Your skill level compared to your friends


New member
Jan 22, 2012
The title says it all.
There is always someone better than you at just about anything. But it is easy enough to figure out who is the best in a small group of people. And it is arguable that it is the only setting where your skill level honestly matters.

So how do you stack up against them?
Are you amazing/terrible at (fighting games/shooters/rpgs/puzzles/trouble in terrorist town/etc.)?
Or are you the jack of all trades, master of none?


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Well i am a jack of all trades . I'm decent at every genre , EXCEPT rts . I hate micromanaging with a firey passion from hell . Against my friends i'm always THAT guy . Because i play games way more than any of my gamer friends . Sure if i play a game that i never played before i will lose , but if i have played it , i tend to be better than my friends mostly because i will have played it more . I just wish they would rank up their skills so we can LEARN TOGETHER . I swear if i had a proper fighting game buddy , we'd be good tournament players . And practicing with randoms isn't as instructive . Surebyou may learn a couple of things , but having a hardcore game buddy helps with motivation and stuff .


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Well I remember when I was younger, I would regularly play with my next door neighbors at whatever game we were into at the time, whether it be Donkey Kong 64, Mario Party, Crash Team Racing, Halo 3, ect.

It's sort of a toss up who ends up being better at which game.

A few months back though, my cousin was visiting in my town for a week or two to help my family and I help move our grandparents out of their home when they couldn't take care of themselves anymore. When we weren't doing that, he would play games like Halo Reach with me. Between me and him, I ended up winning the most matches. He complimented me on my skills as a gamer and said I was really good.

Of course, I was about four years older than him and played games longer than he did, so there's that. Our situations could easily be reversed.

When it comes to fighting games however, I am TERRIBLE when playing with my friends. I remember rage quitting out of Soul Caliber 4 because I had a hard time fighting against them.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
Among my friends I'm one of the worst. None of us really have a specialty, we play everything. Though there are skill levels. Friend A kicks ass at everything, friend B kicks ass at anything he knows, friend C is my level, and friend D is hard to gauge since he claims to be good but if you don't play in a style he knows how to beat he calls me a cheater. Using fighting games as an example, he can counter most moves. I button mash which is too random for him to counter or spam long ranged attacks and he doesn't block, so I'm a cheater. If I take the time to learn a character I'm a cheater since he switches it up and never masters one character. I don't play against him anymore.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
I can hold my own in shooters and sports games, usually get my arse kicked at fighting games, and among my friends at least I am a God among men at racing games!


New member
Aug 29, 2011
Let's see...

In terms of Super Smash Bros., I'm on par with a few of my friends. For arcade shooters, I'm one of the best (especially when alcohol is involved for some odd reason). I'm also okay with arcade fighting games, but not as good as some of my friends.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Depnds a lot really, very few of me and my friends play too much the same games so when we play we're often pretty unbalanced...


New member
Feb 5, 2012
I suck at all multiplayer, which is why I stick to single player games or games that have a very heavy emphasis on the single player experience.


New member
May 10, 2012
I'm that guy who plays the single player, knows all the shortcuts/combos/etc, and generally ends up having to drag them through an area when they miss the stuff that was obvious on the second or third run. It tends to make the whole thing less fun for all of us so when I do play with my friends, it's normally something pick-up-and-playable like CoD or Halo. A lot of the RPG games I play don't have multiplayer so I'm kind of a loner on that end.
Oct 2, 2012
I dominate my friends in all games and game types unless I haven't played it. Then once I do get some practice I start wiping the floor with their crushed and broken bodies.

....Then I hop online and get utterly destroyed by strangers...


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
When it comes to Super Smash Bros. I am teh best. No body can beat me with Lucas.

First Person Shooters on the other hand... well, let's just say that I'm not very good at them. I was just playing Black Ops 2 with my buddy in split-screen and I'm always at the bottom of team and he's at the top. Or maybe I just suck at arcade-y shooters. I tend to do fairly well when playing Bad Company 2.

When it comes to RPGs, I tend to have more experience because I seem to be the only one in the group that plays JRPGs.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I'm a lot like KrazyKidd. I can play pretty much every genre fairly well, and as good as or better than most of my friends, but I dominate them in fighting games. It's just not really fair when we play and just ends up not being fun for either me or them.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Being an experienced all-round gamer, I perform well in most types of games. I'm above my friends in most games, but a few of them are much better at games like DotA 2 than I am, them mostly only playing it over other games. Though if I played more, I've no doubt I could match their skill, probably even exceed them.


Cosplaying Nuclear Physicist
Nov 19, 2009
I'm pretty much on par with my graduate friends in terms of physics knowledge. The only difference comes from the higher "yeared" graduate students who have taken higher classes.

I think I have a fairly good skill in drawing in comparison to my other friends in graduate college. Although it's not fantastic, the technique I've used has matured a whole lot more than what it was like a year ago, and far greater by two years or more.


New member
Jan 16, 2011
There's a very strict hierarchy in my close-knit circle of friends. It goes a little but like this:

Friend #1
Friend #2, Friend #3

That's how it goes in most games. Though in Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive, Armored Core and some racing games I get to be the top guy. Anything that requires number crunching is mine too. Oh, and Crazy King in Halo Reach. I win those every single time, but only that gametype. I don't even know why. Everybody else is murdering each other while I score ALL the points!


New member
Apr 16, 2008
I'm a Jack of All Trades... I guess. I can beat most games these days on Normal, or Hard, but i rarely have the patience to beat them if they aren't fun. I also play most genres except for Racing and Sports games.

As for friends that I hang out with, it depends on the game, and who has played it more. Right off the bat I'm usually better, but my friends tend to have better memory of a game than I do.

My friend bought the HD rerelease of Perfect Dark when it first came out and he plays it almost everyday. He knows the multiplayer maps better than his own apartment. So he can easily dominate me when we play.

A few months ago, he bought Unreal Tournament 3, and when neither of us knew the maps, I was on the top of the scoreboard. Now he can dominate me, as he learned the maps, while I haven't.

I also tend to stick to singleplayer games, or rather multiplayer with IRL friends online, or split screen co-op. My friends are less likely to troll/grief at my expense. It doesn't stop us from trolling the enemy/the rest of our teams though. Go Go 6 Boots Urgot and Manamune Shen.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
I'm the Jack of All Trades, which leaves me in an all round better position than most of my friends as we play all sorts of different games, and I am always consistently high scoring in each of them - though not the best [Note: High scoring relative to the median. In some games like Guitar Hero, there is one of my friends who absolutely dominates and will have 4 times my score at the end, whilst I'm at 3 or 4 times everyone else's score's when they played the song].
One of my friends is the best at RTS and FPS. In RTS he will consistently kick my ass, though I can stand against him fairly well, he just ends up winning through attrition and map control. FPS we're about equal on, though he's got a definite advantage on consoles as I never use them, and on PC the average result is him winning by a couple of points, though that's not always the case. He's also pretty pro at RPGs having grown up with his dad playing D&D at least once a week, whilst I've only had CRPG experience over the last 6 years. At the same time, he sucks at Guitar Hero, fails at 4X games, is meh at action RPGs and fighting games and really where he's good at is basically just RTS, FPS and RPGs. Oh, and MOBAs. He will 1v5 the rest of the group and win. We know his strategy, we just can't execute it as effectively thanks to gold and XP share, and we don't work well enough as a team whilst he goes for an agility based character with high stun chance. We all end up permastunned by the time he reaches level 5 Q.Q.
Another of my friends is only good at fighting games. He will dominate the rest of our group without getting hit once [Except when we get to our second matches against him and I figure out what the easiest combo to use is >.>] in most PC or arcade based fighting games. Move to any other game type and he's laughably bad though. He is the epitome of failure in everything but fighting games, and is consistently last every time. Doesn't stop him being a trolling pain in the ass in those games though, and it leads to a lot of funny moments we all look back on fondly.
Another of my friends is good at racing games and Guitar hero, but meh at everything else. He's passable at FPS and fighting games, but head into RTS, 4X, RPG or other such games and he's screwed. His skills revolve around fast finger movements and twitch reactions, and you get into something with strategy in it and he's got nothing.
Another of my friends is a Jack of All Trades like me, but not very good at most games. On the flipside he is the best healer anyone in my friend group has ever played with. He'll know your on low health and will have healed you before the game even gives you a warning, or will have revived you before you realise you're dead. He seems to have an unlimited energy pool, and is often the only one keeping us from a total team wipe.
And then there's another Jack of All Trades who specialises in nothing, but takes things too calmly and slowly to be good at anything. He can be alright at MOBAs and RPGs thanks to having time to plan a little in advance, and being able to react quickly if hes prepared, but otherwise meh.

Me, I'm the Jack of All Trades who is consistently second or third no matter the genre, and occasionally first dependent on the game, genre and who's playing at the time. Me and the friend who's good at RTS, FPS, RPGs and MOBAs are generally considered the best gamers in our group. Put us on a team and we're unbeatable, especially if we get the healer.

Total LOLige

New member
Jul 17, 2009
I'm one of the worst at CoD, once in a blue moon I rip shit up. I'm a monster at Gears though but not many of my friends play it. I'm not good but I'm not really bad just bad.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I'm by far the best in my group of friends, ranging from fighting games (in which my friends have to team up on me and still lose) to shooters. Not to mention while playing Portal co-op, the issue was I would figure out the answers to the puzzle first and had to just tell my friend where to go and what to shoot.

I really don't meet many fellow gamers in person (and it's usually the Starcraft type, which I have no interest in).