorts of insults.

My roommate knocked on my door and asked if everything was alright. I yelled at him and told him to shut the hell up and go back to bed (It was like 11pm).

Not very proud.....

I also think I scared the shit out of the guy next door... the other day when I saw him in the hallway he looked me in the eyes for half a second and then looked at the floor and started walking faster...

Got a new LCD for Christmas. Bigger and better. Still wasted all my Christmas money on it... :S


New member
Dec 22, 2008
DeadlyGlitch said:
Whenever someone gets a random crit in team fortresss 2
"Ill just go around this corner, i got him down to 10health without losing any myself, alright now" i think to myself as i walk into the battlefeild *CRIT ROCKET HITS THE WALL BEHIND ME*

yeah I hate crit rockets, pills, stickies, shotgun shots, minigun...all kinds of crits really
and also bodyshots fucking piss me off. Since I am not a violent person I just swear silently clench my fist and teeth and move on...or rage quit if the server is filled by fucking bodyshotting fucking UNSKILLED FUCKERS


New member
Jul 13, 2009
SecondmateFlint said:
masterjiji said:
SecondmateFlint said:
Oh and Final Fantasy X, I refuse to play it anymore.
WHy? Evrae, or did you find the glitched Adamantoise that spams the Quake attack and constantly puts the Delay effect on your party, preventing you from taking a turn and just mowing through everyone on the field in one "turn"?
To be honest I got stuck. I'm in this plain on my way to...somewhere I can't remember but my whole team is almost dead. I take one step forward, random encounter, team dies. I take one step back towards the city I came from, random encounter, team dies. I guess I got myself in this situation by not leveling up but I found it to be so frustrating I quit. I'm not really a fan of turn-based combat systems.
Omega Dungeon, then, probably. Yeah, I suck at TBRPGs too. FFX's story made it worth it, but I overleveled at the end.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
masterjiji said:
SecondmateFlint said:
masterjiji said:
SecondmateFlint said:
Oh and Final Fantasy X, I refuse to play it anymore.
WHy? Evrae, or did you find the glitched Adamantoise that spams the Quake attack and constantly puts the Delay effect on your party, preventing you from taking a turn and just mowing through everyone on the field in one "turn"?
To be honest I got stuck. I'm in this plain on my way to...somewhere I can't remember but my whole team is almost dead. I take one step forward, random encounter, team dies. I take one step back towards the city I came from, random encounter, team dies. I guess I got myself in this situation by not leveling up but I found it to be so frustrating I quit. I'm not really a fan of turn-based combat systems.
Omega Dungeon, then, probably. Yeah, I suck at TBRPGs too. FFX's story made it worth it, but I overleveled at the end.
I might try it again sometime, but I will have to see. It wasn't a dungeon, it was just some plain somewhere. I dunno.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
When I get raged I don't get physical. I just swear a lot and other verbal things.

OT: I get really frustrated in Respawn times in most games.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
I raged at the mini-game in the original dragon ball z:budokai game where you had to keep raditz in a line ,i punched my telley after failing a good 20 odd times because of a suspicious last minute burst in speed