Zero Punctuation: Demon's Souls


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Never heard of this game, don't want to buy it now. You do your job well Yahtzee


New member
May 9, 2008
Great review, Yahtzee.

Demon's Souls is just one of those games that was made for making the wall and your PS3 controller get together on a more frequent basis. It's not an RPG; it's a relationship healer.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
ace_of_something said:
I really like this game but starting out is unreasonably difficult unless you read the instructions from cover to cover. Otherwise you have no idea how to level up and you'll be rediculiously weak for the part with the dragon, dogs, and elites that he mentioned.

The game is agonizingly hard until you understand everything you can do. Which juding by this review he didn't know.
In fairness though once you do understand everything it's still really really hard.
That was my only real fault with the game. The fact that NOTHING is explained to you except for the basic movement. Wich made the first part of the game an absolute *****.

But when I restarted the game after 30+ hours of playing, the first segment was a walk in the park.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Zerocyde said:
It reminds me of this game...

Sounds absolutely terrible.
LMAO That is exactaly what Demon's Souls is, but I like it. It's an aquired taste and Yahtzee's experiance is exactly what I thinking the first time I enter a new level.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Twinky said:
This wasn't a very good review. You forgot to mention very important aspects of the game:

1. You can view other people's deaths
2. You can play coop with up to two friends
3. You can invade another person's world to hunt and kill them

I'm sure you could have made funny remarks on these things. It's a shame you gave up on this game without first trying all three of these features.
Yeah but from his "Review" he never noticed or went back to the Nexus after defeating Phalanx so you can't invade yet or possibly get help from others (Not sure if you need your own Blue Stone to beable to get help or not.) but Yahtzee's mentioned his online connection isn't that grat so maybe he didn't notice if he was Online* in D.S. while in online mode no chance to get help or View thier deaths... well he could see deaths in the 1st region.

* Sometimes when in online mode you'll lose server connection or something and notes/phatoms won't beable to appear or be able to be written.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I'm considering renting this from Gamefly, but I'm afraid I'll destroy the disk. Then, I'll get charged. Maybe I should buy it just so I can have the pure, guilt-free pleasure of destroying the disk intentionally.

DarkPanda XIII

New member
Nov 3, 2009
Huh, been planning on getting the PS3 soon enough, but not quite sure what to get.

Thank you, Yahtzee, for turning away from this game, I would have tried it, but I truly
can't deal with frustratingly hard games like that


New member
Jul 13, 2009
As usual, I find myself agreeing and disagreeing with Yatzee on this one (hilarious as it was! bravo!)

Sorry peoples, this game rocks. You actually have to stick with it, and learn from you mistakes, and learn well, instead of just running forward mashing the 'i am a mighty slayer of splatty things' like all other frigging melee based games seem to have now. This game treats you like a veteran Halo player treats 'n00bs', 'cause you are to D'S S.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Haha it made me laugh to see Yahtzee fall for all of the common mistakes for this game. I wonder if he realized that the game was trying to break the mold of all other western RPGs by punishing you if you followed the "generic rules". The problem with reviewing this game is that time is required to learn all of its little tricks and turns, then thats when "The Real Demon's Souls Starts Here". I have a feeling if he had the time to play it, he may begin to like it. I do agree with him on the character creation though. God it took me half a bloody hour to create somebody without fish lips.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
this video is why n00bs shouldn't be allowed to review games... stick to the storylines yahtzee, leave the gameplay to us people with no lives to plough through, one broken controller after another...
Dec 16, 2009
must say, a pre boss check point would have been nice at 1-2
eventually gave up as it was getting tedious dodging dragons n killing two blue eyed knights just to die quickly everytime

so upon leaving 1-2 until i was stronger i moved on to 2-1, felt a big sense of achievement beating the boss, then died in 2-2 faster than i care to mention. gave up on the game n sulked for a few weeks.

now i'm leaving 2-2 until i'm stronger and attempting 3-1 with a new determination after my break from it
this game is not for the meek


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Hmm, I really thought he would have done Borderlands by now, but whatever, great review as always.


New member
Dec 16, 2009
katsabas said:
I liked the bit when the imp gets smashed with a giant hammer. Best review in a while.

Twinky said:
This wasn't a very good review. You forgot to mention very important aspects of the game:

1. You can view other people's deaths
2. You can play coop with up to two friends
3. You can invade another person's world to hunt and kill them

I'm sure you could have made funny remarks on these things. It's a shame you gave up on this game without first trying all three of these features.
Yeah, umm, Yahtzee never (EVER) plays online multiplayer.
I didn't know that Yahtzee didn't play multiplayer games. Even so, he was participating in a multiplayer environment by reading and writing those messages anyway. Having another player invade your world and hunt you down is like having a special random boss appear. He could pretend it's an NPC! It's an integral part of the game, and sadly he did not explore or comment on it =(


Bored at Work
Jan 30, 2009
I'm a little worried about the whole "No Pausing" thing.. I understand not allowing pausing when menu navigating to keep the difficulty up, but odds are I'm going to be interrupted at least a few times by other, more pressing matters while playing this. Are there ANY parts in this game where you can take a breather or something, or do I just have to hope that I'm never interrupted anywhere outside the beginning of a level?