Your White House Petition is Bad and You Should Feel Bad


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Was he honestly trying to get that accomplished?

I don't whether I should laugh or cry at that, but he should feel bad for writing that.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Beryl77 said:
And this is why gamer who complain about something are often not taken serious. Most have legitimate reasons to complain but there are always those who make everyone else look like idiots and people of course only pay attention to those weird ones and then think everyone else is just as weird.
Indeed; entitled idiots don't stop the fact that the game still sucks though


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Shinsei-J said:
Atary77 said:
My exact sentiment.
It seems only the (vocal) gaming community would do something like this and it make me sad for the rest of us.
Now we'll get lumped in with some idiots complaining about some idiotic design choice in some game to someone who has crap all to do with anything. It's just dumb.
This is why we can't have nice things!
A petition was made to get the owner of the Dallas Cowboys removed because of the poor performance of the team. Riots with the victory of loss of a sports team are commonplace across the world, especially with soccer. I know gamers are a self-loathing bunch, but we do not have the monopoly on stupid stuff like this.

And let us not forget that after the election, 13 states filed petitions to leave the Union. Again, gamers do not have monopoly on stupid.

I especially like how so many sites and people are framing the DMC backlash as some great blow to the integrity of gamers and our image in the media. While I and many, many others hate the new DMC, only an insignificant fraction of those of us in that camp are review-bombing and doing stupid stuff like this petition. The vast majority of arguments I've seen against the reboot for any number of reasons from the writing to the redesign to the dulled-down gameplay itself are well written and well reasoned. However, most of the arguments supporting the new DMC and condemning the people who are against it are either blatantly antagonistic, willfully ignorant of people's legitimate complaints, or "It R gud game, yer whiney gayz who shud have fun with fun gaem"


New member
May 15, 2008
Well at least the petition has been pulled now. Seriously though, it is sickening that people are actually doing this.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Pulling a game from the shelves because you don't like it is not what I call freedom.

I'm actually just here to post Dr.Zoidberg because with a title like this they are asking for it. But shhhh


New member
Jul 17, 2010
As much as I'd like to hop aboard the high horse I think most of the posters here will, just generally looking at the DMC threads leading up to and after release, I think I could safely say even here on the escapist someone would have supported this and I think a large number of people do but just chose not to publicly admit it.

Though honestly (and im sure its up there, I may a point not to look around because generally half the ones I read were good intentions with dumb idea) I'd be more interested to see the reaction of someone asking the new star wars movies not to exist if we're going to talk about "consumer rights being violated by a reboot/sequel"


New member
Jun 24, 2010
This is why we can't have nice things. Wouldn't surprise me if they're seriously considering dropping this whole petition recognition thing. I would.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
And i thought we didn't want the government to tell us which games we are allowed to play.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Holy shit, people really got this worked up [] about it?

I'm not a fan of hack and slash games, but I just might have to get this one.


Prunus Girl is best girl!
Apr 28, 2011
Sylveria said:
A petition was made to get the owner of the Dallas Cowboys removed because of the poor performance of the team.

I know gamers are a self-loathing bunch, but we do not have the monopoly on stupid stuff like this.

And let us not forget that after the election, 13 states filed petitions to leave the Union. Again, gamers do not have monopoly on stupid.
Huh, you make a fair point and I'll give you that but my main point (which did not translate to text well) was that it just adds fuel to the fire of demonising games. I don't want stuff like this to scew someones opinion of our general populous when something bad inevitably gets blamed on games again.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Blunderboy said:
Really America? This is what you do with your hard won freedom?
1776 was a long time ago.

We don't remember what it was like!

Don't blame us!


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Akexi said:
Well at least the petition has been pulled now. Seriously though, it is sickening that people are actually doing this.
Yep, a dozen people supported a dumb petition. Be sickened. Shun all of humanity. Life is not worth living as long as these people roam free.

Meanwhile, there's at least 10x as many people in the world engaging in pedophilic activities as I write this, but an ill-conceived petition about an average hack-and-slash game is what sickens you.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
Yeesh, seeing someone being so entitled to such a degree that this person would go out of his/her(?) own way to actually send a mail to the President himself asking him to "Get rid of this game please, because WAAAAAH! It's not what I want!" is almost making me consider buying the game out of sheer spite.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Shinsei-J said:
Sylveria said:
A petition was made to get the owner of the Dallas Cowboys removed because of the poor performance of the team.

I know gamers are a self-loathing bunch, but we do not have the monopoly on stupid stuff like this.

And let us not forget that after the election, 13 states filed petitions to leave the Union. Again, gamers do not have monopoly on stupid.
Huh, you make a fair point and I'll give you that but my main point (which did not translate to text well) was that it just adds fuel to the fire of demonising games. I don't want stuff like this to scew someones opinion of our general populous when something bad inevitably gets blamed on games again.
If someone thinks the behavior of less people than most people have fingers and toes is representative enough of "the gamer" demographic to change their opinion of us to negative, they already had a negative opinion and they were looking for ANYTHING to justify it.

Personally, I think they should have framed the game as some sort of assault on the morals of America and that it was somehow harming our children. Might get some Fox new attention and earn the game some heat from parents groups and such.

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
And later we find out it was written by a Ninja Theory employee as a publicity stunt, or just for trolling.

In any case if he seriously wanted to call bad attention to the game, there are ways a person could phrase it to get the attention of all sorts of groups. In that case honesty is probably not the best way to go about it.

I don't like the game, not because of the redesign or the new story, but because he can't go five minutes without saying "fuck". I don't usually have a problem with such words, but they have a time and a place to be used, not as punctuation at the end of every sentence. I just won't be buying the game. If other people enjoy it, all the more power to them.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Gordon Freemonty said:
I don't get the hate for DmC. Its getting 4/4.5 reviews.

I hate the gamer community sometimes.

(Except you lovely escapist folks, pls dont kill me pls pls)
It got a 9/10 from Jimothy Sterling even!

I fucking loved DmC, anybody who's actually played the game should realise it's the Dante we know and love in a new skin, the story is also a hell of a lot more coherent than it ever has been. My only gripe was the complete lack of manual lock-on, which I managed fine without until the very last few stages of the game and the difficulties above Nephilim, where prioritising targets and switching between them was a much bigger issue.

Edit: Really. I loved it. On par with DMC3. It's in my top ten games of all time now, if they make a sequel (they will if it sells, it sets up well for a re-interpretation of 3 in my opinion) and add a manual lock on and maybe a couple of extra weapons I'll lap it up.


New member
May 19, 2009
Don't like it, don't buy it. Simple as that - it is not like yo HAVE to buy the damn game, I thought you were land of the fucking free!!! Then use your freedom and do not buy the damn thing!

For almost 2-3 centuries you been shedding blood left and right for your freedom, both in good and bad. And this is how you think is a proper way to respect that freedom? DEMAND your government to step in and babysit YOU!


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Let's be honest it's not a petition to change anything, just that you get to get response directly from the white house which is neat by itself. Either way I think this shitty attitude towards this comes from people not taking their own politics seriously. I hate it when people use the excuse (incorrectly) that all politicians are corrupt douchebags as a reason to not carefully consider your own political beliefs and the logical extremes they cause. For example anyone that supports labeling West Boro Baptist Church a hate group when they CLEARLY aren't in the same category as the KKK is someone that hasn't fully explored the issue and is blindly further sacrificing free speech to the government because "speech I strongly disagree with is roughly the same thing right?". We need to start holding ourselves accountable for the people we elect and stop treating elections exactly like the god damn super bowl. Politics doesn't have the same stakes as football so blindly cheering for Democrats or republicans like you do for the Giants or Packers is just dumbass bullshit.