Your White House Petition is Bad and You Should Feel Bad

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
SkarKrow said:
dragongit said:

I can see where you're coming from and I understand your concerns, but I do advise playing it through before writing it off. It's more mature and the story is more well developed and well thought out than previous entries. But it is a reboot, had they taken such liberties without it being a reboot, then I'd have had a lot more problems. If I judge it with other entries in the series in mind it loses out, but it's a good reboot in a series that, as I recall, was criticized horribly for it's 4th entry, mostly by the people who now hate it for actually evolving.
It didn't evolve. No where close. This is the worst combat in the series by a scary margin. It would be superb by the standards of Heavenly Sword, but for a DMC game, the combat is horrific. This doesn't even count the forced weapon switching which is bad at the best of times and downright forced at the worst.

They have the game setup at my local GameStop for people to try. I waited (on Normal) for the time it took for the closest enemy to strike me, without me doing anything. It took EIGHT FUCKING SECONDS. NO JOKE. In that time, you would be dead on Normal in any of the others. Three of those were spent telegraphing the attack. I understand wanting to dumb it down for the masses, but that is purely insulting. Also:

If you can't tell me what is wrong with that image, I think we're done.
Caps and swearing is not a classy way to get your point across good sir. Did I say the game was adaquetly challenging? No. It's pathetically easy until Son of Sparda and even then it comes nowhere near the relentless difficulty of a european copy of DMC3 on the same difficulty.

I played the entirety of the new game on the highest setting it would allow on my first run and I had no trouble, that said, playing DMC3 through the first time on normal I died ONCE. The series has never been crushingly hard unless you made it so, the higher difficulties in the new game do offer a good challenge, but as ever you need to unlock them.

As for the weapon switching, I quite like how enemies have different weakness that you need to abuse to defeat themm, it's hardly a chore to switch your weapons: you hold a trigger your hand is already on anyway.

I will concede that gaining a triple S style rating on anything below dante must die is a pitifully easy task for any series veteran.

However you are right, we have nothing further to discuss, I enjoyed the game thoroughly, if you did not, or have chosen to play the game for 5 minutes in your local gamestop and hate it as a result, then that's up to you.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
dragongit said:
Fair enough, if your income sucks you should definately be choosey with your game purchases. In that case wait til the price drops or rent it sometime. I'm currently rolling in money and free time, so I've got the time to clear out a back list of games.

It's not for everyone, but I enjoyed the game as it was, I do prefer DMC3, but the new one is an excellent game in it's own right.

At any rate, I'm through with this thread, discussing this series has always been a fruitless endeavor.


New member
Jan 24, 2012
This is one of those things where you can't quite tell if the writer is trolling or being serious.


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
Gordon Freemonty said:
I don't get the hate for DmC. Its getting 4/4.5 reviews.

I hate the gamer community sometimes.

(Except you lovely escapist folks, pls dont kill me pls pls)
My dislike for the game (only played the demo I will freely admit) I chalk up to the 'warrior within' effect. the new Dante doesn't feel right to me compared to the cheesy, silly and charming dante. The boss fight where a demon spewed f-bombs and misogynistic slurs about dante's mother... just felt wrong to was like being charmed by the cheerful, endearing Prince of The Sands Of Time, then finding the snarling, angry, sweary Warrior Within Prince, with the lovely Farah being replaced with one-dimensional angry fetish gear wearers, and the eastern music and architecture being replaced by generic METAAAAAAL!!!! and grey stone castles.

Admittedly, my reaction wasn't as strong as with Warrior Within, but the aforementioned boss fight was just the wrong tone for me, and I lost interest in the game. I don't have any hate for it though, and the ones who are going mental over this do make me want to head-desk.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Blunderboy said:
Really America? This is what you do with your hard won freedom?
You do know that not all Americans are the same right? Every country has their idiots.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Really? I didnt think It could get any worse than the whole ME3 fiasco... really? you're just going to waste your time the presidents time on a single game that you dont like? This is a "First World Problems" situation if I ever saw one. I mean its just so stupid that pple wuld ven do stuf leik..... calm thoughts.... im heading over to youtube.... need cat videos.... hmmmm.... cats....


New member
Feb 4, 2011
How is this news..?

Anyone can make a petition online. "Hay gyz, imma gonna mak a petittion to ban kunsoul gamerz. Seyah in da noos."


New member
May 5, 2010
Do you think the White House has started treating this petition thing like a joke now?


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Zachary Amaranth said:


Damn it, why do you have to do this to me, Vermonters? It's bad enough I have to put up with being labeled a secessionist, now I'm going to be from the crazy gamer state.
Yeah, that was my first thought when I saw it the other day too...

My comments were something along the lines of "Wait, what's this? The release of this game didn't retroactively remove the existence of the four games before it?"

I stick by that now.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
So - the economy is in the pits, medical care is awful, foreclosures are still a thing, people think automatic weapons are a good means of protecting their pocket Chihuahua and meaningless knickknacks from real or imagined would-be burglars - and THIS is what you make a petition for.

I want to personally meet the petition's author so that I can slap him upside the head with my Old Victorian Headmaster's wooden ruler. As this qualifies as shenanigans, and I will not abide by shenanigans.

Either that or I want to staple a sheet with "#FirstWorldProblems" printed in bold Arial, size 35 in fluorescent pink to his shirt.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Phlakes said:
Holy shit, people really got this worked up [] about it?

I'm not a fan of hack and slash games, but I just might have to get this one.
I think the users review score is fairly decent considering its a reboot of a series that has never been any good.

And petitions like this is why a real democracy would never work.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Absolutely love some of the overreaction going on here.

"This is sickening, the worst thing to happen in the history of ever, PURGE THE HERETIC WITH FIRE".

I get the feeling that if this was a few centuries ago, some folk here would be seen regularly in large groups with a pitchfork and torch.


New member
Jul 26, 2010
At first I was thinking that no government would actually be willing to pull a consumer product off the face of the map, because some people dont like it. After seeing it updated to being removed, I guess I was right.
But I wouldn't doubt it if some people tried to use it to get twinkies back.