Your skill level compared to your friends


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Well im pretty good I suppose but thats only because a lot of my friends dont play anymore but I suppose I am generally best at fighting games another friend tends to win at FPS games another at RTS and the last one who still plays regularly well er I suppose hes middling at FPS (but better than me as I am incredibly rusty), RTS and Racing games but terrible at Fighting games. Its pretty hard to play each other now tbh one of us always destroys the other or holds them back if its co-op.

Now against people online well sometimes I do better than expected but usually I get destroyed as I just dont have the time to put in the practice I would like not to mention the lag can ruin everything its pretty hard to land a combo or get your tactics down when you seem to be teleporting around the screen.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
I usually beat the shit out of most of my friends in every genre except FPS. I dunno why, but I think I was brought up on Mario while they were brought up on Doom. I still enjoy FPSs, but I'm not good at them.


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2011
I'm the best at PC Games i know, Slightly better to Same level with PC Games i don't know, and Absolute crap with games on the Xbox/Playstation.

Out of my group of friends, i'm the one who plays games the most, but i'm also the only one who hates the Xbox360 and PS3, so i'm at a disadvantage in that category.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
I used to be pretty good at warcraft 3, then I took and arrow.... nah I'm kidding, I'm pretty medicore gamer all in all, The most action, quick reflex thing on my computer is Binding of Isaac, I lean more to rpgs, turn-based strategies and stealth games... so I don't think I'm better than my friends who play shooters and other competitive stuff.
But I could probably wipe their asses in Mount & Blade, since I knocked an insane amount of time into that particular game.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
I'm absolutely atrocious at FPS, but for some reason find myself only in the middle of the pack where my friends are concerned. That said, those who are good in our group(s), are good. Most other genres get looked over. We tend towards RPGs, and it's a bit hard to compare properly in them. The only other genre we could compare ourselves in is...whatever genre Rock Band and Guitar Hero sit in. There, I have one friend who's got no competition among anyone I know, one friend who's on par with me (he does get more playing in, though, so he usually comes out ahead these days), and one who's not far below...while all the rest don't even compare. The gaps in skill level are astonishing, really.


Add a beat to normality
Nov 16, 2009
I'm not good at any game except perhaps RPGs, which are almost impossible to be bad at, but I'm not appallingly terrible at anything either. I've played too many games for way too long to ever be terrible, but I will never ever become a master at any game either.
I have one or two friends who are extremely good at one or two games, but worse than me at most other games. I'm completely unremarkable, and incredibly average (if "incredibly" average was actually something you could be, rather than just average.)

Bagged Milk

New member
Jan 5, 2011
Amongst (screw you Chrome, that's a word) my friends, I'm the best at platformers, puzzle games, and strategy but I'm the worst at FPSs. It probably helps that I play more of those genres than they do.


victim of VR
Jul 29, 2011
I don't play video games with other people. All my friends are into tabletop games or sports or drinking. That said, I'm generally above average at platformers and garbage at shooters. I'm about average at everything else, but overall I'd say I'm a pretty bad gamer.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
I'm for the most part a jack of all trades. We're all pretty equal at most shooters (both first and third person), I'm better than them at FIFA and platformers like Rayman Origins and the like. I'm pretty much the worst of my friends at racing games (although that's still not terrible) and anyone can beat anyone when it comes to fighters/brawlers, although I am better than most of them at Super Smash Bros specifically.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Better at fighters than most people, competent but generally worse at shooters, and generally competent at anything else. I never tried RTS so that doesn't count. Pretty damn good at turn based RPG. Boss battles that stump people aren't that bad for me.


New member
May 16, 2010
Back in the day, before Internet, or my own income, games were are thing shared among my neighborhood. It has always been the case that no one player was the best at every game, and back then it was clear that whoever was the keeper of the game and had the most time to play it was usually the best when the next time came to play it. Lending friends games was usually a good way to get them to be better than you next time you faced off, if they were a good player. I still see the same trend now, since no matter how good you are, even at a particular genre, if you haven't been playing a particular game a lot you'll tend to lack the edge against those that do. But any true gamer has this minimum skill, even when playing a game they never seen before.

I could name plenty of multiplayer games where I had a clear edge for a particular time, but even when I was unbeatable this was always a state of flux, if the game was good enough to keep us playing it. But what I was really known for back in my neighborhood was for my skill playing single player RPG's. Players would come to me with save files they had managed to get themselves into that seem unwinnable, and I would get them out of it, every time, first try, even if I never played the game before. I relished the chance, since I would never play so bad to get myself into these situations... and as good as my track record is, these situation where battles I wasn't sure I could win -and I love that feeling.

Lot of people like to say there is no skill involved in playing an turn base RPG, because of how easy many of them are. Well, try taking on one of the final dungeons, with no way to back track, no method of healing, sub-par equipment/level, for a game you've never played before, without any Internet strategy guide. You must be flawless in your execution, decision, timing, perception, recollection, and prediction. Just like being good at any other game.


New member
Nov 15, 2011
All of my friends are capable of keeping pace with me, and I'm a good ways above average - though by no means elite status - as a player myself. I'm also confident one in particular is better than me at feasibly anything videogame related, and that another is better especially in a competitive sense, owed partly to his strong desire to win, and thus get better at winning.

I don't like videogame competition much myself, and have spent the vast majority of my time away from it, but found I can be pretty good at it recently, and that I in turn get better at it because I hate losing to certain - and frequent - types of players, namely the cowardly, people who use anonymity to be raging assholes, and campers. Ye gods, do I hate campers. I frequently build my offense specifically to frustrate people who camp.

Their tears are delicious.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
It depends on the type of game.

For example, my friend Colton is a god when it comes to Pokemon and he always beats me in Super Smash Bros., but I can whoop him at basically anything else.

Generally, though, I'd say my skills fall somewhere in-between "below average" and "decent".


New member
Dec 16, 2008
I'm pretty good at some platformers, and a bit bad at others. Stuff like Mario, I'm worse then, say, stuff like D.K.C., but that's because D.K.C. has different turning then Mario, as in, you can turn on a dime in one, and not so much in the other.
Still, FPS's? Varying levels of crap. Again, it depends on the game - I can be a pretty mean medic in TF2, if it's one on one, but if it's a bunch of people I'm almost guaranteed to get bashed to a pulp. And as for CoD and it's ilk... Well, let's just say that I don't like being rushed and playing something involved twitch reflexes, and leave it at that, huh?
Now, LEARNING a game, I am a god-damn boss at. I can pretty much learn most games with barely any effort. (Except fighting games, but come on, that shit is almost manual-required for the most part, isn't it? Or are you just supposed to know intrinsically the different combos and such?) And puzzle games, well... Good at those, except when they involve physics, because physics add an almost random element for the most part.
So yeah, I'm good at some games, I guess? And learning them? And... yeah.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
My skill level far outstrips all but one of the few real life friends I have that play games. However, that one friend is on average my equal in most genres. I tend to prevail in games where fast reflexes are important, like fighters or fps, while he usually beats me in any genre that benefits from thinking ahead and planning, like for example strategy games. This is mostly due to him being far more competitive than me, resulting in him spending more time to master every aspect of a game, which my better reflexes tend not to compensate for.

When it comes to online friends, I'm not the best, but I'm pretty high in the ranking for most games.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
I'm probably the 2nd or 3rd best at shooters and RTS but I blow 'em all away if we fire up a racing game or a fighter...


New member
Aug 11, 2012
Among my circle of friends I'm probably the worst at almost everything we play. I don't really care though, seeing as we never take anything seriously.
But if we play a deathmatch in Halo or any other FPS, I always come last. I'm lucky if I even get a kill.
Actually, come to think of it, in co-op beat 'em ups like Castle Crashers, I'm usually one of the best. But that's about it.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
I wreck everyone when we play Smash Bros. I tend to do better than them at every fighter we play, however, I'm by no means good at fighters... except Smash Bros. I do really well when it comes to Pokemon, League, and Magic the Gathering too.

However, with the slight exception of TF2, I get my ass kicked at just about every FPS. My skill at platformers is also pretty sub-par


Why does it say I'm premium now?
Apr 22, 2012
I am sometimes good at FPS, usually second only to a friend we know as 'Cobra' and one step above this other friend who blames everyone else when he fails. I usually have a few games everyday where I suck, usually the first game and the 3rd or 4th game on the same game mode. I am best (for me) at Battlefield 3 and Halo 4. I suck at everything else though, especially fighting games.

Edit: Actually, sucking is a strong word for me and RTS. I can't win, but by ysmir can I turtle! No one is getting past my 3-tiered wall of tesla coils (C&C Red Alert 3) or superior defense line of tau fire warriors (DoW Soulstorm).