Your thinnest margin of victory ever.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Athari Basin in World of Warcraft, the goal is to capture bases and get 1600 points before the other team
We won 1600-1590
I even got an achievement.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
On TF2, I was playing arena, and I was playing soldier against a medic, tank and scout. Apparently the medic had low hp, and I equalized the fuck out of all 3 of them with 5 hp to spare.



Jesus Phish

New member
Jan 28, 2010
Today playing WoW. WG was on and we alliance were on defence. With 40 seconds left the horde players broke down the door to the relic. Alliance go on to win by managing to keep all the horde players away from the gapping hole and right clicking once.

Another similar to above. Years ago while playing CS1.6 on assault. My whole team died. I jump in the vents and pop one guy, go up the ladder and pop another. Drop down and get another in the control room. Look around the corner and get another coming up the ramp. Notice another behind the crates near the back door. Get the hostages and start bringing them back. Run into the last guy on the terrorist team and manage to get a lucky head shot on him.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Malboro used bad breath
Party gets screwed
Gilgamesh used Excalipoor
Malboro died


New member
Dec 20, 2008
Coratto said:
Back in the days that I still played World of Warcraft, before the Lich King came to. Eye of the Storm was a big thing and PVP is just one of those things I'm not good at. The game was close like none could have imagine. Throughout the game each side took one tower the other conquered another and so on. When the points were nearing an end. The final score, Alliance 1999. Horde 2000 it was a fucking slime game if I ever saw one.
Yes I played Horde... I'm currently debating getting back into it -_- retail or private
LOL, makes me wonder if you were in my battle group when that happened. Was before Wrath that this happened, Alliance 1990, Horde 2000. Fucking sweet victory. :D

Is it bad that I want to type the Horde Battle Cry?


New member
Dec 13, 2009
Mine was in Fallout 3.

Albino Radscorpion ambushed me on low health. Had to fight it with low ammo and low health.
Killed it with seven HP to spare.


New member
Jan 21, 2010
In Pokemon Pearl, fighting the Veilstone Gym Leader Maylene. I had just beaten her first 2 Pokemon, so she was down to just one. My team had taken something of a pounding, but I was fairly confident I had could finish her off. Then she sends out a Level 30 Lucario (which was about 3 levels higher than anything else she had, and 2 levels higher than my strongest), and proceeds to rape me. I'm down to my Staravia, which is rather low on HP.

Next turn, I decide to use Endeavor. Lucario was faster, and used an Aura Sphere on me. I'm left with ONE HIT POINT.

Endeavor hits, and Lucario now has one Hit Point as well.

The next turn I use Quick Attack and win.

I'm pretty sure I danced after that.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
Actually I got the L4D achievement as the tank where you incap all 4 players. I incapped the last player less than 1 second before dying by fire/pistol bullets.

Also, I got the cr0wned achievement starting with about 60 health and the witch was standing next to a red car (the ones with the alarm) just 1 second before getting 23 damage pounced, and still managed to get away without our team setting off the car alarm and 17 health to spare. :D


New member
Jul 21, 2008
I was playing JakX, with my dad. Now Ill start by stating that my dad doesnt play that many video games, he does play them, just not very often. I however play a lot of video games, well i did leading up to this happening. We were playing a "Hunt" match, where the object of the game is to hunt and kill as many of the targets as possible. We set it for ten minutes. at about 5 minutes in i noticed something, i was losing, by a lot. I dont even know how this happened. So i decide to get serious. I start off by killing my dad (in the game), which resets his weapons to the original, weaker state. I then go into complete concentration mode and am silent for the next five minutes. Finally score: 41-40 for me. The resulting conversation was hilarious.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
TheYellowCellPhone said:
In a game of Team Fortress 2 at Badlands, we were playing the game where you push the bomb... what is it called, Gold Rush?
It's called Payload.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Just now, beat the (Spoilorz incometh!)

Lightning dragon thing in Dragon Age Awakening on Nightmare.
Only party member left standing was my warrior, with no stamina and about 150 health, but I fucking won.

A Weary Exile

New member
Aug 24, 2009
I had a similar expericence with the Elite Four, this was some years ago whenI was about right or so. It was me and Lance, I had Blastoise and he had a Dragonite. The only problem? I was out of PP for all of my moves, I managed to kill his half-health Dragonite with struggle, yeah that's right I won with struggle. :p


New member
Jun 11, 2009
Too many to count on TF2

...I cannot actually think of a good story. Sorry guys, but my games are just THAT epic all the time

Though there was that one time on that payload map on the last corner with Blue22. Damn that was tense. Whole teams blasting away at each other literal feet apart, whilst the whole world went to hell


New member
Mar 1, 2010
On the respect your elder heroic achievement on elder nadox in the Old kingdom instance. Our offtank died while tanking the guardian off a terminal case of the stupid. while I rushed to tank the guardian with my pet (hunter), the healer fell to the adds and then the tank and my pet died.

The rogue was still alive so I ran out and tanked the guardian by shooting it taking 2 hits quafing a potion feign deathing drawing it back in with distracting shot and shadowmeld and shooting it again, then I died and I looked at the rogues health bar, 10%, and then as the guardian charged back in the rogue stabbed the boss to death. DING achievement succes

I loved that rogue


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Battlefront 2 for the ps2

our team was down 56 tickets with the last round of spawns coming out.

we all die but I get the last ticket and I choose a wookie.

I kept killen them as they came got extreme lucky headshots on heros with my bowcaster and just kept going and won out in the end with only a few shots left in a dark ally


New member
Nov 18, 2009
In dead space when fighting the final boss it came down to this moment,

I only had to shoot it in one of its weak points to kill it, and I only had one ammo(literally one ammo, as in all my other guns were empty) and it grabed me and while being thrown around and held upside down about to die, I took the shot(I swear felt like everything froze in that moment) and I hit it! it died! I won with my very last shot! Was awsome!


New member
Dec 11, 2008
TheGameXXVII said:
on Pokemon SS
THE POKEMON ARE IN THE SS NOW!!!!???!! OT: In Oblivion i was fighting the main villain, his son and daughter with a rouge evil guy on my side, ran out of potions, my lil buddie was fighting the son and daughter and i kill the main baddie with 5% of my health left, but of course my buddy dies cause the universe collapses...I miss lil buddy.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Mine was very recent:

It was the part on FF13 were you have to fight Hope's eidolon Alexander, He hits me and puts me down to 20 health, I then hit him with a few magic and attacks which finally gets me the Gestalt button. The timer was down to 50 also, so it was very close.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Fighting Wiseman in Baten Kaitos Origins. Not only does he *constantly* sap your ability to pull off long combos every turn, he drains life with every attack and can pull off wickedly damaging finishing moves.

The only reason I won was because I took advantage of a long combo chain existing in the game for one of the main characters and pulled it off successfully.

And before you even fight Wiseman, you have to fight a gigantic freaking dragon with extremely deadly attacks and tons of HP! And if you can't beat Wiseman? Reset the whole thing and level grind 'till you can!