YouTube content creation "sins"

Ghostrick Dorklord

Ordinary High School Girl
Oct 2, 2009
Through the Looking Glass
I'm actually trying to be a content creator on YT myself but I'm actually scared I might fall into the pitfalls other Youtube channels fall into. I honestly don't know what I'm doing other than gaming stuff. I do want to do reviews and all that because its my passion but honestly I don't know how to go at it because I do want to do things differently from the norm but I don't know how yet. I'm too overly paranoid that nobody would like my videos.

But honestly I haven't really paid any attention to the Youtube scene myself. I mostly use Youtube for music though I do watch some LPs (namely VTubers) on occasion but I don't know what drama or memes is going on since I don't really follow the big channels that everyone else. I guess this almost means I don't really know what pitfalls everyone else has fallen into. However I do understand YT as a whole isn't a great platform to share content on. I wonder if its even worth bothering doing anything on there at this point but I don't have much for an alternative at the moment.

I just don't know what to really do. My anxiety does prevent me from wanting to make more videos because again I'm worried I might be doing something wrong. I do want to do things my way though instead of following trends at least so there's that. I just feel like maybe I'm an idiot because I don't know what I'm getting into.

Sorry rambling for a bit there. I just try to stay way from Youtube trends so I don't know what's really going on. I get confused by new memes all the time but its kind of the norm for me (for reference it took me 5 years to figure out XD was an emote and not something random people just say) so yeah. Idk what to really say though so maybe I should stay out of it? I dunno.

Nick Calandra

Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist
Escapist +
Mar 13, 2020
I'm actually trying to be a content creator on YT myself but I'm actually scared I might fall into the pitfalls other Youtube channels fall into. I honestly don't know what I'm doing other than gaming stuff. I do want to do reviews and all that because its my passion but honestly I don't know how to go at it because I do want to do things differently from the norm but I don't know how yet. I'm too overly paranoid that nobody would like my videos.

But honestly I haven't really paid any attention to the Youtube scene myself. I mostly use Youtube for music though I do watch some LPs (namely VTubers) on occasion but I don't know what drama or memes is going on since I don't really follow the big channels that everyone else. I guess this almost means I don't really know what pitfalls everyone else has fallen into. However I do understand YT as a whole isn't a great platform to share content on. I wonder if its even worth bothering doing anything on there at this point but I don't have much for an alternative at the moment.

I just don't know what to really do. My anxiety does prevent me from wanting to make more videos because again I'm worried I might be doing something wrong. I do want to do things my way though instead of following trends at least so there's that. I just feel like maybe I'm an idiot because I don't know what I'm getting into.

Sorry rambling for a bit there. I just try to stay way from Youtube trends so I don't know what's really going on. I get confused by new memes all the time but its kind of the norm for me (for reference it took me 5 years to figure out XD was an emote and not something random people just say) so yeah. Idk what to really say though so maybe I should stay out of it? I dunno.
Ha, until this year I never showed my face on camera. I've created and helped create content for years, all behind the scenes. Wasn't till Jack and I started streaming and doing The Escapist Show together that I grew out of that anxiety. Both of people judging me online and not the content I made, and also saying things I believe and having anxiety of people attacking me over it etc.

Only way you get past the anxiety is to just get out there and start making content. You don't really need a unique hook for reviews, you just need to be able to articulate your thoughts well and make sure your editing and voice-work is quality. Bad audio will turn away viewers faster than anything else, I can tell you that much from experience.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Like & Subscribe! - a really cringey and goofy smile

I watch a few guilty of this, and honestly like their content, but good lord, does that line grate. "Click the bell icon" rates up there as well, and is debatably worse because YouTube's notification system is royally screwed because of how bloated it is.

My main thing with that is I use my liked videos as a music shuffle. Because thats a billion times simpler then trying to manage a youtube playlsit.

And Subscribe for a lot of channels would deluge me with stuff I don't care about. A good example would be Cohh Carnage, I'll watch his LPs for a few episodes to kidn of preview games, which is great. But actually sub to that channel and there's 20 odd videos a day of chopped up twitch streams.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Only way you get past the anxiety is to just get out there and start making content. You don't really need a unique hook for reviews, you just need to be able to articulate your thoughts well and make sure your editing and voice-work is quality. Bad audio will turn away viewers faster than anything else, I can tell you that much from experience.
Yes, I think it's much harder these days with so much more professional content out there. Of course, in the end, that's going to create barriers to access too for anyone wanting to start doing anything remotely serious on YT.

For me, I played around making some stuff, just on private access to show to friends. It can be quite a time investment to make things look good, and given I work a full time job (over full time, not infrequently), commute for over 5h a day and have a wife I'd like to spend quality time with, it's just not really an option to devote much time and effort to. I noticed for instance that the basic MS in-game video capture is pretty weak: mediocre res and frequent audio distortion. So then that suggests finding other software, maybe even buying (meh), and it all just seems like a rabbit hole I wouldn't want to fall into.

I do quite enjoy Mighty Jingles. He's possibly quite amateurish compared to many, but it works as part of his channel's charm. I think he mostly gets by on cheerfulness and enthusiasm.
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Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Yes, I think it's much harder these days with so much more professional content out there. Of course, in the end, that's going to create barriers to access too for anyone wanting to start doing anything remotely serious on YT.

For me, I played around making some stuff, just on private access to show to friends. It can be quite a time investment to make things look good, and given I work a full time job (over full time, not infrequently), commute for over 5h a day and have a wife I'd like to spend quality time with, it's just not really an option to devote much time and effort to. I noticed for instance that the basic MS in-game video capture is pretty weak: mediocre res and frequent audio distortion. So then that suggests finding other software, maybe even buying (meh), and it all just seems like a rabbit hole I wouldn't want to fall into.

I do quite enjoy Mighty Jingles. He's possibly quite amateurish compared to many, but it works as part of his channel's charm. I think he mostly gets by on cheerfulness and enthusiasm.
I had YouTube aspirations at one point myself. But then YouTube started shitting the bed by making the content creators be on the defensive for basically everything possible, even if they're in the right on a situation. And once the extremely heavy algorithm changes started happening I gave up on the idea. Props to anyone who still wishes to get out there and have a lot of fun doing it, more power to them. It just sounds like an uphill battle I know I'm not willing to deal with. I've heard streaming is popular though
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Nick Calandra

Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist
Escapist +
Mar 13, 2020
I had YouTube aspirations at one point myself. But then YouTube started shitting the bed by making the content creators be on the defensive for basically everything possible, even if they're in the right on a situation. And once the extremely heavy algorithm changes started happening I gave up on the idea. Props to anyone who still wishes to get out there and have a lot of fun doing it, more power to them. It just sounds like an uphill battle I know I'm not willing to deal with. I've heard streaming is popular though

Subscriber counts don't mean anything anymore. It amounts to following someone on Twitter at this point. Whether it's Google Search, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, all this algorithm baloney has made it VERY hard to get started unless you're lucky and have a pre-established audience.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I had YouTube aspirations at one point myself. But then YouTube started shitting the bed by making the content creators be on the defensive for basically everything possible, even if they're in the right on a situation. And once the extremely heavy algorithm changes started happening I gave up on the idea. Props to anyone who still wishes to get out there and have a lot of fun doing it, more power to them. It just sounds like an uphill battle I know I'm not willing to deal with. I've heard streaming is popular though
As someone who's done both, there are upsides and downsides to each. Streaming doesn't depend on algorithms, and you don't have to worry about uploading or thumbnails or descriptions or keywords- but you do have to keep things interesting and varied for long stretches, without the benefit of editing out technical issues or lulls in the action. And you're still bound by rules that may or may not be fairly applied in your situation.

Still, the truism holds- you'll never know until you try. Heck, if I can manage it, anyone can.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Breaking up an album out of order, and also inserting video commercials after every track. I'd rather you just put the little banner type on the screen, as they don't interrupt the music flow.

If you're going to put up the entire album by a band as one clip, don't mess with the flow of the music man!
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