Zero Punctuation: Left 4 Dead 2 & New Super Mario Bros Wii


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I hope you guys enjoy beating up Mazty. As for me, I'm out. This has gotten way too stupid for my tastes.


New member
Feb 29, 2008
i yawned... the whole L4D2 was as obvious as a Harry Hill joke played in slow motion and with a diagram of exactly how it's going to be played out.

Amusingly he mocked a mario game, i mean i don't know about you, but i always thought of the wii console as geared and marketed towards the hard core adult gamers who live with their mum. Hang on..... yeah...

i mean sure it's nostalgia for some of us, but mostly because we can now share it within the current medium with OUR KIDS.

again poor yat.. a shadow of his former comedy self, he just mocks without thinking.... it's like watching Margaret Thatcher trying to hit on a 22 year old in a club.

It doesn't work, get out of that basement and get a proper job... get married and have some kids where you can share the actual wonderful basic gamesplay which made us adults all such good players. If you buy a wii, you know what you're getting... and if it's new gameplay and ideas, well not only did you pick the wrong console. You picked the wrong decade, yet to see anything but inde games (braid/world of goo) try anything new... saying Mario doesn't break new ground then praising L4D2 is just amusing.

Actually praising most of the games released this year as breaking new ground is amusing.. Dragons Age? that was just Mass Effect in a fantasy skin with gay male sex thrown instead of lesbian alien sex :p Or did yatzee think it was a cool thing to say without actually engaging that brain ;)

Lets face it games were actually a lot harder in the old days (the ever spawning enemies in a 2D plane). Now games are what 5-6 hours turning brain off and hoping the end movie is actually good. Which in the case of Unchartered 2 it was...

MW2 it was not, thank the lords that had multiplayer... you base the game on it's single player by itself and it'd score worse than yatzee with his pants down trying to be british even though he's australian, much the same way Mel Gibson pretends he's australian when he was born and raised in NY until he was 8.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
My vote's on Bowser, with that spiked shell and fire breathing-ness. What was it? 40 seconds for a burning tank to go down?

Mason X

New member
Dec 21, 2009
I basically wish that L4D would go crawl into a hole...the only reason people play it is cause its the only decent multi players zombie game on console. As a game if you break it down its bad...The HUD is not good, the whole supposed random spawning of the zombies becomes predictable after a few times on that level and i have lost all my friends who were getting xbox for christmas to the black pit of despair that is that game!!! :D


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I am seriously close to being as pissed off about Mario's game repeats as Yahtzee is. But here's my question stimulated by this review. If and when Mario joins Sonic as a plastic toy that you find out of the dumpsters behind McDonalds, then who will the new video game characters be for us to look up to? I mean, it's not like Sony or Microsoft has released that many new or original characters for a new mainstream gaming series, have they?


New member
Jan 3, 2008
bjj hero said:
Darkflamex said:
Because New Super Mario Smash Bro's is FUN and a joy to play.

It's not just game developers getting greedy these days, it's gamers too. What people don't get is that games have pretty much peaked in terms of innovation as EVERYTHING half decent has been covered in the last 20 years.

The only thing that can be original these days is the storyline and that's becoming a rarity as well.

As long as the games graphics don't hurt my eyes, the controls work the way i want them, game play features have some sort of challenge, then i consider that a good buy.

If the game has a well thought out storyline, i consider that a great buy.

It's even a plus when games throw in co-op (which should be becoming the norm in current generation games as far as i'm concerned) another plus is when the game play lasts more than 5 hours which thankfully NSMSB does with 8 worlds to cover.

Yes innovation is great but most innovation these days break games because game developers try too hard, i'm actually glad NSMSB's plays exactly like SMB3 because at least back then games were actually challenging and well thought out.
Then get an emulator and play mario 3. This is a redundant title. Multi-player is not an inovation. Weve been doing multi player platforming since before contra.

Saying all innovations have been made is a cop out. Recently we've had an explosion in fps (horde mode), motion controls (wii, Natal), touch screen (DS), music games (guitar hero, rock band) to name the first few from the top of my head. None of these were around 10 years ago.

I also seriously doubt there is much challenge in Mario Wii as there will be auto save/save points. Any borderline moron with two thumbs and a working inner ear could muscle through it to the end. You have to accept that mainstream titles will never be as hard as they used to be. I've never put that amount of effort in since beating bionic commando on the NES.

Gamers who don't expect improvements and innovation in titles are bad for gaming. If everyone was like that we would still be playing pong.
Game software innovation dumb ass, not hardware.

Music games have been around for years, software wise it's nothing new, one of the earliest incarnations was in 1996 on the PS1, PaRappa the Rapper, i suggest you google it.

The game is not redundant because Mario 3 is no longer pleasing to the eye, Mario Wii is.

I paid £20 for the game and got 2 days of pure gaming gold out of it, along with extra nostalgia of when i was a kid, a bargain.

I'm not even going to respond to the rest of your comments because you are clearly mentally handicapped and wouldn't be able to comprehend my replys.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Darkflamex said:
Game software innovation dumb ass, not hardware.

Music games have been around for years, software wise it's nothing new, one of the earliest incarnations was in 1996 on the PS1, PaRappa the Rapper, i suggest you google it.

The game is not redundant because Mario 3 is no longer pleasing to the eye, Mario Wii is.

I paid £20 for the game and got 2 days of pure gaming gold out of it, along with extra nostalgia of when i was a kid, a bargain.

I'm not even going to respond to the rest of your comments because you are clearly mentally handicapped and wouldn't be able to comprehend my replys.

I owned parappa the rapper with the onion karate teacher still being a gaming highlight for me. I might skip googling it, if it is al the same with you. It may be a music game but that does not make it the same as guitar hero. You could not rock out with your friends on your toy instruments at home until GH (there was Samba de Domingo but only 4 people played that).

Horde mode that is all the rage now is hardly a hardware innovation, Demon soul is taking a different slant on online multiplayer, the newest Silent Hill gives you a mini psych test and tailors the game around it, there have been some daring innovations on Wii like the wii fit.

I'm sure there are more, I'm not going to research it, I have better things to do. Point is that innovation is far from dead.

I'm glad you enjoyed Mario, all power to you. It still could have been a cheap XBLA style title, not a full release. I'd also argue that mario 3 is still a good game, even without HD graphics. I'd stick with the emulator and spend my cash else where.

You may note that I got through my post without childish insults, you should try it. Trolling is not big and it is not cleaver.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
similar.squirrel said:
OT: Surely the new Mario could not have been so abysmal. It's an old formula, yes, but it's still a good one. Anybody here play it?
I have been enjoying it a lot. While it is indeed SMB3 with multiplayer and updated graphics that was enough to hook me in good. The multiplayer blends better than one would expect and it is fun, despite obviously a lack of ingenuity on Nintendo's part.

I would recommend it for anyone who can have good spirited fun with others, even when, yes, you are having a blast but are not making much progress.

But then again, you are talking to probably the one person in this universe who is still happy he chose Wii over PS3/360 and is still playing it everyday (with a surprising lack of Nintendo titles). Perhaps I am not to be trusted.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
oh shoot, have I been saying I started gaming with Super Mario Bros?
god no, it was Super Mario World hahaha whoops big difference
(tho to be fair I never owned the NES it was my cousins' console)


New member
Jun 18, 2009
I agree with the whole "please give Valve some more shit about HL3" thing lol...I think I will have to replay Episode 1 and 2 just to remember the general plot advancements again, its been that long hehe.

The whole line about "as the disbelieving friend said to the inventor of the feces-powered helicopter, 'This shit won't fly" '...that was fucking hilarious.


New member
Jan 6, 2009
Sometimes I wonder if Yahtzee bashes these games just to get a rise out of people.

I'm not sure I understand his logic here, though. New Super Mario Bros. does nothing new... except for four-player co-op (a series first, and correct me if I'm mistaken, but a side-scrolling first), new power-ups and the implementation of a program that plays through a level for n00bs?

He seems to have gripes with the fact that they all have exactly the same abilities, but that's bizarre as well.

All in all, I get the impression that Yahtzee decided he wouldn't like the game from the trailers, played it for five minutes, and called it a day.


New member
Feb 23, 2010
"Why play New Super Mario Bros. Wii when you can play Super Mario Bros. 3?"

Yeah, great logic! Similarly, why play Duke Nukem 3D when you have Wolfenstein and Doom? Why play Planescape Torment when you have the Fallout, Baldur's Gate, and Icewind Dale titles to wade through? Why play any game somewhat similar to any other older game, when those very older games still exist in some form or another? Everything should be 100% innovation, all the time, otherwise, what reason do you have to exist?

Sorry to inform you Yahtzee fanboys, but no, New Super Mario Bros. Wii is NOT the exact same game as Super Mario Bros. 3. It is similar in that it is a side-scrolling Mario-based platformer, but is essentially a completely new game. Why does it exist? Because the Mario games have a tendency to be, well, fun to play, and another game in this vein is more than welcome so as long as it's designed well and not just a straight port-over from other titles (like the GBA Mario games were, which I really have nothing against anyway), and from what I've heard, this one is one of the better titles in the series in quite a while. If you want to complain about this being billed as a full-priced "killer app" title instead of a budget release or WiiWare title, well, those complaints have a bit more merit I think. But, it appears none of you are even Mario fans in the first place, so why does it matter to you anyway? Actually, the one thing I legitimately WAS concerned about was that it was just a port of the DS title but with four-player co-op and some motion controls tacked on (wasn't that four-player Zelda game for the GBA and the GC the same deal?), but apparently all the levels and worlds are brand new, and is actually supposed to be far more challenging than the (relatively) easy DS title was.

I think I would respect Yahtzee more if he had no pretenses for being a "game critic" and that this series was intended solely for exaggerated comedic purposes, but from what I gather in interviews, that is unfortunately not the case. I suppose this is due in no small part to the sorry state of game journalism today, most of which is in major company pockets, but I don't think this is exactly the soundest alternative. I do wish him the best of luck in a career of game design though, not necessarily so I can say "oh yeah let's see you do better lol" but because, based on my experiences with the Chzo titles and 1213, he's a far more interesting and talented game designer than a critic, plus I get a sense of love and dedication to his game creations that I don't here, which seems most of the time cynically forced and abrasive designed just to shut up his constantly demanding fanbase and to get his next paycheck.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Nintendo rarely endorses anything terribly new and exciting because they know it will fail, and everyone will go back to HURRRR WHEN'S NEXT *insert franchise*. There's a lot of software now, regardless of platform, that falls under the categories of either Super Franchise Milk Wii or Mind-Blowing-Innovation-That-Doesn't-Actually-Contribute-to-Gameplay-ware, and very rarely will you find something that deviates.

NSMB Wii I played, but only because a friend of mine bought it. I gave up and went to find something more interesting to play halfway through the sixth world. I was actually rather disappointed when the vid for Super Mario Galaxy 2 was released, as watching it I could distinctly remember already going through many of the motions that were outlined.

At the same time many of the recent second-party Mario RPGs were great reimaginings, but I can't help but wonder about their fates if they didn't have Mario elements superimposed over everything. Same deal with putting Final Fantasy characters in Kingdom Hearts, things like that.

The Bum

New member
Mar 14, 2010
The L4D seires is valves bigest and only blunder. L4D is just mindless killing it's something that should ONLY appeal to 5yr olds and retards.


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
darkula said:
Sorry to inform you Yahtzee fanboys, but no, New Super Mario Bros. Wii is NOT the exact same game as Super Mario Bros. 3.
You're right. In this one, you have a propeller hat instead of raccoon tail, an ice ball flower instead of everything else and you can bounce off the walls.

Beyond that, however...