Your WORST game of the decade


New member
Jun 1, 2009
I don't buy bad games. If I am going to spend 60$ of my own money than I hade better make sure I know what game i'm getting and why first


New member
Mar 17, 2009
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Metal Gear Solid 3. /ducks

No, I'm serious, but I won't give that rant *again*. I was just so incredibly disappointed by it, because I was expecting it to be awesome, since the cutscenes could be skipped. But since the game is incredibly dull when you don't know what the hell is going on, I figured I'd sit through the entire movie-with-interactive-parts once. I had to ragequit after about two hours of watching this 100% CG movie that's actually worse than FF:TSW. In my review-I-mean-rant I said this game was so aweful I wasn't even able to play it for long enough to form an opinion about the actual gameplay, and I stand by this.

Sure, I've played worse games made this past decade; Super Mario Galaxy is one fairly recent horror I was subjected to... and this summer I was dumb enough to try EVE Online and Warhammer Online. And let's not forget some less recent disasters like ... urgh... Rumble Roses... *shudder*. But that was a more of a novelty than an actual game. I knew it was gonna suck, but I like wrestling games and it was in the bargain bin, so I figured what the hell. Worst case senario, I can always return it. And I did. Games like that I can't really count, because seriously, how can you watch Tower of Death and say that it's bad? Of course it sucks, but you know that from the start, so you just sit there and laugh and shake your head, and find that you're actually having a pretty good time. Just not for the reason the producer was hoping for.

Of course, there's always Duke Nukem Forever... But that doesn't count, does it?


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Sonic Adventure 2-frustrating, disappointing and stupid. The trifecta from hell.

"Men in Black 2: Alien Escape" wins "most broken game of the decade", what with you getting jack shit for health and a save system that didnt actally save. Unless armed with cheat codes, the game is hell.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Least Enjoyable Game: Pokemon Colosseum
Biggest Let Down:Halo 3 ODST (Like people say "I payed $60 for half a game.)


New member
Oct 20, 2009
The Rockerfly said:
If anyone says Halo they can fuck off and die

OT: I would have to say "It's My Birthday" on the Wii. It's sums up everything that is wrong with the Wi and this generation of console owners of this generation

Don't believe me?
Halo. Tee hee.

As for the birthday game, it probably is one of the worst games ever if barely anyone's heard of it. But is it as bad as Superman 64? Or Halo 2?

I'm joking, please refrain from the flame (damn, I'm a poet!). Halo's not bad.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
BrotherhoodOfSteel said:
Hardcore_gamer said:
Syl4r said:
I haven't seen this done before, and it it has been, i apologies :£.
Post your worst game of the decade.
One word:


EDIT: Ok, so perhaps it wasn't THE WORST game of the decade but it definitely was the greatest disappointment of the decade considering that it took almost a decade to make and that it looked like it could be one of the greatest games of the decade only to introduce DRM to us and represent EA greedy money grabbing policy's.
Spore is correct!

You win a new car!

Well Pikmin is my personal one.

Uncharted 2 for personal reasons as well.
I love Pikmin. What's wrong with you, boy?


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Spore was the most disappointing, over hyped single player game, Warhammer Online was the most disappointing, over hyped MMORPG.

Wet is the worst game I have played recently though.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
surely the worst game ever is one that had no real impact on gaming bad games have their place as do good games but truely the worst game is somthing that has done nothing for gaming im putting forward games like the sabateur or dead space games that i think didnt really add anything

Teh Ty

New member
Sep 10, 2008
Banjo kazooie: Nuts and bolts. I got it because I was hoping it would be like the last two on the 64, but it just plain sucked.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
Lunar: Dragon Song.

You had to choose between gaining EXP or Items.
Oh, and you couldn't choose your own target when fighting.
Plus it had a lot of other problems including, story, items(everything was expensive, and could never earn enough gold), and AI(it goes from stupid to....well Retarted)


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Poomanchu745 said:
The Rockerfly said:
If anyone says Halo they can fuck off and die

OT: I would have to say "It's My Birthday" on the Wii. It's sums up everything that is wrong with the Wi and this generation of console owners of this generation

Don't believe me?
HALO. pure suck.
really a need for ass hole flame provoking?

lair was so bad but had so much potential


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Rouge Warrior.I played it for 5 minutes and then i quit.Good thing i was playing it at a friends house.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
keybird said:
I don't buy bad games. If I am going to spend 60$ of my own money than I hade better make sure I know what game i'm getting and why first
There must be a worst game - even if it's simply the worst of the best. I find it hard to believe that in 10 years you haven't bought a game and thought, "this is shit".


New member
May 11, 2009
I'd put Halo 2 on the list because it really wasn't anything special. Just run an gun. Nothing more.

There is though this one game that beats Halo 2 in terms of being bad.

Far Cry 2

Well, I honestly didn't get excited about it when I first heard about it. Africa? Humans? No good looking jungle? No MUTANTS? Booooring.
It was too. Like good god it was boring. Except for the first hour or two.

Oh and I even played Turok but that game was more fun and I actually liked the dinos there. They behaved somewhat real in my eyes and they looked nice too.

Spore wasn't as great as they made it out to be but I had my share of fun with it. Like seeing someones faceplant monster. :D Hilarious to look at. The name should be taken literally too.