Your ultimate fantasy job


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
Like so many others here, I want to be a writer. I doubt that I'll be one though, as I haven't been able to commit on paper more than a paragraph or two on each story that flies through my head.

When I was little I wanted to be a female Indiana Jones (NOT Lara Croft); maybe I should fall back on that one...

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
I would like to open up my own record store in my town, that'd be such a sweet job.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
1) a professional, modern assassin (47-ish)
2) a modern, highly trained assassin, enforcing justice where the system fails (ok ok, revenge... what's the difference anyway??) like, uhm... this one guy from this one book/movie/game vigilante-style! ^^
3) does being a godlike supernatural power that brings insanity and destruction count?

captcha agrees: good luck


New member
Jul 24, 2010
With the way my states and americas economy is i would just like to have a job, but that in it's self is a dream


New member
Jun 10, 2009
I would be a football playing king in space(with a mustache).
Cookies for the reference.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Assassin/Mercenary/Special Ops Soldier doing jobs targeting international criminals, pirates, terrorist leaders and other scum of the earth (think Hitman, Sam Fisher or Jason Statham in the movie "The Mechanic).

And yes I'm dead serious. Besides being one of the most exciting (and in some cases well-paid) professions in the world (even if it's mostly fiction-based), i don't mind killing if the targets are in the groups mentioned above.


New member
Jun 29, 2010
Computer Games Developer, the coding side of it preferably. Which is what I plan to do in uni. I just need the grades...


New member
Nov 6, 2010
amaranth_dru said:
Funny, like you dream job #1 is pro-wrestler though at this point in life I'm a bit over-age to start that now despite previous stints in the backyard/indie scene. Its a tough business to break into, tougher than pretty much anything else I would say. Beyond the physical aspect, it takes charisma, in-ring knowledge and versatility, a wealth of patience and most of all persistence. I'd love nothing better to do just that but the travel hours alone would be very stressful on my family who I love very much.
Yeah there's a lot of stuff holding me back. Lack of charisma, inability to speak properly (horrible speech impediment), lack of coordination, lack of upper body strength, lack of lower body strength, lack of athletic ability, lack of general knowledge about in-ring psychology and stuff of that nature, lack of patience, and travelling as much as it requires would kill my relationship. The only things about it I can do is that I can take idiotic risks very well, and I'm good at handling pain. So all the proper grappling stuff I'd be shit at but if you need someone thrown from a height through a table, I'm your fucking man.

It'll never happen but if I could do it I fucking would cause I just can't shake this feeling that it must be the best fucking feeling in the world do go out there every night and do that. Plus knowing that people do it for a living makes my life feel kind of empty. They're out there entertaining millions and I'm sitting behind a computer screen criticising the people I don't like while wishing I could trade lives with them.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Catchy Slogan said:
StBishop said:
We have no natural predators, our largest animals are all herbivorous (with the notable exeption of crocodiles, but they only live up north and not near major cities).

I'm not sure if you're joking, but I don't know where this "Australia is dangerous" shit comes from.

I've not seen a spider for at least a month and that was the only spider I've seen since moving into this apartment. Which I've lived in for a year, and is in a rather well foliaged area.

I've not seen a snake since I left Queensland (it's a northern State) and that was '09.

I don't see what people think we do, we don't have much other than birds and domestic animals (pets) in our cities.

I mean, sure there's sharks, but it's cold as fuck in the ocean and there's pools around.

EDIT The spider was smaller than the nail on my smallest toe. I don't think it could kill a small rodent, let alone a human.
Well, I've never seen a wild shark, snake, crocodile in my life. and that spider is probably about as big as a spider to freak me out. The tiny one are the one that really scrare me. they can scuttle around so fast and are really hard to track. Damn Phobia.

I'm sorry if I offended you or anything, but it's seems dangerous to me. And I tend to over anylze/ panic about things more than other people. It also might have something to do with leaving my comfort zone. i.e the North of England.
Oh, I'm not offended. I just find it confusing.

I suppose that a phobia of spiders would discourage moving somewhere that's supposed to have more spiders, but one spider annually is pretty good in my mind.

I've only ever seen crocodiles when I've gone looking for them. Sharks, only when scuba diving or when I've caught them while deep sea fishing. Sankes, I'm a little unusual in that I've had a number of pet snakes in my life, and actually rehabilitated a couple of injured ones which we relocated, and I grew up in a rain forest so that's bound to increase snake contact a fair amount. But we got kangaroo's on the lawn and kookaburras on the fence posts around the horse paddock. A few snakes is a small price to pay.

As I said, if you live in the city, you're unlikely to come across the wildlife.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Well, current goal is working for ESA in the astronomy/space exploration sector. I'm about to start my study of Robotics in September and am thinking about adding astronomy next year if possible.
You might say my fantasy job is not that far away if I manage to pull it all off according to plan.

Other thing is I'd really love to become a proper paramedic, the one you have to go to uni and get a degree for. I think for a few years I'd really enjoy doing that. Now I am already working as an EMT, now part-time besides uni but it's really not comparable to a proper and studied paramedic.
Though I don't think I could actually go to London and go through with that plan. I mean have you checked the fees lately? They be crazy.

Catchy Slogan

New member
Jun 17, 2009
StBishop said:
Catchy Slogan said:
StBishop said:
We have no natural predators, our largest animals are all herbivorous (with the notable exeption of crocodiles, but they only live up north and not near major cities).

I'm not sure if you're joking, but I don't know where this "Australia is dangerous" shit comes from.

I've not seen a spider for at least a month and that was the only spider I've seen since moving into this apartment. Which I've lived in for a year, and is in a rather well foliaged area.

I've not seen a snake since I left Queensland (it's a northern State) and that was '09.

I don't see what people think we do, we don't have much other than birds and domestic animals (pets) in our cities.

I mean, sure there's sharks, but it's cold as fuck in the ocean and there's pools around.

EDIT The spider was smaller than the nail on my smallest toe. I don't think it could kill a small rodent, let alone a human.
Well, I've never seen a wild shark, snake, crocodile in my life. and that spider is probably about as big as a spider to freak me out. The tiny one are the one that really scrare me. they can scuttle around so fast and are really hard to track. Damn Phobia.

I'm sorry if I offended you or anything, but it's seems dangerous to me. And I tend to over anylze/ panic about things more than other people. It also might have something to do with leaving my comfort zone. i.e the North of England.
Oh, I'm not offended. I just find it confusing.

I suppose that a phobia of spiders would discourage moving somewhere that's supposed to have more spiders, but one spider annually is pretty good in my mind.

I've only ever seen crocodiles when I've gone looking for them. Sharks, only when scuba diving or when I've caught them while deep sea fishing. Sankes, I'm a little unusual in that I've had a number of pet snakes in my life, and actually rehabilitated a couple of injured ones which we relocated, and I grew up in a rain forest so that's bound to increase snake contact a fair amount. But we got kangaroo's on the lawn and kookaburras on the fence posts around the horse paddock. A few snakes is a small price to pay.

As I said, if you live in the city, you're unlikely to come across the wildlife.
The funny thing is, I actually live in a semi-rural area. There are lots of cows/sheep/horses and various field mice/voles and birds. And the odd polecat. Those things are vicious. And you've probably seen less spiders than me so far. :/ The more I talk to you the more Australia sounds appealing. XD

I actually quite like snakes and lizards, but have no idea about looking after them. The only thing I know is that they reguire quite a bit of care, which I'm fairly sure I won't be able to provide.

And for the confusing part, I guess I understand, It gets on my nerves when people apply the stereotype of all british talking posh, drinking tea and eating crumpets. :/

Sorry again.


Last day of PubClub for me. :'-(
Mar 23, 2011
Being paid to fix computers and then laugh in secrecy at the computer-illiterate people I come across.

Oh, I doing that already?

Also, game tester. I have a natural hankering to find glitches and bugs in a game for some reason.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Whateveralot said:
#2 is propbably game developer. I am a person that envisions a lot and can share these visions with other people and make them enthousiastic about it, discuss about it and really make a point. I am however lacking in the skills to physically produce a game. I am a good visual artis, though (I draw, design in 3d, etc), so that would be the way to go if I ever want to be there. What I lack now is just diploma's. I should make a portfolio, I guess. :) *feels motivated*(
You don't need a degree to be an artist game dev. Plenty of people go that route and that's fine, but plenty of other people haven't. If you have the portfolio/skills to do the job, that's all the qualifications you need (though experience helps, lol).


New member
Aug 12, 2009
ReservoirAngel said:
2) Writer: I'm actually convinced I might just be able to do this one (currently writing two stories), but it's a massive uphill struggle and a constant battle with my own imagination to reign it in, and with my attention span to keep myself focused.
I guess a lot of people are going to write this, but yeah, this is what I'd like to do. I have a tonne of original and good ideas but I'm such a perfectionist I barely get to writing anything at the moment as I hate my first paragraph.

If anyone has any advice about how to get past this, then please hit me up!


New member
Jul 6, 2011
To become a writer...exploring space...while inventing things...

...what? He's offering me any job I want! I'm going to take advantage of this!


Captcha: derwasor afraid

There's no reason to be afraid of an IWA: Inventive Writing Astronaut, Mr. Derwasor.



New member
Jun 22, 2011
Theoretical physicist... which is by a strange coincidence, what I'm going to uni to do. Yeah I'm boring.
Catchy Slogan said:
And for the confusing part, I guess I understand, It gets on my nerves when people apply the stereotype of all british talking posh, drinking tea and eating crumpets. :/

Sorry again.
But, I drink tea, eat crumpets, bangers and mash, fish and chips, And have been known to speak in a posh and thoroughly-British way a significant number of times... what's wrong with that? Our stereotype is awesome.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Horny Ico said:
SonofaJohannes said:
I wanna be like Batman, but without the crime fighting.
You mean like this? []
YES! Except only without all the enemies. And me being stinking rich. Something more along the lines of a Rich idiot with no day job [], but without the night job. Or idiot. Just rich and unemployed.

Or just running around in a tight-fitting bodysuit together with a young boy. That would appeal to me as well.