You've NEVER SEEN (Insert popular movie here)??!? Popular movies that you've never actually watched.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Scott Pilgrim Vs the World - looks like meta nerd pandering crap to me...not to mention I'm not particually enthralled at the idea of some loser doing grand sweeping romantic gestures for a girl...I also hate Micheal Cira (not personally)

The Lego Movie- same deal some averge guy were all suposed to relte too gets the girl in the end, the girl relegated to side charachter

How to Train your Dragon 2- I saw the first one with my Boyfreind of the time and now the memory of that film is sullied by the memory of a really awkward relationship

...yes in case your wondering I DID wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning


New member
May 8, 2013
The biggest one for me is Mean Girls. It seems to get quoted every other day.

Otherwise, the Alien franchise, Wayne's World, Ferris Buller's Day Off, Back to the Future 3, Avatar (Hah, never going to watch that shit) and Silence of the Lambs.

I really do want to watch that last one though.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Shawshank Redemption, all Terminators but the second, all Predators but the first, Alien, Aliens 3, The Godfather trilogy, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; Schindler's List, 12 Angry Men, 21 Jump Street, Fight Club, all Star Wars movies, Inception, Goodfellas, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Seven Samurai, Se7en, Silence of the Lambs, It's a Wonderful Life, Leon: The Professional, Casablanca, Life is Beautiful, Psycho, American History X, Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, Apocalypse Now, The Green Mile, Back to the Future trilogy, The Prestige, The Shining, American Beauty, Citizen Kane, Taxi Driver, Napoleon Dynamite, Oldboy, Drive, Requiem for a Dream, Braveheart, Lawrence of Arabia, IT, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Scarface, all Die Hard movies, Pan's Labyrinth, Heat, Running Man, all Fast and Furious movies, Blade Runner, The Big Lebowski, V for Vendetta, Fargo, Gone With the Wind, The Sixth Sense, The Thing, No Country for Old Men, Sin City 1 & 2, The Princess Bride, There Will Be Blood, all Bourne movies, all Jaws movies, Groundhog Day, all Rocky movies, both Captain America movies, Guns of Navarone, A Fistful of Dollars, all Jurassic Park movies, Titanic, Drive, A Clockwork Orange, Gran Torino, Hot Fuzz, all Naked Gun, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Edward Scissorhands, Shaun of the Dead, all James Bond movies except Skyfall, The Exorcist, Shutter Island, The Nightmare Before Christmas, all Halloween movies, all Nightmare on Elm Street movies, all Friday the 13th movies, 300, Grave of Fireflies, Night of the Living Dead, The Notebook, all of Jackie Chan's movies like Enter the Dragon, The Blues Brothers, District 9, Anchorman 1 & 2, Total Recall (and a lot of Arnie's movies), I Am Legend...

I don't watch movies, you see. The only movies I legitimately want to watch that I just listed are A Clockwork Orange and Heat.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Is it sad that about 90% of the movies listed so far would be on my list?

Anyways, despite being a Star Trek fan, I still haven't seen any of the movies outside of the two new ones (both of which I like, btw) and First Contact. Also haven't seen The 40-Year Old Virgin.

Mr. Jekyll

New member
Jun 8, 2014
scorptatious said:
RJ 17 said:
Well Frozen was on my list of "Nope, never seen that one" until just yesterday. :p

Gotta say, I call shenanigans against it. No epic villain song = no "it's good" vote from me! For that matter, it seemed like they got to the 3rd act and realized "Crap! do realize that we don't even have a villain in this story, right? We at least need SOME kinda conflict!" so they kinda shoehorned one in literally in the last 20 minutes. They should have been setting him up from the beginning to be the villain or they should have said "fuck it!" and gone all out: just straight up no villain to be found.

To be more on-topic, I can honestly say I've never seen The Lego Movie. I've wanted to see it, but I just...kinda...haven't.
I personally like how they handled the villain in Frozen. The lack of foreshadowing made the reveal pretty shocking to me. Although I can understand wanting a good villain song.
Funnily enough, just about every single one of my female friends called it (and even my teacher's 5 year old daughter) but I don't know anyone who is male who saw it coming.

On Topic: A lot of 80s action movies, and basically all horror movies. The only classic horror I think I've seen is The Shining. I haven't seen Casablanca or Gone With the Wind or Citizen Kane. Nothing Quentin Tarantino other than Kill Bill. I tried Reservoir Dogs but couldn't get into it, probably because the ending has been spoiled all over.

Also no Snakes On A Plane or The Room.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
See, they don't pop up often in conversation for me, I don't really think about 'em... but off the top of my head, Pearl Harbor and Titanic... because hype makes me want to avoid seeing movies more often than not... and back then, I was less tolerant of peoples' desire to make me sit through these fuckin' things.

I'm actually rather ashamed that I have seen Avatar.

Looking through the thread for other examples...

The Hunger Games franchise, which reminds me...
the Twilight franchise, which further reminds me...
the Harry Potter franchise
Westside Story, which reminds me...
William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet, 1996. I remember it being very popular when I was in high school.
Breakfast Club
Amazing Spider Man (and 2)
Black Swan (though I suppose I should get around to it someday)
Dirty Dancing

Se7en, Silence of the Lambs... suffice to say horror movies. They either bore me or make me laugh my ass off, both of which offend the people who make me watch them. Last one I was forced to watch was Hellraiser. It was hilarious.

American Beauty
Gone with the Wind
The Notebook
Star Trek... I've seen a lot of the TV series' and one or two of the numbered movies, couldn't say which.
Any of the Alien movies after the first one

**edit** ooh, Snakes on a Plane. Didn't think of that one.
Isn't The Room supposed to be some kind of high-brow horror? I lumped it in with that. Ah. No. Romantic drama-thing? The Citizen Kane of bad movies? The fuck does tha- ...never mind. It goes on my blacklist.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
oh dear lord this will be a very long list

None of the Alien or Predator films
None of the Godfather films
Reservoir Dogs
Blade Runner
Total Recall(original or new one though my family does own the original)
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Gone With the Wind
Citizen Kane
Singin' In the Rain
King Kong (any version)
Any version of Planet of the Apes
Any Godzilla movie
A Hard Day's Night
The Bride of Frankenstein
The Maltese Falcon (though I do have this in audiobook form to listen to)
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Apocalypse Now
A Streetcar Named Desire
The Grapes of Wrath
Any of the Jaws films
Rosemary's Baby
Forbidden Planet
Schindler's List
Taxi Driver
Some Like it Hot
Bonnie & Clyde
An American in Paris
Top Hat
A Star is Born
42nd Street
Lawrence of Arabia
Any of the Rocky films
Sophie's Choice
The French Connection
Yankee Doodle Dandy
Dracula (original)
Plan 9 From Outer Space
Suspira (original or remake)
It's a Wonderful Life
Modern Times
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Deep Throat

And I don't feel like typing more. But there's a lot more I haven't. Especially newer movies


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Top Gun.

I'm also in the Navy and spent 4 years on a carrier, but I've never seen more then 5 minutes of top gun.

I've seen many military and navy films, but for some reason never got around to seeing THE Navy film. I think the problem is that 1.) I saw Hot Shots first and 2.) the more I learn about the Church of Scientology, the harder it gets to watching him smile and thinking about the people he represents.

So yeah.

Also, Transformers(and 2 and 3 and whatever the new one is) Mostly because Shia LeBeof annoys the crap out of me and for reason they insist on making me watch him "act"(despite the fact this film is supposed to be about giant robots). Also, I have no particular love for the toys. What scenes I've seen from the films have done little to make me think "Oh, I really need to see that".


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Redlin5 said:
Scott Pilgrim. Apparently that is a sin around certain friends.
It sucks, badly. You're better off that way.

For me, probably others but 'The Usual Suspects' is one that comes to mind. Been referenced all the time forever, and obviously spoiled to hell by now. Just never felt like it.

Ten Foot Bunny

I'm more of a dishwasher girl
Mar 19, 2014
Citizen Kane
Gone with the Wind
Miracle on 34th Street
The Godfather (all of them)
Raging Bull
The Graduate
Taxi Driver
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
The Bad News Bears
Apocalypse Now
Some Like it Hot
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Rebel Without a Cause
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

That's all I can think of off the top of my head but I'm sure there's more. Midnight Cowboy was on that list until a couple months ago and I found it to be absolutely brilliant.

Blow_Pop said:
A Hard Day's Night
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Those two alone make me cry for you! ;) My existence would be greatly cheapened if I'd never heard John Lennon joke about how "She looks more like him than I do." Or watching the inimitable Peter Sellers play three characters in one amazing movie.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Back to the Future
Shawshank Redemption

Those are all good films, too. I should probably make a point to check them out sometime soon.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
I've yet to watch Frozen. All I know I'd that it involves snowmen and getting over things thanks to all the memes about it. I bet if I watch it now I'll be really underwhelmed because it's been overhyped.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
There are loads, but the one that always gets a crazy reception (especially with girls) is Titanic.
But then there are loads of "classics" like ScarFace and many others, already mentioned in this thread.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Any Michael Bay moive after The Rock After you've heard Sean Connery's speach on "f@*king Prom Queens" you need hear no more
Any superhero moive after The Dark Knight No Iron Man, no Thor, nada!
Any Adam Sandler Movie after The Waterboy I know his popularity has dropped but there was a time he was considered the greatest thing since the fart joke was invented.

There's more, but moives/films just don't interest me, I haven't been to the cinema in three years and that's fine by me!


New member
May 19, 2014
loc978 said:
William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet, 1996. I remember it being very popular when I was in high school.
Just wanna throw my voice in here, maybe light some fires:
The reason Romeo & Juliet is so overhyped is because most teenagers don't get what the story really is about. It's not a romantic love story about two people who aren't allowed to love each other, but do anyway. It's about a teenage flick that goes terribly bad. It's basically a tragic comedy, not a love story.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
Never seen the Godfather, never actually saw Saving Private Ryan, haven't seen Goodfellas or any of the Godzilla movies from before 1998, the Shining, Seven Samurai, any of the Hannibal Lecter franchise, Apocalypse Now...actually hadn't seen the Untouchables until about a week or so ago..

Ten Foot Bunny said:
Miracle on 34th Street
Word of advice there. If you ever decide to watch that one, be sure to go with the original. The 90s remake suffers greatly for trying to give the film a dedicated villain, among other things.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
That comic is a pretty good summary of my reaction to my friend that had never seen Star Wars... and again after I made him sit down and watch it and he proclaimed Jar Jar to be a good and interesting character. I almost had to disown him. It was a troubling time.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
I haven't seen all of the Star Wars films.
I've only seen The Phantom Menace and one of the older ones but I don't remember which one, much to the dismay of my boyfriend.
Shinkicker444 said:
That comic is a pretty good summary of my reaction to my friend that had never seen Star Wars... and again after I made him sit down and watch it and he proclaimed Jar Jar to be a good and interesting character. I almost had to disown him. It was a troubling time.
Funny that this is the post above mine. At least I didn't like Jar Jar Binks.

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Oddly enough, I don't think I've seen any film that is usually referenced in any sitcom from about 1998 onwards.

If I have, it's a fun process getting the references retroactively.