This relates to the Stanley Parable discussion Critical had put up earlier. I despise any game where the creator's whole point is "everything is pointless". You are not smart, nor thought-provoking for making fun of people who like having choices, options, multiple story paths, or collectibles in gaming. You're just another jackass that likes to smell their own farts.
This goes double for Hotline Miami 2. It's not some "misunderstood masterpiece", as some recent YouTubers have claimed. It's a lazy cash grab, that has the same issues as the last game, but even worse in terms of gameplay. The same door glitch that they refused to fix, and too much fake difficulty with enemies be able to see you off screen and shoot at you. The story does the whole everything is pointless and double downs on the nihilism. The characters even do that whole make fun of the player for trying to find any meaning or anything extra. I bought the game after completing the original and getting the true ending. I got halfway through, and it was not worth playing, so I YouTubed the rest. Glad I did. I later deleted the game, cuz I had no interest in playing. There are many clones in the genre that are better than HLM2.