Your thoughts... A penny for them?


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
I'd post what's on my mind, but I swear the mods just wait for me to post something even slightly controversial so they can use my head for target practice with the hammer.

But seriously, "just because she looks at you and smiles---even if she does it more than once---does not mean she wants to fuck you." Because there are two girls I have classes with who are both very flirty and sweet with me but I'd be flattering myself to a degree too high even for MY over-inflated ego to think that I'd have a chance in hell of either of them accepting if I were to ask them out. I'm 33. They're both 22. I might as well be "that friendly if a bit creepy old dude."

(though I will say this...the brunette has an ass that makes me rethink my ordinarily Team Ninja-like "boob man" status. I could walk behind her for miles.)