*Your* Top 10 Most Disappointing Games Of All Time?


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Well, lets see...doubt I can get a top ten off the bat, but I'll throw a few up...also, I'll number them but they're not in any particular order. Also keep in mind I'm drawing a distinction between objectively bad games, and ones I found disappointing

1.Alien: Isolation. I've posted on this one a number of times. Hate it, hate it, hate it. No redeeming qualities from start to finish. Basically Dark Souls but without to terrible combat system to at least give you the illusion you had a chance.

2. Team Fortress 2. What the hell? Seriously?! THIS is the game people go apeshit for? THIS is the game that's spawned thousands- nay, tens of thousands of fan movies and gifs? THIS is the standard for team based FPS games? God help us all...

3. Evil Geniuses. A great idea, but holy hell was it difficult. I've tried the game dozens of times and each time I reach the same objective on the first island, steal $100,000 in 1 minute from across the globe. And this requires dozens and dozens of henchmen to be deployed, skyrocketing my 'global heat' meaning more enemy agents are sniffing around my suddenly empty base. I've lost soooooo many times because I get invaded. Worse, if I recall the henchmen, there's no guarentee they'll come back! More than half of them die trying to steal anyway, which reduces the amount I can steal. Everything else about the game was great fun! Just wish I could get passed the first level.

So yeah...fuck this one.

4. Borderlands 2. Actually, just reread what I said about Team Fortress 2. Maybe underline it a few times, add an exclamation mark or two to everything.

5. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. I hate cell-shading. I think it looks awful, feels lazy and it about on par with early 90s 3D. People say cell-shading looks as good years later as it did when it first came out, and I agree. But it looked awful then, and it looks awful now. I couldn't play more than an hour of Wind Waker before I threw the controller down and said "Nintendo, if you're not going to take this seriously, then neither am I."

6. Diablo 3. See above. Cell-shading. Fuck it.

7. Sid Meier's Civilization V. A turn based civilization game with terrible graphics, obtuse game mechanics and it takes 12+ hours per skirmish?! Yeah, no thanks! I'd rather just write "Boom! Boom! Next!" then wait two minutes a thousand times in Word.

That's about it, for now...
Again, I'd like to say these games aren't bad games per se. You may enjoy them greatly! Good! Great!
But to someone who was basically pressured into playing all of them on the promise of "there's never been another game like it!" let me just say all these games are at least notable for how generic they are.


New member
Feb 17, 2015
Top 10 most disappointing games? hmm

10) Quake 4 - The recycling of most of Doom 3's textures and assets really did it for me, and It didn't seem to have quite the same....ZIP as Quake 3 Arena did.

9) R.A.G.E - This was huge. I expected an Open World Shooter ala Borderlands, and got a corridor shooter with horribe texture pop-in and a ridiculously linear "overworld" for driving.

8) Dragon Age 2 - Bioware really dropped the ball on this one. The re-using of the same levels over and over again made this game such a slog, although I dont think the story was as weak as many fans seem to think. TBH I actually kinda liked DA2's story more then Origins.

7) Thief - The reboot of Thief was very half-a$$ed. The ridiculous limitations on the Rope Arrow really got me steaming. The Rope arrow in the original games is what made you able to find crazy paths to finishing levels, by contextualizing it, they severely limited how open the levels were, made the game feel like a linear stealth game as opposed to the more open feeling of previous iterations.

6) Vanilla Diablo 3 - I say Vanilla Diablo 3 because now Diablo 3 is kinda awesome, but it was masochistic love of the series that kept me playing it in the beggining. How they got the loot so wrong, I will never understand, the Pay2Win Auction hall was totally bonkers.

5) Soul Calibur 3 - I was a huge Soul Calibur 2 fan, and the way they changed the move lists of all my favorite characters(Namely Mitsurugi and Nightmare) really made me sad. I know that Siegfried KINDA plays like SC2 Nightmare it just isn't quite the same.

4) Crysis 2 - Crysis was an absolutely superlative game.Sandbox level design, the nano suit and go forth and unleash havoc. Then Crysis 2 came out, and the sandbox is gone, replaced with linear level design.....sigh, Crytek how did you mess this up.

3) Destiny - Borderlands combined with Halo?? How could this be bad??!! Then you get to level 20, and grindgrindgrind....ugh

2) Legacy of Kain Defiance - The Legacy of kain series is basically GrimDark Zelda to me. Then I played Defiance, and I was like horribly done dial-a-combo gameplay?? Why try to be Devil May Cry, your gameplay before was so much better.....

1) Devil May Cry 2 - Once I realized you could beat the entire game using nothing but the pistols, I never played it again. DMC is SUPPOSED to be difficult....ad you made it STUPID easy...god damn you Capcom.


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
Thanatos2 said:
Top 10 most disappointing games? hmm

10) Quake 4 - The recycling of most of Doom 3's textures and assets really did it for me, and It didn't seem to have quite the same....ZIP as Quake 3 Arena did.
Wait..what? They did a Quake 4?

I remember playing Doom, then Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3 and finally the somewhat okay Doom 3.

I must have completely missed Quake 4 (and Doom 2 as well)..weird.