Your Skyrim character quirks.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
My character has an armor rating of 431, his block absorbs 123% physical damage and 75% magical damage and has a fascination with punching people in the face with his shield.

The Pinray

New member
Jul 21, 2011
I enjoy role playing. My Nord Fenrir used to change every night into his werewolf form until he learned to control it. Now he's only forced once a month, until he can learn to fully control himself. Also, after a stint in the Companions and becoming Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, he decided that he doesn't want this life of murder anymore.

So my quirk would be that I live a normal life in Falkreath helping at the lumber mill every day. Also, that I'll force myself to transform when I experience something that enrages Fenrir.

And I make my money by selling my fire wood and any jewelry he can forge. He's a good blacksmith. And Falkreath is great for all the woods nearby that he can run to when he can't control his transformations.

May move back to Windhelm, but he hates Ulfric. So he might go to Solitude, see if they need any help there.

To some it's boring, I'm having a blast. :)


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Bumping for awesomeness.

Also, I forgot to mention that my character is a massive pyromaniac. Throws Fireballs everywhere. Flames stuff when he's bored.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
kouriichi said:
No, Raj have no quirks. Pretty normal person.

Other then when on moonsugar. Or Skooma.

Ok, Raj have many bad habits. Cant help but eat everything pick up. "What giants toe taste like? BLARG! Taste like Damage Stamina!"

Raj also collects Buckets. Wife Mjoll complain. "Why you must have room full of buckets!?!?" she always ask. "What if person want to steal Raj bukkit? Must have many in case they do!" i tell her. She not understand.

Worst habit of all? Raj hate wearing helmet. To confining. So when combat start, Raj not get any armor bonus. Get butt kicked because leather hood cramp style.
Make me look like necrophiliac. Raj not want to look like necrophiliac!
Time he sleep with corpse was complete accident. Honest.

..... Should probably lay off sweetroll. They make Raj do strange things. Stick to moonsugar from now on.
I do enjoy Raj post, does he plan on making a journal?


New member
Jun 8, 2010
My main character (at the moment. I've had 4 characters get to about lvl 20 so far) is an Argonian assassin/thief guy. I steal a lot of stuff and I kill pretty much anyone I see in the wilds. My quirky thing is that I will hide bodies even if no one cares that I killed them. Like one time I got attacked by a group of thugs at the Riften docks and after killing them I dragged all their bodies over to the end of the dock and into the water.

Also, I'll do whatever someone wants me to do as long as it's profitable for me, but they better hope that after I've done their task that killing them isn't also profitable for me.

EDIT: Oh yeah I forgot. I also slaughter every Thalmor bastard that I see because I hate those egotistical pricks. I sided with the Stormcloaks even though I abhor Ulfric and his racially intolerant followers just because the Empire has been reduced to a puppet of the Thalmor.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Aside from mercilessly slaughtering every Thalmor I come across there aren't that many. My characters dad was killed in the Battle of the Red Ring so he seriously hate him some elves. He's a member of the legion and even though I have much better gear whenever I do a quest for them I put on legion armour since it feels more right when fighting alongside other legionars

Also every weapon that he used for a long period of time is kept in his inventory. I would display them but I have no idea where you buy stuff for your Whiterun house or even if you can buy the necessary display cases.

Veldt Falsetto

New member
Dec 26, 2009
I have a few characters but there's my two ME characters

Veldt Falsetto has a weird quirk in that he's a thief/warrior with a mastery of the sword and blocking however he never ever uses a shield, ever no matter what, he'll always block with his sword.

My mage or...well my real personality, has some weird obsession with plants and animals, I can't go anywhere without picking every alchemy ingredient up, including cooking ingredients like apples and potatoes, so much so that I have about 65 potatoes and not enough salt to use them all.

Both characters have this weird thing where I CAN NOT use the fast travel function, I will ALWAYS walk to where I need to go, usually on the road but I'll always walk and never fast travel, thankfully Skyrim has given me a horse and carriage I can hire so my mage won't overexert himself by walking everywhere as the unfit mess he is but yeah. Some weird quirks


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Gabanuka said:
Also every weapon that he used for a long period of time is kept in his inventory. I would display them but I have no idea where you buy stuff for your Whiterun house or even if you can buy the necessary display cases.
I don't think there's one for Whiterun's house (I may be wrong), but at the end of the Dark Brotherhood quest chain you can buy stuff for the sanctuary and you get a weapon rack and a mannequin for armor


New member
Oct 1, 2009
KefkaCultist said:
Gabanuka said:
Also every weapon that he used for a long period of time is kept in his inventory. I would display them but I have no idea where you buy stuff for your Whiterun house or even if you can buy the necessary display cases.
I don't think there's one for Whiterun's house (I may be wrong), but at the end of the Dark Brotherhood quest chain you can buy stuff for the sanctuary and you get a weapon rack and a mannequin for armor

Yeh I have a separate character with all that. This guys not dark brotherhood and it wont fit the character. Oh well guess I'll save my pennies for the solitude house.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
My character HAS to hide the bodies if hes trying to sneak, even if there is no one around.
He also hoards gems and golden ingots in his basement, i swear if i sold all of them i would have over 50,000 gold. Oh and he turns into a werewolf every two nights.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
My character has some serious eating disorders. They will go weeks without eating and then just randomly consume every edible thing in their possession. They will also consume every corpse when a werewolf and then just wait an hour and turn back afterwards anyway.


New member
Oct 12, 2011
My character is named Zubaz. While i haven't played the game enough to completely make his character, I have a basic idea. Zubaz never sleeps and has only used a bed once. He also has a minor case of ADD. Why, just yesterday, He was adventuring to one of the story quests and came to a fork. He thought "I may as well go the other way. i can checkpoint there when I go back to breezehome to dump my useless things. He (Along with Lydia, who he despises for always getting in the way and generally being dumb. This is why he always makes her attack his enemies.) visited a lumber mill, and started the quest with clavicles vile and the talking dog. He is also a 'FRIEND OF ALL CHILDREN!', and loves helping children and playing with them. This is actually what sent him to the beginning of the game. The imperials are very paranoid when it comes to bearded men playing with children. I may as well make him collect a specific item and just laugh when i enter my home to find the floor littered with leather boots.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
Madhawk said:
Another thing is that while assaulting Stormcloak forts during the imperial legion quests (I'm the least patriotic nord ever. Shut up, I came from Bruma.) when we've completed the goal of reducing their numbers, he always allows the defeated forces to flee. Any Imperial soldiers who persist in trying to kill the surrendering soldiers are executed.
My kahjiit assassin/thief, does the exact opposite, due to the stormcloaks xenophobia, he absolutely has to kill every single one of them, going as far as to chase one stormcloak a distance similar to the road between windhelm and winterhold.


New member
Jul 1, 2011
WolfThomas said:
...My main character seems to have developed a few weird personality quirks solely by the way I play.

Books, my character is obssessed with books, to the point where I moved houses just for more shelf space. Everytime I find books I have to think if I have a copy at home, if I'm not sure I take it, better safe than sorry, especially with numbered volumes. Whenever an enemy has a good selection of books, I somehow can't not admire them a little despite how evil they are. Boy I had fun raiding the Thalmor embassy's study.
I'm sorry, your obssesion made me think of this. ^

My character won't go into caves or crypts alone, ever. I alway have to have a companion if I'm tomb raiding, otherwise I'm a nervous wreck. Mainly because I'm so loot focused I don't watch for enemies. A companion watchs my back and warns me for trouble.

Finally I won't ever travel at night, this is a mostly practial thing, but I also have to find an inn and sleep there. Somehow I've unintentionally ended up roleplaying day and night cycles pretty well.
I like this. imo, a game gets extra point when it can make you respond in a roleplaying manner like this.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
My wood elf ranged assassin had a dire need to acquire one of everything. also she hated anything that was the color blue and immediately ate, killed, or destroyed anything blue. She never used magic and always sold magic books so she didn't have to carry them. She also loved dunmer ruins so much she would get lost for hours on end and never want to leave. Sadly she only had one save and it was tragically written over so now a new one will have to be made.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
kidd25 said:
kouriichi said:
No, Raj have no quirks. Pretty normal person.

Other then when on moonsugar. Or Skooma.

Ok, Raj have many bad habits. Cant help but eat everything pick up. "What giants toe taste like? BLARG! Taste like Damage Stamina!"

Raj also collects Buckets. Wife Mjoll complain. "Why you must have room full of buckets!?!?" she always ask. "What if person want to steal Raj bukkit? Must have many in case they do!" i tell her. She not understand.

Worst habit of all? Raj hate wearing helmet. To confining. So when combat start, Raj not get any armor bonus. Get butt kicked because leather hood cramp style.
Make me look like necrophiliac. Raj not want to look like necrophiliac!
Time he sleep with corpse was complete accident. Honest.

..... Should probably lay off sweetroll. They make Raj do strange things. Stick to moonsugar from now on.
I do enjoy Raj post, does he plan on making a journal?
I may. i may not.
Only time will tell.

And money. Money will tell to. Raj wants lots of it! So wife Mjoll can stop pestering me about getting job. Then Raj get to sleep in bed for once! Almost forget what warm blanket feel like.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
-I do not use magic.

-I don't always drink mead but when I do, I prefer Black-Briar.