Your video game hot take(s) thread


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
I’ve been posting hot takes by others on social media, so I thought I should make mine:

I don’t like Epic Game Store. The selections are limited, lacks in features when compared to Steam, and quite frankly I hate some of the pricings

HOWEVER, i also think it is overhated. Whenever game gets announced as EPG exclusive, people love to bash on the platform. But did anyone ever stop to think it was the devs decision to put it on EGS? It’s not like EGS is pointing guns at them. If anything, people should take complaints to the devs. Especially those games that was announced to come out on Steam, then switched to EGS.

Also, EGS seem to go on sales more often than Steam, and offer free games. That’s something i can appreciate.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
PS1 and Dreamcast had the best disc game cases. CD jewel cases look much nicer and use up MUCH less space than keep cases. Also cheaper to replace. Then the PS2 with its DVD functionality came out and Sony and Microsoft decided their game cases had to match ugly, oversized movie cases. Ever since, all cases have wasted so much vertical space for no reason at all. Have no idea why Nintendo made the same dumb decision with the Gamecube when it couldn't play movies anyway. The discs are only 1.2 mm thick and yet the case thickness wastes six times that. Movies, music, games, if it's optical and 12 or 8 cm in diameter, it should use a jewel case. Exceptions could be made for large anthologies or booklets that won't fit in the square. Jewel case inserts and booklets also fit better than the inserts in keep cases. They're almost exact, whereas keep cases often have the paper fold sliding to one edge of the case or sticking out above/below the transparent plastic slightly, and because the part keeping the paper doesn't fold upon itself and open, there's less chance of the paper sliding around.
But they gave you a spot to store your memory cards so that when you need to swap cards it's very convenient. You just need to search through all your games to find the case you left the other card in and there you go, easy.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
While part of me misses this type of packaging, at the same time, I'm glad this practice disappeared. Don't get me wrong, the packaging looks awesome with most games, with the cool inserts on the inside of the jewel case, but that was the major flaw with these type of cases: they broke so easily. Even when you're being careful they would break. I have had plenty of PS1 cases break on me or crack for just opening them. And God help you if the game you owned was a 2-Disc/Multi-Disc game and the case breaks or wears down due to age or accidental handling. Those types of cases are usually harder to find and replace. At least with plastic cases, there is less risk damaging them, or cracking up. I've seen plenty of replace cases you can find on Amazon for cheap for at least PS4/XONE. Hell, there are plenty of replacement cases you can find for Switch, if you bother.

Also responding to Yahtzee's recent video on Silent Hill. Silent Hill 3 is not overrated Yahtzs, but you more than have a habit of over praising Silent Hill 2. To the point of needlessly bashing other horror games and other SH games. Let's cut the bullshit and stop with the whole "Silent Hill X is overrated" stupidity. It's crap like that and arbitrary lines that hold the medium back. The original trilogy of each game got the proper recognition they deserved and serves as a great (but no less flawed) trio of horror games. The only thing we can agree on is that we do not need more Silent Hill.
Well, barring any actual new entries, I’d still like to see at least the first couple Silent Hill’s get the REmake treatment.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Well, barring any actual new entries, I’d still like to see at least the first couple Silent Hill’s get the REmake treatment.
Only if Capcom is doing it. Maybe a few indie guys too. The Konami today would not even try, nor whoever they outsource to. I honestly don't need a remake of all the SH trilogy. SH1 has Shattered Memories, but that was more of a re-imagining, and the game dropped all of the combat. Crazy enough, Shattered Memories was one of the first "walking simulators" in AAA form. I know there are chase sequences, but most of the game is either walking or running around, finding clues to solve puzzles, or looking for keys. While chase sequences are predictable and lose the effect after the first couple of time.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Final fantasy XVI looks like its got a new "innovative" combat system AND I DONT LIKE IT. STOP CHANGING THINGS I LIKE!
You knew this was coming. If you didn't, that's on you. I welcome it. The combat designer from Devil May Cry 5 is the lead combat designer. I wanna do [COMBO MAD] moves!
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Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
You knew this was coming. If you didn't, that's on you. I welcome it. The combat designer from Devil May Cry 5 is the lead combat designer. I wanna do [COMBO MAD] moves!
This is the first time in a long time that I might actually buy a Final Fantasy game because I want an RPG where I can combo enemies with Smokin Sick Style.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I honestly see no point in getting an NES classic or SNES classic. I either have better versions of games, compilation packs, or better classic consoles with more features. I know both of these sold well, but they were overpriced and made in limited qualities. I actually know some places that got them used and in good condition, but they're still not worth the asking price. It doesn't help especially, that most of the games on the SNES classic I have zero interest in, and a few that I do I already got them on the GBA, or they're part of the Castlevania or Contra Collection.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Maybe this isn't a "hot" take per se but this morning I listened to Slightly Something Else, they were talking about all these remakes and, yeah... blech.

Or maybe my hot take is I just don't care about "games preservation" or about being able to play old games, or how cool it is to play old games on new systems or whatever.

Video games are tied to technology way more than any other media. While I roll my eyes when someone says they "can't" watch old movies (whatever old is to them), I do understand not wanting to play old games. Because movies are shorter, and passive. It really isn't a struggle to watch something in black and white or has more dialogue or whatever, you're just sitting watching and listening. But I'd rather scoop my eyeballs out than play a PS1 game right now.

So the remake craze is justified as, oh, you get to play those PS1 (or whatever) games but in modern tech, so no eye-ball scooping-like torture! But... then they're not the game, they're just "new" games... that aren't new, at all... so... wtf....

Games nostalgia is just weird. It's not like song nostalgia, a song is 3 minutes, or even movie nostalgia, 2 hrs. Video games are immense time investments, people really wanna replay Resident Evil 4? I mean, ok, fine, I just don't get it.
And yeah, says me, the guy who's gonna replay Witcher 3 for the 20th time in 3 weeks. But that's not nostalgia, I just like it.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Maybe this isn't a "hot" take per se but this morning I listened to Slightly Something Else, they were talking about all these remakes and, yeah... blech.

Or maybe my hot take is I just don't care about "games preservation" or about being able to play old games, or how cool it is to play old games on new systems or whatever.

Video games are tied to technology way more than any other media. While I roll my eyes when someone says they "can't" watch old movies (whatever old is to them), I do understand not wanting to play old games. Because movies are shorter, and passive. It really isn't a struggle to watch something in black and white or has more dialogue or whatever, you're just sitting watching and listening. But I'd rather scoop my eyeballs out than play a PS1 game right now.

So the remake craze is justified as, oh, you get to play those PS1 (or whatever) games but in modern tech, so no eye-ball scooping-like torture! But... then they're not the game, they're just "new" games... that aren't new, at all... so... wtf....

Games nostalgia is just weird. It's not like song nostalgia, a song is 3 minutes, or even movie nostalgia, 2 hrs. Video games are immense time investments, people really wanna replay Resident Evil 4? I mean, ok, fine, I just don't get it.
And yeah, says me, the guy who's gonna replay Witcher 3 for the 20th time in 3 weeks. But that's not nostalgia, I just like it.
Ohhh it is nostalgia, because you’re remembering how good and fun it was. Same with people wanting to replay RE4 with freshly updated everything.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Ohhh it is nostalgia, because you’re remembering how good and fun it was. Same with people wanting to replay RE4 with freshly updated everything.
Semantic argument maybe? To me nostalgia is for a distant past, like childhood. So video game nostalgia to me is like, NES, SNES and arcades. Where there's a big gap. I played W3 in 2016 and have replayed since, it's a continuous experience. It's not, like, nostolgia for my innocent childhood or whatever, it's a game I liked.

I mean if I eat at my favorite taquieria, is it nostalgia for the first time I had tacos there? That's not really how the term is used.

Eh, I'm fine if it is nostalgia, also, no big.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Maybe this isn't a "hot" take per se but this morning I listened to Slightly Something Else, they were talking about all these remakes and, yeah... blech.

Or maybe my hot take is I just don't care about "games preservation" or about being able to play old games, or how cool it is to play old games on new systems or whatever.

Video games are tied to technology way more than any other media. While I roll my eyes when someone says they "can't" watch old movies (whatever old is to them), I do understand not wanting to play old games. Because movies are shorter, and passive. It really isn't a struggle to watch something in black and white or has more dialogue or whatever, you're just sitting watching and listening. But I'd rather scoop my eyeballs out than play a PS1 game right now.

So the remake craze is justified as, oh, you get to play those PS1 (or whatever) games but in modern tech, so no eye-ball scooping-like torture! But... then they're not the game, they're just "new" games... that aren't new, at all... so... wtf....

Games nostalgia is just weird. It's not like song nostalgia, a song is 3 minutes, or even movie nostalgia, 2 hrs. Video games are immense time investments, people really wanna replay Resident Evil 4? I mean, ok, fine, I just don't get it.
And yeah, says me, the guy who's gonna replay Witcher 3 for the 20th time in 3 weeks. But that's not nostalgia, I just like it.
There is a difference between old school and outdated. I'm always willing to have games preserved, regardless if it's a game I like or not, or game I feel that's too old for me. I admit that there's not a lot of N64 games I want to go back to and play, but that doesn't mean I'm against preservation of them or updated re-releases. Cuz there are plenty of old games that are better than most of the crab that comes out now. Mainly on a triple a side that is. The indecided is usually doing just as good or are better compared to most older games.

I can't fully speak for you, but you really don't care, because his games you don't care about or don't have much nostalgia for. I don't have nostalgia for all these games either, but but if movies, TV, and music can be preserved, than the same thing can be done for games. Those are just as equally important. I say this, because whenever I hear this argument from somebody they're usually not into gaming to begin with, only play games for shallow reasons, or they'll start regretting with a game they care about goes away. I've seen it multiple times. Especially if it's a digital game that gets removed from the store via loss of the license, a company shutting down, the server no longer being online, etc. Then they'll start crying, "Oh, why didn't I get the physical version?! Why didn't I keep this game I really enjoyed?! Why didn't I get this game sooner?!".

That is why I'm always a physical forever person. Digitals only convenient, but at a cost. You'll never truly own the game. You only have the permissions for a license to use it. I remember when Scott Pilgrim got removed from digital stores and nearly everyone had a panic attack. I didn't, because I didn't like the game much, but I understood people's feelings. It just came back last year and it's got digital and physical versions you can still buy, for now.

Video game preservation is just as important as movies, tvs, books, and music. I don't care how fast the technology changes, those steps to getting there just as important. Even if the game is outdated, preservation is still nice to put in a museum for history reasons and so on. The other problem with preservation or people's lack of commitment to it, is certain greedy publishers and developers, who just want to hold the license over just to be dicks about it. Nintendo being the biggest offender of this. You old, greedy fucks!

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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
We all knew this was coming...

Whatever Yahtzee's opinions are, I personally don't care and don't agree with them. I already know his over-inflated feelings on RE4. The same applies to Sterling and a few others. Greatest of all time, blah blah blah, most influential blah blah blah; I don't care. While the game has had many influences, there are a lot of problems with it. Yahtzee, RE4 isn't great, because it ignores everything that came before it. That's the dumbest reason I've ever had beforehand, and it's still dumb now. The fourth game drops plenty of references to the prior games and has a character not Leon and Ada show up, that still ties the previous Racoon City Trilogy together. You keep forgetting about freaking Wesker. The fifth game was always going to go back to Wesker. You just didn't want to accept it. I'll add another counter-argument with this video.

Another hot take, I'm so sick and tired of this whole "there hasn't been a true next-gen game". I get why people are saying this, but who the hell cares at this point? Only but the most pedantic of course. There hasn't really been a big leap in graphics, because we've mostly reached the graphics plateau at this point. I'll take as many cross generation games as I can get. Because the PS5 ain't worth shit getting right now. A similar case for the Series X, but there are plenty of those. How about you 🛑 all that complaining?Just shut the fuck up, and be grateful for what comes out & just play a game? Enjoy it for what it is, instead of what it isn't. Or because of it didn't follow your absurd "expectations".
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
What even is the definition of "next-gen game"?
The "next-gen game" has to have:
  • Mind blowing graphics that can't be done on previous generations!
  • Exciting, riveting, and "innovative gameplay"!
  • More of the same, but with better graphics!
  • Something, something different, yet with better graphics!
  • More "realism", and less cartoony, anime, or stylized! That's for children, weaboos, and adults who aren't real men or women!
  • I want this game to cure cancer and give me a blowjob/cunnilingus that can beat my significant other to shame!


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Re: games preservation

While yeah, I agree it should be preserved like any other media, of course. It just seems to be an excuse to have these stupid remakes/remasters dominate the games release cycle.

Re: next-gen game
I don't think the idea is that crazy or confusing- it just means technology allows for new elements and experiences, that's all. We can roll our eyes at marketing and hype and commentary and we should, but let's not pretend there aren't huge experiential differences from 8-to-16-bit; 2D to 3D; whatever you want to call the tech in the PS3 that made games feel like movies; adding VR; etc.
Sure, I guess that means a lot less now as each new console is diminishing returns. I contend that PS3 is the last drastic new video game thing for me. But I am biased because that is the console with which I got back into gaming seriously as an adult. But people that run the games industry and media remember having their minds shaken with new tech and "next-gen."


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It just seems to be an excuse to have these stupid remakes/remasters dominate the games release cycle.
No duh, but that is why to remember to play the good ones, or at least remake games that have not aged well, and are harder to get and stuck on the hardware they were made for. No all remasters or remakes are created equal. Check this guy out when you get the chance.

but let's not pretend there aren't huge experiential differences from 8-to-16-bit; 2D to 3D; whatever you want to call the tech in the PS3 that made games feel like movies; adding VR; etc.
We know that, and that is not the problem. We've long gone past all of that. My problem is with these idiots is that they're chasing the magic dragon. If they don't play a "true next gen game", then they don't feel special, validated, and realize they wasted $500+ for nothing, but their pathetic egos.
But I am biased because that is the console with which I got back into gaming seriously as an adult.
I always took my gaming seriously. I've made my mistakes, don't get me wrong. When I loved something, I usually treasured it.

But people that run the games industry and media remember having their minds shaken with new tech and "next-gen."
They better be prepared to be shaken less, or have constant disappointment.

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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Today's game design pet peeve: the sort-of open world.

I am wrapping up Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. These games are pretty linear, you know how it is- you go to a planet, do the story missions, move on. But because everything and its mother is a freaking open world you can go to any planet at almost any time once you visit there once. And there are collectables....

So after playing through a good chunk of the story on games what I like to do is look at the achievement list and decide if getting them all is doable. One popular guide for such things ranks getting the platinum a 2/10 because none are tied to difficulty level and none are missable. Well, ok I figure sure I'll do that.
And yesterday while listening to and watching Escapist live stream the showcases, I went achievement hunting. And I encountered the sort-of open world curse.

Because of how story missions are designed, you can't just go from one place to another, you have to use various devices and quirky paths. It's not like Assassins Creed or GTA where you can just run/drive at anything. So if you're collecting collectables and a web site says "go to the market place," you have to remember or re-figure-out that you need to go through some tunnel, switch a thing, access some vehicle, blah blah blah...

So now I'm navigating this counter-intuitive sort-of open-world and it's so frustrating.

Other games like this: God of War and Jedi: Fallen Order. Great, fun story games and when I'm just focusing on the critical path or interesting side quets, the world design is fine. But if I try to interact with them as the "open world" they present themselves with, I want to die.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Other games like this: God of War and Jedi: Fallen Order. Great, fun story games and when I'm just focusing on the critical path or interesting side quets, the world design is fine. But if I try to interact with them as the "open world" they present themselves with, I want to die.
I'll defend God of War 4 on this, but it's not perfect. The game does it well enough. Fallen Order on the other hand.....

If you want to see this done right, play Evil Within 2.
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