Zack Snyder Defends Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor Casting


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Sep 17, 2011
Having never watched Man Of Steel because I figure some of the fundamental changes opposed the main canon of the character, I feel reassured that my lack of interest in that movie works well for this one. I would not be surprised if Jesse played an amazing Lex, it is theoretically possible. But, given the fact that the movie is Batman vs Wonder Woman, and the darker tone the DC movies seem to be taking, I am more interested in watching the Raccoon movie.

I want to see how well Vin Diesel can voice act with only three words...


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Covarr said:
Jesse Eisenberg plays the role as written, and it works because you shit all over the source material (likely)
Would this really be that bad? I'd love to see Lex taken in a completely new direction as long as it's done well. The only thing that really has me worried about this movie is that it seems a little too packed (like in Spiderman 3). Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman, and Lex Luthor. It seems like they're rushing to do what Marvel's done.


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Jul 17, 2013
Gordon_4 said:
For my money, something pretty out of left field is going to have to happen to make me look at Jessie Eisenberg and think to myself "He's Lex Luthor". As an actor he tends to play character are come across as smug, self satisfied arseholes but lack the charm and sophistication to make it look good.

Better bring your A-game, Jessie. Christ knows you'll need it.
In all honesty how many "big" films has Jesse been in actually if you think about it? Zombieland, The Social Network........I can't think of any others. He probably has but those are the two people know and remember him from. In the Social Network he played Lex Luthor light basically. Thinking about it lately I can actually see Jesse playing a very good Lex Luthor. He's not an imposing presence but if he can carry himself right and deliver his lines in such a way he could be even scarier than a more traditional Clancy Brown style Luthor (who to date is still the best Luthor ever.....actually that whole universe is the best version of DC's characters ever).


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Mar 30, 2011
I'm not saying it's GONNA happen, but remember when people got all furious about Nolan casting Heath Ledger as the Joker?

Just gonna leave it at that.


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Aug 22, 2010
KazeAizen said:
In all honesty how many "big" films has Jesse been in actually if you think about it? Zombieland, The Social Network........I can't think of any others. He probably has but those are the two people know and remember him from. In the Social Network he played Lex Luthor light basically. Thinking about it lately I can actually see Jesse playing a very good Lex Luthor.
I wish I had your optimism; I really do. And I think 'Now You See Me' was another one of his.

KazeAizen said:
He's not an imposing presence but if he can carry himself right and deliver his lines in such a way he could be even scarier than a more traditional Clancy Brown style Luthor (who to date is still the best Luthor ever.....actually that whole universe is the best version of DC's characters ever).
God. Yes! Hell if he wasn't as old as he was, I'd say just cut out the middle man and hire Clancy Brown anyway.


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May 14, 2010
BrotherRool said:
All the castings decisions for the film have made me excited because they are terrific prestigious actors and they suggest that someone somewhere has a vision for this thing because they're not the obvious choices.
Didn't they cast some Israeli model whose only acting credit is a Fast and Furious sequel as Wonder Woman? Hardly prestigious. Not saying you're wrong to be excited, but the announced cast so far is far from 100% acting A grade.


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Oct 31, 2008
Megalodon said:
BrotherRool said:
All the castings decisions for the film have made me excited because they are terrific prestigious actors and they suggest that someone somewhere has a vision for this thing because they're not the obvious choices.
Didn't they cast some Israeli model whose only acting credit is a Fast and Furious sequel as Wonder Woman? Hardly prestigious. Not saying you're wrong to be excited, but the announced cast so far is far from 100% acting A grade.
I mean it's pretty much the definition of acting A grade in that they've cast multiple oscar winners. I agree that Gal Godot isn't prestigious but she's the exception not the rule in terms of what they've done so far and it's very likely that her part in this particular film is just going to be a cameo.

IMDB lists 8 confirmed actors so far. Of those 3 have won Oscars and only Gal Gadot hasn't been nominated for one.


New member
May 28, 2013
Gordon_4 said:
For my money, something pretty out of left field is going to have to happen to make me look at Jessie Eisenberg and think to myself "He's Lex Luthor". As an actor he tends to play character are come across as smug, self satisfied arseholes but lack the charm and sophistication to make it look good.

Better bring your A-game, Jessie. Christ knows you'll need it.
So he plays smug self satisfied arseholes with no charm and a total messiah complex about themselves. And thats not Lex.

...have you, like, read a comic featuring Lex Luthor in the last 50 years?


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Aug 22, 2010
Toadfish1 said:
Gordon_4 said:
For my money, something pretty out of left field is going to have to happen to make me look at Jessie Eisenberg and think to myself "He's Lex Luthor". As an actor he tends to play character are come across as smug, self satisfied arseholes but lack the charm and sophistication to make it look good.

Better bring your A-game, Jessie. Christ knows you'll need it.
So he plays smug self satisfied arseholes with no charm and a total messiah complex about themselves. And thats not Lex.

...have you, like, read a comic featuring Lex Luthor in the last 50 years?
To me, Lex Luthor has always seemed like charismatic and charming man: his public image as an industrialist, a scientist and statesmen depend on such things. He's a total bastard, but still a charming one: unless he's talking to or about Superman. That's when he starts with the ranting, raving and table flipping behavior.


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Feb 10, 2008
SonOfVoorhees said:
I think he is going for a Zuckerberg kinda billionaire than a mature businessmen billionaire. ME? I would prefer an older and successful business than some kid that got lucky. As an actor, you can be awesome but if you act older than your face, then you fail. An older actor would seem wiser onscreen.
Maybe, but honestly, thinking back to The Social Network he did play Zuckerberg with a certain kind of natural arrogance that to me is something I really associate with Lex Luthor. And he did do that very very well. Too smart for his own good, a natural tendency to arrogance and narcissism, that sort of thing.

If Eisenberg manages to extrapolate on that part of his Zuckerberg character, drop the childishness and add a certain air of professionalism and charm I could actually see this work. Maybe. I'm not discounting it in any case.


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Aug 30, 2011
Nominated for an Academy Award != good for any and every role.

Suited to script != suited to character, because the script may != a good script, and the representation of the character may != a good representation of the character.

I am surprised that at the point Jesse Eisenberg became a good candidate for Lex Luthor nobody said "Wait a fucking second, we must have gone wrong somewhere, why don't we revise the script".

I mean he's meant to be bald, for crying out loud.


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Mar 15, 2011
KazeAizen said:
EeveeElectro said:
People could at least wait until a trailer before they start bitching. Honestly, if the movie looks shit from the trailer, ***** until the cows come home and don't go see it.

There's "I don't think he is right for the role" which is fine to think, but I've seen some people completely lose their shit over this and it's weird to see.

I know my quite positive attitude doesn't really have a place here but I think we can all name a few actors we were pleasantly surprised by in movies and maybe Eisenberg will be another one.

I don't think he particularly looks the role and his past movies have been a bit too much "awkward teenager/adult" but this might be his time to shine and break free from the type-casting.

Saying that, if Snyder makes a good movie he will receive all of my respect. It's going to be tough to pull this off.
If nothing else we can at least expect top flight action scenes. He doesn't use shaky cam a whole lot like most action movies do these days. Say what you will about his films but in almost every single one they have some pretty damn engaging action scenes. Hell Suckerpunch proved that is someone wanted to make an anime into a live action movie and actually use anime style battle cliches and make it work they can. The Owls of Gahoole, Man of Steel, Suckerpunch all had great action beats. Plus the heroes can actually move in their costumes in the live action ones thus allowing them to actually do engaging combat sequences, unlike some other heroes I know. *looks at Batman franchise*
Normally i would agree, but i think the action scenes was what ruined Man of Steel, i kinda enjoyed the movie but the action was so boring and drawn out. But normally he manages action pretty well, his all style and no substance, but it kinda works for him. Unfortunately i think the quality of his work has declined recently, Man of Steel was the best of the last three, but still not particularily good (mainly do to action imo) and Sucker Punch + the owl were pretty awful. He's best when he adapts stuff.

Leonardo Huizar

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Jul 1, 2012
CriticalMiss said:
I think he means his script rather than the source material. At least I hope so because it might indicate he doesn't know who Lex Luthor actually is (he's the one who runs fast, right?).
...Yes, he is actually


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Feb 8, 2012
I didn't like the movie MoS so I don't have high hopes for this project anyway. And the casting decisions aren't helping at all....

So yeah, maybe Eisenberg will do a good job, but from what I've seen of the character Lex Luthor in the comics and previous movies I simply can't see Eisenberg in that role. But the same goes for Gal Gadot and Wonder Woman....

I'll wait for the trailer to decide whether I'll go see the movie in cinema or not, but the chances for me actually going are slim....


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Dec 17, 2012
BrotherRool said:
And whatever else might have happened, casting wasn't a problem Man Of Steel had.
Damn right. While the plot was convoluted and dumb it wasn't because the actors did a poor job of it.

I can't think of a single actor who didn't portray exactly what the director asked of them... Russell Crowe and Michael Shannon both performed admirably.

And of course, the KO Punch against any criticism towards a risky acting choice will always be Heath Ledger.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
Gordon_4 said:
I wish I had your optimism; I really do. And I think 'Now You See Me' was another one of his.
Slapping myself right now. That was one of my favorite movies last year and of course he was awesome in that....actually that movie had a pretty legit cast all the way around.
God. Yes! Hell if he wasn't as old as he was, I'd say just cut out the middle man and hire Clancy Brown anyway.
Hell you could make that work. An older Lex who has been around for a very long time who's supremacy is suddenly challenged by this alien with god like powers. It could work

Mr. Q

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Apr 30, 2013
"There are two ways to think about it. We know the material. Unfortunately, the fans don't know the material.
Zack, you had better be referring to the script in regards to that quote. Because myself and many other "fans" know a lot more about Lex Luthor than you and Goyer, bucko!

Also, you might wanna do a press conference and release some photos of the cast in costume like yesterday. You and this whole production is on some shaky ground; mostly due to the last movie you made. The last thing you want is to fuck things up even worse than they are now!


New member
Jul 17, 2013
MrBaskerville said:
KazeAizen said:
EeveeElectro said:
People could at least wait until a trailer before they start bitching. Honestly, if the movie looks shit from the trailer, ***** until the cows come home and don't go see it.

There's "I don't think he is right for the role" which is fine to think, but I've seen some people completely lose their shit over this and it's weird to see.

I know my quite positive attitude doesn't really have a place here but I think we can all name a few actors we were pleasantly surprised by in movies and maybe Eisenberg will be another one.

I don't think he particularly looks the role and his past movies have been a bit too much "awkward teenager/adult" but this might be his time to shine and break free from the type-casting.

Saying that, if Snyder makes a good movie he will receive all of my respect. It's going to be tough to pull this off.
If nothing else we can at least expect top flight action scenes. He doesn't use shaky cam a whole lot like most action movies do these days. Say what you will about his films but in almost every single one they have some pretty damn engaging action scenes. Hell Suckerpunch proved that is someone wanted to make an anime into a live action movie and actually use anime style battle cliches and make it work they can. The Owls of Gahoole, Man of Steel, Suckerpunch all had great action beats. Plus the heroes can actually move in their costumes in the live action ones thus allowing them to actually do engaging combat sequences, unlike some other heroes I know. *looks at Batman franchise*
Normally i would agree, but i think the action scenes was what ruined Man of Steel, i kinda enjoyed the movie but the action was so boring and drawn out. But normally he manages action pretty well, his all style and no substance, but it kinda works for him. Unfortunately i think the quality of his work has declined recently, Man of Steel was the best of the last three, but still not particularily good (mainly do to action imo) and Sucker Punch + the owl were pretty awful. He's best when he adapts stuff.
The owls were an adaptation and that's weird. You're like the one person I've seen who says that Gahoole was awful. We know Zack can make good movies and hell even good comic books movies. After all he was the one who filmed the unfilmable comic and made it great. Or at least I think it was great. Everyone keeps telling me it actually is but when I saw it I couldn't get passed big blue swinging dicks and sex scenes. Perhaps freshman year high school was not the best time to see it. Its the Nolan touch that probably needs to go away. Nolan is a good film maker but obviously when it comes to the comic book stuff he likes to do dark descontructions of it rather than embrace it. Kind of like Alan Moore did except I think Nolan is less of an ass than Moore. They got good names associated with the franchise. The problem is their styles clash. Where as Zack likes to embrace a stylistic approach to his films Nolan would rather bring it down to the real world.