Your worst Oh Shit, RUN! moment...


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Halo 3, Legendary all skulls on, 4 player all the team died, had a plasma pistol against all those wraiths on tsavo highway.
Oblivion doing the Dark Brotherhood quest where you have to kill the guard taking a swim. went to shoot him, missed, hit his guard buddy... Peg it! About 1 hour later decided i was going to make a mural of all the different town armours, went into the castle, in the barracks nabbed a Bruma guard armour. next thing i hear "Hey! Stop right their!".
Fallout 3 i teleported to this rundown B&B. was surrounded by a war of Raiders, Ghouls and Enclave. legged it a mile. Or not realizing a benemoth was down near that mill thing. went in all guns blazing killing the mutants, a stray rocket hit the control box, next thing i know im running from a Benemoth as i have no ammo. I did make it surprisingly!


New member
Jan 16, 2010
I'm the type of person who generally doesn't run from any fight. So, yes, I die a lot, sometimes. For example, my first time encountering the Hunter in Dead Space, I cut him down, he regenerated, I cut him down again, this repeated several times(yes, I realized early on he would keep regenerating), eventually, I found I was nearly out of ammo so I finally went ahead and continued the mission. Why did I cut him down so many times? It was my vengeance for him not dieing. I figured if he wouldn't have the good sense to go ahead and die then he deserved to be used as my personal punching bag. Having to trap him in that thing to freeze him was immensely disappointing to me. In other games, I've spent hours and a great deal of resources taking on enemies that I rightly shouldn't even be able to kill. Even in a turn based game when I would only do like 1-2 damage a hit and then have to heal each turn to stay alive, I'd spend hours doing that just to kill something for being in my way. Obviously, this doesn't always work. It doesn't stop me from trying though.

I've had plenty of "Oh Shi-" moments. They usually result in my explosive death. Like, failing to disable a mine, not seeing a mine, firing a rocket launcher at point blank range, having a grenade bounce/roll back to me, the list goes on. Then there's the just plain getting trapped by a monster I can't kill situation.

So, I've never had a situation where I was like OMGRUN but there were plenty of situations where that reaction probably would have prevented my brutal death.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Ahh, the time I opened a teeny-tiny closet in L4D, just to see a wall of Tank. Pretty sure I actually said, "OH SHIT RUN."

I'm still paranoid when I open closets :(

Zackary Yakumo

New member
Mar 29, 2010
I'll admit it. I skipped the campaign on Modern Warfare 2, invited my best buddy since second grade, and we played co-op special operations (for you idiots that's spec. ops.) we finally reached the last set, read the descriptions, said "F*** you juggernauts, bring it on!" and started the second operation, kill 10 or 15 juggernauts on an oilrig. we both were getting familiarized with the map when we see, i am not kidding, 5 juggernauts running towards us, their M240's blazing bullets and soon we were both on the bare metal floor, blood oozing out of our bullet-ridden corpses. the next time we tried again. We both donned our egos, strapped on our combat gear, and cocked our light machine guns. we started the mission, ran into the room, and as we were setting up our claymores for a hellish deathtrap, a juggernaut came in and died. we were relieved. we killed one. then, as soon as his fellow juggy died, two more entered the mroom. I yelled at the top of my lungs, "Oh my f***ing god run!!!!!". we ran like two over-weight schoolgirls down the stairs and died again. that was the one time i was truly scared of a video game.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
OverweightWhale said:
Being chased by a super mutant overlord in Fallout 3 while at level 3.
I thought they leveled up with you? Eh, maybe that was just Oblivion. Man that idea was stupid.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Serious Sam, being chased by a shit load of bulls and those annoying skeletons and beheaded kamikaze dudes. Of all things :p


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Shippinu said:
Ahh, the time I opened a teeny-tiny closet in L4D, just to see a wall of Tank. Pretty sure I actually said, "OH SHIT RUN."

I'm still paranoid when I open closets :(
There are Tanks in cloesests? Please post a pic =D


New member
Nov 6, 2008
They happen ALL THE TIME in battlefield 1942, and I love it when I miraculously survive. Whenever someone lobs a grenade at my feet and I dive desperately over sandbags just in time to avoid the blast... man it's pretty much living out all my 'awesome ww2 movie-the GAME!' moments I could have asked for

Zackary Yakumo

New member
Mar 29, 2010
MellowFellow said:
Star Wars Battlefront, when you walk right into an area where Darth Vader has decided to show up and his insane ability of deflecting any kind of lasers.
I swear he deflects any shots fired at him in that game no matter you shoot at his back or his face.
I just threw grenades and then shot him as he was disabled.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
madcap2112 said:
Any time I hear the Tank's music in Left 4 Dead.
this, or when someone on my team accidentally startles the witch without knowing where it was


New member
May 20, 2009
Tank on L4D no question, the most tense and horrible music to hear, especially if half way through a horde or more specials turn up...


New member
Apr 2, 2010
madcap2112 said:
Any time I hear the Tank's music in Left 4 Dead.
Simmo8591 said:
Tank on L4D no question, the most tense and horrible music to hear, especially if half way through a horde or more specials turn up...
The first time I ever played a game in the Left 4 Dead series (the Left 4 Dead 2 Demo), I freaked out when I first experienced a tank. It's a moment of sheer panic.

Oh yeah, whenever that ominous zombie horde music pops up.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I usually don't get "OH SHIT RUN!" moments. It's usually "OH SHIT! OH SHIT!" and I pause the game for a breather. Which the last time that happened in the last few years were the first time I found a Burer which was in a pretty dark room at night while I was playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call Of Pripyat. Honestly, it made me think of a twisted weird dwarf.


New member
Jun 22, 2009
So I was minding my own business in Oblivion exploring for shrines of the Nine and I come across this rather nice glade and then there's a minotaur, which wtf, and then there's another minotaur, and then when I'm nearly dead anyway all of a sudden there's a fucking unicorn. That thing chased me half the way across Cyrodiil.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
mrhappyface said:
When I was little, I got the game Dynasty Warriors 3. Since my small brain could ignore bad game audio and subpar graphics, I could let myself run wild in fun terms. However, I was also very easily scared, since I was inexprienced. The moment I saw Lu Bu, I nearly crapped my pants, but also thought that I could just snipe him. So I naturally shot him off his horse. However, he got PISSED. I thought the soldiers on my side would slow him down but one hit, and they all died. 10 seconds later, I was looking at a Game Over Screen. What was your biggest Oh Shit, Run! moment?
"It's-it's-it's LU BU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -random soldier.
there is no shame in getting rapped by Lu Bu


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Encountering a Deathclaw at Level 1 scared me shitless in Fallout 3

Being chased by like half the Imperial guard in Oblivion

Being charged by 4 TANKS in L4D2(damn cheating bastards)

In Borderlands:The Zombie Island of Dr Ned, I decided to just run through an area, only to look and see like 50 zombies chasing me.

Man I'm good at getting into those moments. I'm sure I have plenty more, but right now I'm sick with a killer headache so I can't exactly think.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
For me it was the first time i played Tomb Raider.
I was playing while my cousin watched and after a couple of hours i found an underground jungle where i had to shoot raptors. It was a strange change of pace but it was fun. Then suddenly as i approch a turn in the caveren my cousin is like "um, ryan, RYAN!" i'm looking around for what he's talking about but i had spent the whole game up to this point shooting stuff that was my hight or shorter so i didn't think to look up at first but when i finally did i found myself staring at a goddam T-REX!!! The next few minutes were filled with running and frantic shooting while my cousin and i yelled and cussed at the top of our lungs.

Good times


New member
Nov 24, 2008
First time I played Resident Evil 4, in the village area for the first time. My brother was watching me play and was trying to guide me away from where Dr. Salvador (A.K.A The chainsaw guy) was hiding. I knew not to go in one certain house because that would trigger him, so I just kept running around. Eventually I went down a short alleyway and before I even saw Salvador I heard the loud and clear sound of a chainsaw revving up. Nearly shit myself.