Zero Punctuation: iPhone Games


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Fronzel said:
emeraldrafael said:
iPhone gaming to me is like handheld gaming, in that yeah its nice an convenient, but it can never be really viewed as a full game.
Where have you been since the GBA came out?
Playing the DS mostly. I dont like the PSP's one analog stick system and i just have too much money invested in my DS Lite now (I custom modded the shit out of it to the point where i could by a full console if I wanted. Or just two more DS lites. and a game). But my opinion still stands. I mean, yeah, they make full games for the DS and for the PSP (Pokemon, God of War, um... oh, Metroid Prime Hunters) but when you look at them from their console brethren (pokemon not included since I never really saw a pokemon that wasnt an excuse to put your team on your TV instead of add to the story. Cept XD. SO yeah, pokemon too, but htats a bad example) they just dont compare. And i know, they're not supposed to really, its just to give you on the go gaming for the console games you love, but still. And the stuff they make for the handhelds and not the consoles are simplistically... well... simple.

But thats just me, i like plot story, character development and games that go for 40+ hours so i get my money's worht.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
I love Iphone games. They're so simple in design but so fun to play. Apart from the top 3 mentioned, some other top games are:
- Plants vs. Zombies (multi lane tower defense)
- driver (great psx port, with added radio)
- Hawx (nice port, grahics are nice
- Knights Onrush (castle defense game where you can throw your attackers around, sacrifice them to dragons, kill them with fireballs etc)
- Starwars the force unleased (swipe a certain way to perform force powers, kind of like black & white)
- Conquest (risk clone)
- Osmos (move by expelling mass, absorb things smaller then you, if you move, you expel mass thus become smaller)
- Game Dev story (management game about making your own game studio
- Geodefense swarm (maze tower defense with nice vector graphics)
- Skysiege (Augmented reality shooter with helicopters and rocketlaunchers)
- dr. Awesome (kill diseases by cutting them apart, patient's names are taken from your contact list)
and last but not least: Pocket God (sort of a God sandbox game, with alot of minigames hidden inside it, like doodle jump and FallDown)

Dl;dr: Iphone games are awesome.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Puddle Jumper said:
I brought an oxygen tank, yahtzee. Duh.
I have no extra oxygen so, either God loves me or, Aperture Science isn't quite ready to kill me yet. Also, Sonic Colors on the DS looks more playable than the Wii port but then, that statement can apply to many DS ports of Wii games.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
I don''t have any cellphone in any way shape or form, and have no long term plans of getting one, possibly because I am quite happy living on mars.

Rabid Chipmunk

New member
Nov 11, 2010
Too bad I don't have an iPhone, just some old Alias that doesn't play games. Still, Mars is a lot less crowded than Earth, and there's no Jersey Shore up here.


New member
Jan 1, 2008
I found the easiest way to breath on mars was creating a fully contained biosphere with all the money i saved not having a 400 dollar phone or the contract that goes with it.


New member
May 27, 2010
I just saw what I believe to be a fighting game with RPG elements with what looked like Shadow of the Colossus thrown in. I can't remember what it was called, but I saw an ad for it and I was like 'Interesting idea...awesome graphics...I'm totally getting this game."

Then at the end, I saw it was for the iPhone. Which I do not have. Two statements followed. One was a question, the other was an exclamation, and both included enough swearing to put Issac Washington to shame. Not really. He's in the Ginneas Book of Records.


So fucking thrilled to be here!
Jan 8, 2010
Well i guess it makes sense that the smaller consoles, like the DS and such, is where one has to look in order to find just a little forward thinking and innovation, or at least games that arent all military shooters. As for the Mars thing my Sony Ericsson X8 will do just fine thank you! ;-)

Arcane Azmadi

New member
Jan 23, 2009
I don't have an iPhone. You know why I don't have an iPhone? Because I believe a phone has a very specific purpose- TO MAKE FUKCING PHONE CALLS (and send SMS)! If I want to play games on the go, I have my DS for that.


New member
Dec 19, 2009
They should release a DS cart that has tons of iphone games on it....
I'm not about to buy an iphone for the apps alone, ya dig?