I'm actually trying to be a content creator on YT myself but I'm actually scared I might fall into the pitfalls other Youtube channels fall into. I honestly don't know what I'm doing other than gaming stuff. I do want to do reviews and all that because its my passion but honestly I don't know how to go at it because I do want to do things differently from the norm but I don't know how yet. I'm too overly paranoid that nobody would like my videos.
But honestly I haven't really paid any attention to the Youtube scene myself. I mostly use Youtube for music though I do watch some LPs (namely VTubers) on occasion but I don't know what drama or memes is going on since I don't really follow the big channels that everyone else. I guess this almost means I don't really know what pitfalls everyone else has fallen into. However I do understand YT as a whole isn't a great platform to share content on. I wonder if its even worth bothering doing anything on there at this point but I don't have much for an alternative at the moment.
I just don't know what to really do. My anxiety does prevent me from wanting to make more videos because again I'm worried I might be doing something wrong. I do want to do things my way though instead of following trends at least so there's that. I just feel like maybe I'm an idiot because I don't know what I'm getting into.
Sorry rambling for a bit there. I just try to stay way from Youtube trends so I don't know what's really going on. I get confused by new memes all the time but its kind of the norm for me (for reference it took me 5 years to figure out XD was an emote and not something random people just say) so yeah. Idk what to really say though so maybe I should stay out of it? I dunno.
But honestly I haven't really paid any attention to the Youtube scene myself. I mostly use Youtube for music though I do watch some LPs (namely VTubers) on occasion but I don't know what drama or memes is going on since I don't really follow the big channels that everyone else. I guess this almost means I don't really know what pitfalls everyone else has fallen into. However I do understand YT as a whole isn't a great platform to share content on. I wonder if its even worth bothering doing anything on there at this point but I don't have much for an alternative at the moment.
I just don't know what to really do. My anxiety does prevent me from wanting to make more videos because again I'm worried I might be doing something wrong. I do want to do things my way though instead of following trends at least so there's that. I just feel like maybe I'm an idiot because I don't know what I'm getting into.
Sorry rambling for a bit there. I just try to stay way from Youtube trends so I don't know what's really going on. I get confused by new memes all the time but its kind of the norm for me (for reference it took me 5 years to figure out XD was an emote and not something random people just say) so yeah. Idk what to really say though so maybe I should stay out of it? I dunno.