dragongit said:
Great, not all hate letters and comments will be directly sent to e-mails, facebook, twitter, ect. I am not defending this guy. Far from it, I think he's garbage and refuse to even watch anything of his directly to avoid giving him money. I've seen things indirectly from other sources, and can see just how horrible it is. I'm just saying that the hate comments will find their way. And it will put a damper on those who were actual fans.
Not to mention that PewDiePie, like everybody else with a bit of sense who's ever posted a video anywhere knew damned well that there was going to be plenty of haters, arguments, whatever if he was going to post popular videos. He could just simply enjoy the good comments and IGNORE the bad comments like a mature and rational human being. If he or anyone else that does this wasn't willing to live with some bad comments he should have never uploaded anything to begin with.
To PieDiePie I'd say this: Video uploaders can do turn off comments, doesn't mean you or anyone else should. If you and others don't like comments, get off of Youtube.