Your Parents view on a Game you were Playing


New member
Apr 6, 2009
SmilingKitsune said:
My parents have always been immpressed by, but completely uninterested in games, they can appreciate the glory that is Fallout 3, but they'd never want to play it themselves.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Ben Legend said:
Well seeing as my younger brother has walked in on me when the sex scene on farenheit/Indigo Prophecy was playing, and then again, during the mass effect one, he must think I have some serious issues with games/sex.
Do parents have a nack of walking in ONLY at the point where the game is most sexual/studid/midlessly violent. When i still lived with mine they walked in just at the point in South Park the Movie where terance and phillip where embarking on the shut you fucking face song. Seeing as i had spent weeks convincing them that the film was actually intelligent well writtena nd funny (which it is) this was not the moment for them to come check it out.

Kif said:
My mother used to comment on things she'd hear from my room like the constant stream of m-m-m-m monster kill-kill-kill
This too didn't help convince my parents that gaming was good for me.


New member
May 23, 2009
I was playing Fallout 3 while Mum was watching, I fired a shotgun into a crowd of Feral Ghouls, all of them exploded. She nearly pissed herself laughing.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
My dad assumes that all my games involve killing and violence. And me playing More Than a Feeling by Boston on Rockband for the 1000th time pisses both my parents of, as well as the singing.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
well i use to play age of empires 2 with my dad, really fun, also i have great fun playing diablo 2 with my girlfriends mom XD.
Well for the most of the time my dad is the one who loves those really boring online games where you need to control a village or something, but when i got him to try world of warcraft it was like too "advanced" for him.
So at the moment i play age of empires with my dad, and are looking forward to diablo 3 with my girlfriends mom and her :p


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Ive been quite lucky in that my mother has often seen and respected the amount of literary content some games I play have, and how its been just as beneficial as reading a book.

Of course its not always been such a respectful view of games. I may have mentioned before that while playing Dawn of War and selecting the Force Commander she overheard the "I serve mankind!" response, and felt it necessary to sardonically interject "You must be a woman then..."


New member
Sep 7, 2008
My dad is indifferent, but he loves TV/Movies so he has his own addiction. My mom hates gaming, but she spends hours a day watching tv or on ebay, damn hypocrit.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
My parents couldn't be less interested in my gaming. It wasn't always like that, I grew up playing DOS games together with my dad, while my mum watched sometimes.
The last game I ever played together with my parents was Netstorm: Islands at War. Apperantly my dad liked it, for some reasons, and we did the missions together and stuff. When I finished a difficult mission, I phoned him at work and I explained how I did that, and I would save the next mission for pops when he came from work. A good times, that was 5-6 years ago.
Nowadays, both my parents just look with distaste and disinterest at everything I play. On rare occasions, my mum asks what I'm doing, and I'm happy to explain, after wich she usually shrugs and walks away. She got really interested when she saw me playing World of Goo though, and she fiddles around with my sister's DS every now and then. I also got her to try WoW once, all giggeling she got to level 2, after wich she stopped playing because she was too confused. Mind you, her english sucks, so she had no idea what was going on or what she had to do. My dad hates games in general though, and he's pretty hypocritical about it as well. He keeps calling them stupid childrens toys, but I got him to try Rise of Nations (by far not the most difficult and complex RTS) once, he couldn't even get started so confused he was. Hoped that would shut him up, but noooo...
Both of them fail to see, for example, good stories or intelligent writing. Dad just sees BioShock as just another, stupid mindless killing game and fails to see the anti-objectivism tone, fantastic setting and overal great story. That's not just with games, I can't even watch South Park when he's in the same room as me since he refuses to see the show's parodic nature. Ignorant people.
Kif said:
My mother used to comment on things she'd hear from my room like the constant stream of m-m-m-m monster kill-kill-kill
Haha, I think that was the moment (when I picked up UT99, first game that really got me hooked) my parents turned around as well.


New member
Apr 15, 2008
My parents were into games until about after the era of the Super Nintendo. I'm not sure what changed but I think it was just free time and lack of interest.


New member
Dec 4, 2007
4fromK said:
Jenkins said:
4fromK said:
lol a memorable incidient that happened recently was when i was playing condemned. my mum is usually semi-interested in what im playing, and she just happened to choose to look over my shoulder for the first ime when i found the gym teacher in the locker and half his face was missing. it was hard for me to explain that one away, but she wasnt too miffed about it. as long as im wasting my own money on games she doesnt care.
closet gay
I'm a closet gay because....... uh ..... because I said.... what?

I quoted the wrong guy mate. my bad


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Well, funny story, I was playing tribes 2 and my mom walked in while she was on the phone and-....
.........Ive said too much.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
While playing RE5
Dad: What are you doing?
Me: Shooting rockets so the zombies don't get to me.
Dad: What?
Me: They can't get to me if I constantly shoot rockets.
Dad: Say something to your friend you are talking to.
Me: Um, sup.
Dad: Can he hear you?
Me: Yes.
Dad: Your girl has big boobs.
Me: Ya, Capcom pervs out a lot.
Friend: Is that your younger brother you are talking to?