Zero Punctuation: E3 2010


Residential Idiot
Oct 24, 2008
Haha that was fun. I have to say, I (which looks kind of like a spaceship in html) happen to like Raiden as much as Kojima. MGS 2 was my first foray into the MGS series, and I must say that I found original Raiden interesting as a protagonist to get brain raped by everyone else.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
I kind of wish instead of making new technology Nintendo would just focus on making some good new games. I'm not saying they haven't made good games in recent years, I'm saying I have never had a DS because every time I turn around the current version is obsolete and there's a new one on the horizon. It's incredibly frustrating because developers tend to immediately abandon the old'un in favour of the new'un, and sometimes the systems will be backwards compatible but not always and sometimes new games will work on older systems but they look like garbage and GRAH. I don't care about 3D; I care about not having to buy a new system every freaking year.

But, whatever. It's not like the DS has any exclusive titles I've been chomping at the bit to play. I'm old and lame, so all I really want is to play Earthbound or Breath of Fire 2 again.

captain underpants

New member
Jun 8, 2010
Enjoyed this episode as always.

On motion controls - I'm sure there'll be a market for it, it just won't include me. I'm sure I'll still be able to find games I enjoy playing. Yes, not every game will be to my taste, but that's true now. So, I'm kind of indifferent to it, but Yahtzee's hyperbole makes me laugh.

On 3D - I'm not sure I'd call is a gimmick, more a technology in it's infancy. It's the first steps on the way to the holodeck. I'm not sure I want a holodeck, to be honest. Isn't that the ultimate motion controller? For my preferred genre of racing sims, I think good, realistic depth perception will be a real boon, though. For now, all I get is eyestrain.

The Peter Molyneux reference made me laugh. He's a weird dude. He reminds me of a cross between a PR spewing robot and a Sunday School teacher that fiddles little boys. But he gave the world Populous 2, so that covers a lot of sins.

On Ms. Mayes - The song is no longer tacked on, but after reading this thread I had to watch it out of pure curiosity. Nice enough tune and her voice is ok, although I'm not a fan of female vocalists generally, but the tone and sentiment behind it was, well, weird.

DeathWyrmNexus said:
Finally, as for the song itself, it reminded me all too much of the "exgirlfriend or angry stalker getting back at their target of rage" vibe, which is all too uncomfortable for me on a personal level. It feels like I am watching two people having a tiff in public except I am only seeing one side of it and thus have no perspective. All I have is the fact that I am technically a fan of Yahtzee and I have no truffing idea what this chic is on about.

The screwdriver at the end just cemented that whole vibe for me. If it is a joke, I don't get the punchline as it feels too "inside" for me. If it isn't a joke, I am perplexed at the point of it all.
Well said. The song seems kind of mean spirited and personal to me. I'm not sure how well she knows Yahtzee beyond what he posts publicly here, but I dare say it's 'not at all', which makes it even weirder. I realise Yahtzee can come across as mean spirited too, but I honestly think that's a misinterpretation of someone that merely speaks the truth as he sees it in no uncertain terms, with a dash of hyperbole and potty humour thrown in, which I always find to be an enjoyable mix, without directing it at anyone personally. ie. he rags on what people do, not who they are, which is the opposite of what Ms. Mayes is doing.

I do know that if Yahtzee's anything like me, he probably doesn't really care for this kind of pap psychoanalysis from a woman he doesn't even know. I know it bugged me when my wife (now ex-wife) did it, let alone a complete stranger. I guess that's one of the costs of fame. Still, I respect him for not dignifying it with a response, and if I were him I'd be keeping my distance from her.


solidstatemind said:
But really... the arrogance of casting aspersions on someone else's motives in a public forum without even having the sense to do a little research is simply staggering.
Do you realise you've just described that song to a tee?


New member
Jun 19, 2009
"At least they have a soul, not a clockwork emotion simulator that runs on money".

Fuckin brilliant


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Motion controls shouldn't go away. They certainly shouldn't replace traditional controllers, but gaming is all about games, and much like one kid enjoys playing tag while another kid gets into a game of Hungry Hungry Hippos, there are plenty of different venues. I still prefer playing things on a PC, but I'm not above going to an arcade and plopping a few quarters into House of the Dead, because I like the little plastic guns. The success of the Wii, and the fact that it hit a different market while the traditional gamer market largely complained, should show that it isn't really an evolution, or the next step, but a branch off into a whole different set up. Now, I would agree that the industry itself is just milking motion controls for all they are worth, as there is nothing they like more than a gimmicky whore, but complaining about motion controls is no better than the mouse and keyboard vs. console controller argument.

Oh, and the song by Mayes was pretty well done, although if she's really getting offended at ironic usage of misogyny that often is in place to mock the people that actually view women in that light... well, as much as I enjoy her music she is a bit of a fruity hippy, and they've never been known for taking jokes all too well.


New member
Apr 3, 2008
JaredXE said:
Because he hates sequels. Mostly because even if the sequel improves things from the first game, it has an inherent lack of originality by virtue of being a sequel.
He said that he hated remakes, not sequels per se.


New member
Dec 31, 2007
Why is Rebecca Mayes against Yahtzee? Personally, I think she has a little crush on him and wants to make out with him some time. It's hard to think of many girls who wouldn't be wanting to make out with Yahtzee and his sweet hat right now... #ahem#

According to mayes, she's reacting to his "overuse" of mysogynistic (anti-female) humour. Seriously, watch Yahtzee's review of The Sims 3 some time... some people get touchy about that sort of stuff. I don't think Yahtzee needs to worry though, it was more likely a nosebleed from his brain imploading at the though of how much cash EA is going to rake in with that franchise, that couldn't get out enough holes. It's happens sometimes.

Yahtzee and Mayes would make a sweet power couple. of course, if they are busy making out, she won't be able to sing, so that's win-win for everybody, especially if we get to watch, right? Silver lining, people - there is ALWAYS a silver lining! :D

Flow State

New member
Jun 25, 2010
Concerning Nintendo and their lack of innovation: if you think about it, they learned very early on not to innovate. Think about the first two sequels of major 1st party games they had: Mario 2 (in before "you noob, that wasn't a sequel!") and Zelda 2. Both quite innovative, both panned as bad.

I'm as against Nintendo's "casual" agenda as much as the next guy - as a matter of fact, as a former competitive SSBMelee player, I'm more against it than some - but it is what it is. Regardless, I'll play the new Metroid, and a slew of people will play the other retreads.

So, they'll keep making them


New member
Jan 5, 2008
captain underpants said:
... Okay, now I am a bit more pissed off. I just got a badge for watching another Rebecca Muse video because of this damn set up.

I has an angry as I now have a double reminder that I watched something I didn't want to watch.


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008
captain underpants said:

solidstatemind said:
But really... the arrogance of casting aspersions on someone else's motives in a public forum without even having the sense to do a little research is simply staggering.
Do you realise you've just described that song to a tee?
I'm sorry, but you are incorrect. I'm sure Mayes did plenty of research on Yahtzee before composing the song, and as proof of this, she even solicited suggestions for the song from ZP watchers at the end of one of the earlier ZP videos, as well as via a less-direct method (news post here on the site).

If you hadn't redacted the quote of what I said to suit your needs, you would see that I was berating the guy I was quoting for making assumptions about the motivations behind the song and how much effort went into it, but most of all, in regards to his snide, myopic attitude. Hilariously, you're now guilty of almost the exact same thing-- at least when it comes to the 'making assumptions' part, although you certainly had a less arrogant attitude about it...


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Like he said, MS and Sony just need to get this motion control nonsense out of their systems so we can move on to better things. I really hope both move and kinect are colossal flops. Motion controls are horrible in their current state. They're imprecise, provide no feedback, and you just end up flailing your arms around like an idiot. Nintendo isn't even pursuing them much these days. They just seem content to continue rehashing their old franchises as they've always done.

He's also right about 3D. It another passing fad that the movie industry is pushing due to dwindling audiences in theaters. This is because HDTVs have gotten cheap and gigantic and provide a similar experience to the theater.

DarkPanda XIII

New member
Nov 3, 2009
Hrmm...funny that I was still expecting a bit more a response than a repost of Rebecca's song, oh well...

Still, I never was interested in most E3 introductions, as they're really quite boring.

There are a few games That I heard, that came from the mouthes of G4 while I was idly changing the channels, and there were a few new ones that I wanted to try....but I can't remember their names...still, if G4 shows more interesting things than E3.....


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Skoldpadda said:
Yahtzee really said it better than I ever could. Motion controls need to fuck off and die. I can't even be excited for the new Zelda, and I'm a huge Zelda fan. I just won't play it with anything other then a conventional input device. I am not going to stand up and flail my arms around like a twat. I laughed at the wasp-comment.

Please let this retarded gimmicky bullshit die in a fire as soon as possible.
Still never played a Wii, huh? You can play Twilight Princess sitting on your ass and moving only your wrists.


New member
Dec 5, 2009
I agree with almost everything, even though Yahtzee was somewhat contradictory in his Kintec and Move things....But regardless, I like Raiden, so BLAH. And it wasn't specifically Hideo Kojima, he was too busy to give a half-damn while working on Peace Walker.