Zero Punctuation: Let It Die


New member
Jul 3, 2010
I came into the comment section to look for other people discussing the soundtrack, only to find a small handful of people arguing over the definition of "failure". For real?

I'd be interested in knowing if the soundtrack discussion got cut for time, or if Yahtzee didn't care about it enough to mention, or even notice it. Then again, I can't recall him mentioning the soundtracks for Madworld or Anarchy Reigns, and those were near-perfect. Hell, I played both of those games for all of 5 minutes before ditching them, but those soundtracks stay on repeat on my phone


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
Arnoxthe1 said:
Darn it, Yahtzee. Can we get some more classic reviews in here please instead of all these obscure indie games nobody cares about?
let it Die has passed a million downloads, is having decent player retention, and is developed by a established studio. It is neither obscure nor indie, and some people clearly care about it.

OT: I wanted to like this game, but I just couldn't get into it. Something about the stunlock heavy combat just doesn't click with me. The only thing I disagree with Yahtzee on (in this video, that is) is the controls. The game makes it very clear that you click one side of the touch pad to eat, the other side to throw, and swipe to change equipped item. I think it's my favorite use of the poor underutilized touchpad ever.


You Are Interested. Certainly.
Feb 25, 2015
I find this thread hilarious and I will quote everything it tells me.

This off-topic stuff is the best stuff after the videos themselves by Yahtzee. For real.

Have to say though that I, too, would enjoy reviews of classic titles. Like the Settlers II Gold Edition. That got me into PC gaming.


New member
Jan 11, 2017
Hello, Mr. Croshaw. This is a little message of support. I just got a message that your two books, 'Mogworld' and 'Jam' has just arrived at my local delivery center! I ordered them a week ago,and I didn't know it takes a long time to get foreign books in Korea. But still, I'm gonna enjoy your books, and preorder your upcoming book! Always love your videos, keep up the outstanding work, sir!


New member
Nov 22, 2011
Yahtzee Croshaw said:
Let It Die

This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Let It Die.

Watch Video
Suda's actually been quite hands off since No More Heroes 2, Grasshopper just keep putting his name on the games even though he's only a producer or an executive director on most of them. Going by his recent interviews he spent most of Let it Die's development overseeing The Silver Case remaster.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
LuckyDanny said:
Hello, Mr. Croshaw. This is a little message of support. I just got a message that your two books, 'Mogworld' and 'Jam' has just arrived at my local delivery center! I ordered them a week ago,and I didn't know it takes a long time to get foreign books in Korea. But still, I'm gonna enjoy your books, and preorder your upcoming book! Always love your videos, keep up the outstanding work, sir!
Can I thumbs up this post? Just wondering.

Jacked Assassin

Nothing On TV
Jun 4, 2010
CaitSeith said:
Jacked Assassin said:
Just for curiosity. Do you double-check what The Young Turks say?
I do listen to what other vloggers have to say about TYT. Because at times TYT downplays hate speech or acts like they speak for others. I think I only give them so much attention because I try to follow Bernie Sanders news that I don't get from Our Revolution.

Spider RedNight

There are holes in my brain
Oct 8, 2011
I was wondering if he was gonna do a review on this game - I've seen it everywhere (at least around the places I frequent) and I'll admit I fell into it pretty deep for about the first week or so it was out before I realised "waaaait a second". My first thought WAS 'oh so it's like Dark Souls but without other players infiltrating your game while you're there and screwing you over", then learned that they can infiltrate you game and ruin your life but you never have to deal with it like an adult so that was fine by me.

I started to call it quits around Floor 6 when I already had three characters maxed out at 25 and found myself wondering when the hell I'd be seeing any actual progression. Then I got a little bored and realised that I don't like the combat from the SoulsBorne games anyway so why was I doing that and blah blah blah.

Had a good soundtrack, though. Uncle Death-Sempai's accent was bugging me though, probably because I couldn't pinpoint what it was. ALSO apparently Mark Hamill is in there somewhere?? Whaaaa?


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Arnoxthe1 said:
Darn it, Yahtzee. Can we get some more classic reviews in here please instead of all these obscure indie games nobody cares about?
I think he can get away with this sort of thing. His reviews are entertaining more than meaningful to me (though I love his annual awards show). I plan to check the review of this game on youtube to see if people are liking it or not but Yahtzee did amuse with this time around.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
Jacked Assassin said:
The Young Turks on YouTube.
The Young Turks as a citation? Are you serious right now? The only thing you can use the TYT as a citation for, is what a joke looks like.

Don't let the 3 million subs fool you... Look at their views. No one, relative to their sub base, actually watches them.

For a channel with 3 million views to be unable to get more than 60k views on average tells a tale.


New member
Nov 5, 2014
Arnoxthe1 said:
Darn it, Yahtzee. Can we get some more classic reviews in here please instead of all these obscure indie games nobody cares about?
>> "Indie"

oh my


New member
Nov 26, 2008
Tanis said:
Hillary won the popular the US of A.

Trump won the popular the USS of R.

Also: I don't think a guy whose claim to fame is being a dick should be saying much about anything when it comes to US politics.
Nobody cares who won the popular vote.

Complaining about the fact that she won the popular vote but she lost anyway is like complaining that the team who kicked the ball more times should have won in a game of soccer. "But they kicked the ball more times! It's time we get rid of this antiquated measure of 'goals'."

He knew the game he was playing, and he won. She thought she was playing for the popular vote, so she spent a bunch of time in California and New York, saying things Californians and New Yorkers want to hear, while ignoring the battleground states. Battleground states chock full of people who don't place transgender rights, mean words her opponent said, and Black Lives Matter at the top of their "things to care about" list. And that's stupid. New York and California were going to vote for her anyway. The number of states that flipped from Blue (for Obama) to Red (for Trump) is indicative of her failure to understand any part of the Presidential Campaign process.

Obama won because he went to the battleground states almost exclusively. Trump won for the same reason.

Hillary lost because she didn't understand the game she was playing, and now we're stuck with this orange monstrosity for he next 4 years because of it.


I've Been Having These Weird Dreams Lately...
Mar 17, 2012
United States
Let it die
Let it die
Let it shrivel up and-

C'mon, who's with me?