Your Most Regretted Game Purchase


New member
Jul 27, 2010
Little big planet cost:70 euro
It was OK couldn't get into it but then it went missing
(i have a suspicion one of my friends stole it)the that's about $98.7 in the bin
my local store normally over price stuff but they came up with the idea 2 year ago to charge about 10 euro more for ps3 games.
Rainbow six Vegas 2:30 euro.
Bought it a few years after release because i remembered having fun with it and at my south African friends house who is gone now.
It was outdated and really crap its one of
those game that are only good when they come out.
FF13:21 euro
rented it liked it(only a little) bought it.
Played it once.I just got 50 euros at the time and was eager to spend.
Waste of money could have bought a 1/8 ounce bag instead.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
Now I love a good JRPG. The Tales series is probably my favorite RPG series of all time just beating out Mass Effect. But when I had some spare cash around and decided to pick up an RPG and decided on The Last Remnant... I regretted that BADLY.

I played it for like 5-6 hours and still didn't care about anything going on and the combat system had such potential too but was just total BULLCRAP.

Instead of party members you have these little squads of guys composed of party members. But you can't tell them what to do. Only vaguely suggest it and hope they heal who needs it or cast what spell you wanted.

That and each group has a leader you designate. And if that leader goes down... The entire group acted as if they all had just been lobotomised. You couldn't issue them orders anymore so they were just picked off one by one. And which person in the squad the monsters attacked was completely random. The leader could be hit by an "insta-kill" attack that would be a quick revive and heal for anyone else but nope. Everybody became retarded until their inevitible death 30 seconds later.

Anywho... /rage.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
I definately regret buying MW2 on release, i was expecting it to have the excellent quality story of the first one and up the action. Up the action YES, but completely lacklustre story compared with the first, completely over the top. Not only that but it just finished, it has to be one of the poorest endings and possible cliffhangers ever.
As for the online it was just more of the same, at least BlackOps did something new, and better. The only decent part of the game was Spec Ops. It's a shame because the opening few levels where quiet good, unfortunately it just got worse.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
The Elder Scroll 4: Oblivion and Borderlands. Both games are very dull to me and never really pull me into them. Borderlands, while it has it's moments, depresses me so much with it's setting and bores me with its length. The game actually should have been shorter or better paced.

The other one I regret is Farcry 2 on its repetitive-ness. Luckily I did NOT buy it for gameplay reasons so good save for me that I came in with my mind set on one thing and not another.

blizzaradragon said:
Recent: Brutal Legend or Borderlands. I had fun with them both for about an hour and a half, then realized that they weren't nearly as good as everyone hyped them up to be.
Oh how much I agree with you man. I would like to note that I was close to not buying Duke Nukem: Forever when they announced Gearbox would be handling its final touches. A recent trailer COMPLETELY changed my mind. Unluckily this is not the case where I look forward to more games from the developers.

EDIT: Wait there is one more on my plate, Black and White 2. Technically Fable 2 and 3 as well but I wasn't the one who bought them. I oddly enough liked The Movies more. I wish a sequel was made with more polished mechanics such as how your hire employees and interactions between stars. Unluckily it will probably never happen as they seem focused on the Fable series and maybe Black and White 3. (I did not feel like a god in B&W2.)


New member
May 20, 2010
Warboss Robgutz said:
...until the fucking thing runs out after 4 hours of gameplay, seriously? what the hell was the point putting so much emphasis on hollywood writers and backstory development if you're gonna spend so little time crafting an story.
There's your problem, Hollywood Writers. Used to making 2-2:30 hours long movies... :S


New member
Aug 6, 2010
GeorgW said:
Street fighter IV.
Really not my kind of game, but I had heard so many good things and I figured I'd give it a chance. Mistake.
Yeah =/
I enjoy fighting games, but simple kind of fighting games like Super Smash bros, lol...
Buttonmashers are not really my thing. I'm good at Soul Calibre, but nowhere near as good as I am at other genres.
I also made the mistake of buying it for 3DS, but its still fun.
And Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has a simple button setting which makes me not terrible, lol

FF XIII, Bad Oops, Cataclysm, and... Bulletstorm.
Bulletstorm is fun, but buy-worthy? Nahhhhh


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
inFamous. So horrible. Everything about that game was basically an example of what NOT to put in your game.

And Again for the DS. Holy crap Cing, what happened? How could you guys make something so boring that it's a chore to play? You guys made Trace Memory and Hotel Dusk, you are so better than this.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
These may be some controversial picks but it's my regret and I'm not saying any of them are terrible games, (except C&C 4).

World of Goo - Fantastic reviews, but I didn't like it. What the reviewers found charming I found annoying, can't sell it (downloaded it on Wii).

Okami - Fantastic reviews, and while it looked great the gameplay was just 'find key to open door' but dressed up to look like there was more to it.

Command & Conquer 4 - Didn't read reviews I bought it on the history of the series which I had gotten some enjoyment out of. Just bad.

Kirby's Epic Yarn - Saw it at E3, thought it looked amazing (that's more what I find charming). Should have played it because, while it does look good, I found boring as hell.

StreetFighter 4/ Virtua Fighter 5 - Good games, I even bought an arcade stick. I just didn't realise that I'd lost interest in fighters about two or three years ago.

Half-Life - Fantastic reviews. Found the gameplay too linear to enjoy. (didn't like the series until Episode 2, but now I'm looking forward to episode 3).

Star Wars Battlegrounds - Love Age of Empires 2, love Star Wars. The voice samples in that game made me start to hate Star Wars.

There are plenty of others (like some Wii/DS crap) but these are the high profile ones that stick in my mind the most. Whenever I buy I dud I sell it immediately and usually get close to what I paid so it's never a huge regret. Except in the case of World of Goo and C&C 4 which I can't sell.

But for every dud I've bought I've come across some amazing gems like Little King's Story (Wii).


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Hellgate: London.

Proof that "we made Diablo!" is a tagline that will sucker almost anyone. Even people willing to pay $250 for a lifetime subscription before the game even came out.


New member
Feb 7, 2011

good god i wish i never got that thing.. it has been collecting dust from the time i last used it...

Also, the 2 most hated games i have are 2 movie-games: Kung fu Panda for the Wii and Avatar: The Game for PS3... good god were they horrible. Horrible in every shape or form!


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Transformers: War for Cybertron.

Not a bad game, but exceptionally meh. A rare example of me letting licence hype get to me. It's still awesome for about 5 minutes, but then it becomes dull.

Normally I'm very particular about the games I buy due to the moneys involved.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
Xenosaga ep 2, why on earth i bought it at all after the suckfest that was ep 1. 2 somehow managed to be worse in just about every way and nearly put me off JRPGs for life.


New member
Apr 8, 2008
FF 13. No freedom, no fun, mix and matched characters all the way back to FF7.

Bionic Commando, a slaughter of my fav NES game. Just... to much to list.

Black OPS. I had more fun in the Last Modern Warfare, mostly due to community. Pointless story, weapons in 75 that weren't till 89 and up...

But honestly, I regret that now the standard of game is so low, you get this pretty visual master piece that lasts 6-8 hours. And then they want to throw you make believe trophies and achievements play it 6 more times through or the same old tired FPS matches that honestly haven't changed that drastically since the DOOM age.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Guess what I'm going to say, Escapists! Go on, you know what I always rant about.

It's Final Fantasy 8, that's what!

Search your feelings... You know it to be true.