I came into the comment section to look for other people discussing the soundtrack, only to find a small handful of people arguing over the definition of "failure". For real?
I'd be interested in knowing if the soundtrack discussion got cut for time, or if Yahtzee didn't care about it enough to mention, or even notice it. Then again, I can't recall him mentioning the soundtracks for Madworld or Anarchy Reigns, and those were near-perfect. Hell, I played both of those games for all of 5 minutes before ditching them, but those soundtracks stay on repeat on my phone
I'd be interested in knowing if the soundtrack discussion got cut for time, or if Yahtzee didn't care about it enough to mention, or even notice it. Then again, I can't recall him mentioning the soundtracks for Madworld or Anarchy Reigns, and those were near-perfect. Hell, I played both of those games for all of 5 minutes before ditching them, but those soundtracks stay on repeat on my phone