Your Stupidest Moment in Gaming


New member
Mar 19, 2008
We've all done something completely and utterly bone-headed at some point in our gaming lives. What was YOUR stupidest moment in gaming?

For me it was while playing Arcanum. I was trying to make Magnus "use" a book because he wasn't leveling up a certain skill and I thought that using the book would let him make a certain type of cool armour for me (Arcanum is an RPG, and you can't control how the NPCs like Magnus level up). Little did I know that you can't make NPCs use books, only the PC can use them. Well, that didn't stop me from trying everything I could think of.

Eventually it hit me! "I know!", I thought, "I'll equip the book on my hot-key bar and "use" it on Magnus. That'll work!" So I dragged the book down to the hotkey bar, clicked it, then clicked on Magnus... And promptly hucked the book right at his head. I knocked him right the hell out, too. From 50 to 0 endurance in one shot. Randy Johnson didn't have an arm like my half-ogre. Magnus was a wee bit pissed after that, and promptly attacked me when he eventually regained consciousness.

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
God has there been too many to count. Here's the most recent one: I once spent an hour an a half looking for a sniper scope in some fetch quest in Borderlands. Turns out it was behind the building I searched about 9 times. Never thought to look behind the building.

Here's my personal favorite. I built this badass house in Minecraft. It was nestled into a mountain and surrounded by a wall. I decided I wanted to build a lava moat. Due to some pretty heavy lag, I end of falling into the lava and dying. I respawn, and it turns out I don't remember what island my fucking house is on. I spend 5 hours looking for it and wasn't even close to finding it. Now I just build my house on the spawn island.


Arctic fox and BACON lover
Jun 13, 2009
Every damn time I threw a grenade against a wall, bounces back to my feet and detonates.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Oh man, I know I have plenty but I can't think of any right on the spot, it happens every time I stumble upon a thread like this. Let me get back to you on this.
EDIT: Okay, I can remember this one time when I was playing Shadow of the Colossus, I spent an hour looking to find the next Colossus, when all I needed to do was cross a bridge.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
In Minecraft I built an awesome, big ass house type thing. It wasn't quite finished yet though, and it was getting dark. I decided to go back inside one of my other buildings to sleep and skip the night, but I forgot to put some light inside my unfinished building.

I came back the next day, opened the door, and waiting for me inside were 4 motherfucking creepers.

Yep. 4 of them. A whole squad. They all exploded and my building was basically gone.


New member
Dec 11, 2010
I have to say it's a tie between 2 incidents. The first was during Blood Omen 2, in the level after the first boss. I came out of the sewers & couldn't find where to go next. I searched & searched, but eventually died from having no one to feed on. It took me forever to realize I was supposed to climb up the clearly visible ledge behind me & onto the roof.

The second incident was during Minecraft. I got the brilliant idea to build a fireplace inside my house. I thought it was safe since I used bricks to make it. It was only after I set the logs on fire that I realized the floors above me were burning. Needless to say I had to rebuild most of my house.


New member
Jan 3, 2011
Let me think, theres been so many. There's tghe one time I rpg'd wy whole team on MW2 by accident, in fallout I once tried to stealth my way into a raider hideout... only to find my way into a room full of them, oh and there was the time on bioshock when I accidentally hit not one but two big daddys. Needless to say they wiped the floor with my dumbass.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Too many to remember. Mostly in puzzle games where the answer is in plain sight.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
Sort of an ongoing one, but...
I always forget to synchronise viewpoints before jumping off them in Assassin's Creed 2/Brotherhood.
I didn't have this problem in the first one, though.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
mazzjammin22 said:
God has there been too many to count. Here's the most recent one: I once spent an hour an a half looking for a sniper scope in some fetch quest in Borderlands. Turns out it was behind the building I searched about 9 times. Never thought to look behind the building.

Here's my personal favorite. I built this badass house in Minecraft. It was nestled into a mountain and surrounded by a wall. I decided I wanted to build a lava moat. Due to some pretty heavy lag, I end of falling into the lava and dying. I respawn, and it turns out I don't remember what island my fucking house is on. I spend 5 hours looking for it and wasn't even close to finding it. Now I just build my house on the spawn island.
I've done that sniper quest with one of my friends, and each time we forget where the last part is.
OT: I would have to say my first time playing Fallout 3. I was worse then Tobuscus, and not on purpose. I didn't use VATs, and went to springvale elementary in the beginning.It was essentially me stabbing raiders with a knife in third person because I had no idea how to switch back to first. And thinking the game devs misspelled "outnumbered", which made me think there wasn't a weight limit. I think I eventually escaped, but not before dying more times then I would after I actually got the hang of things. Prior to that, I got murdered by Mirelurks, and thought they were super mutants.
Edit: And my first time playing Red Dead. I thought I knew a faster route one time, and followed it. I was going as fast as possible and didn't see the cliff until it was too late.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
I forget which game, but I got stuck in a puzzle room. Turns out it wasn't a puzzle, the door was unlocked the whole time.


New member
Mar 4, 2011
Best one I can think of was a while back. Had been playing Team Fortress 2 again for a couple month. I was really, /really/ tired though, so when it kept saying "Your intelligence has been dropped", I took it as an insult. Repeatedly. Thought it had some sort of ranking system based on how smart you played or something, and I was losing. (Custom rules server, mind.)

This took me about ten minutes to figure out.

My intelligence has been dropped.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Best one i can think of was my first kara raid on wow, i was following a mage and he jumped of a staircase so i did as well. Problem was he put slow fall on himself and i just fell to my death, best bit was watching everyone else in the group follow me to there death and the gm asking why everyone was dying. ^^


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
On the one level in Mass Effect 2 where your not allowed to go into the sun else your shields will be drained. yeah I didn't catch that part and I kept dying over and over again and I didn't understand why my shields kept going down even though the shields only went down in the sunlight I still couldn't put 1 and 1 together for awhile.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Most recent was Portal 2.

Chapter 2.

Spending appx 20 minutes walking around a test chamber absolutely stumped. I needed a cube, but there wasn't a cube to be found. I LOOKED EVERYWHERE. Was getting frustrated. Turned around, walked around the tall, cylindrical object in my path, and then still needed another minute or two to register the Giant Red Button on a Post I kept walking around that would drop my badly needed cube.

Easily my stupidest moment.



Senior Member
Jul 6, 2010
When I was playing the Armory of Knox DLC for Borderlands, I had gotten to the point after you get a race car sort of thing and you have to get through a bunch of crimson lance roadblocks, one of the roadblocks I couldn't get my vehicle through so I had to go by foot. When I was done killing all these crimson lance guys I went up to the end of the roadblock and it looked like I wouldn't be able to get through, so I spent the next 3 hours trying to find a way through, so I ended up asking my brother who had played it earlier how to get through. He told to go to the part where I thought I couldn't get through and then he told me to turn and look to the right, ends up there were stairs that went up onto the side of the roadblock and then took me past before going to this underground place where I had to kill this giant robot. God, if only i had turned my stupid character's head to the right 3 hours earlier I could have saved myself from all the headache.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
I have another stupid moment to report...

This one takes place in Everquest, where my level 1 noob Troll was farting around the troll starting zone. I got in trouble and started running to the guards. There was a human in chainmail standing by the side of the wall and I thought, "aha! a fellow player! he'll help me!" I ran past screaming, "HELP!", repeatedly. The human did nothing and I died. I respawned outside and went to retrieve my corpse at the foot of this unhelpful human. After looting my body, I proceeded to weave a tapestry of obscenity, all directed at this s.o.b. About 2 seconds later, he hauled off and pimp slapped me into the next zone. I respawned again and started asking people, "Am I flagged for pvp? Because some other player just beat the crap out of me." The responses were unanimous. "Is the guy who kicked the crap out of you a human in chainmail armour near the wall of the swamp?", they asked. "Yes", I replied.

"LOL, He's an NPC, you noob!"

I can laugh now, but I was rather red faced at the time. :)