I'll admit Metal Gear is one of those indefencable series. I actually had the misfortune of having Metal Gear Solid 2 being the first installment I played - already batshit as a sequel, as a story it baffled my ten-year-old mind beyond belief. I mean, what can you say about a series that has an evil clone possessing a general Custard lookalike via a grafted arm stump after a cybernetic ninja cut the lookalike's hand off? Still though, I played Metal Gear Solid 4, and I would give it a cautious recommendation to my fellow players of the Metal Gear fans based upon these two reasons alone: 1 is taht the story went on for a while and tensions mounted, and we wanted to see how it went, so even if the story is trite, it's nice to at least have some closure. And 2, this reason being the one I would recommend it to people who HATE Metal Gear Solid no less, is in its quest to tie up the loose ends, it does its darndest to MAKE SENSE of MGS2! That's right, they try explaining Vamp and the weird possessed arm-thing (the latter with about one line barely heard in the ending that I won't spoil but basically amounted to do with it not being real). And trust me, watching them juggle all the bullshit that has come before is a whole other kind of entertainment!