Zero Punctuation: No More Heroes


New member
Nov 25, 2007
I'd vote for your site, except that it looks like I'd need to sign up for yet another fucking web site account that I'll probably never use again. Just what I need... another pathetic "Web 2.0" circle jerk site spamming my Inbox with announcements and "special offers" even though I made sure to click the "don't fucking e-mail me, you stupid piece of shit" checkbox.

Somehow, I think that Yahtzee will understand.


New member
Apr 10, 2008
LOL i have to admit man i love Killer 7 too loads of my friends said i was a dumbass for playing it but i loved how different it was and at the same time fun, same with no more heroes repetitive but nonetheless fun


New member
Feb 4, 2008
Nice review.I am very happy to know there is a lot of people who likes Killer 7 and No More Heroes looks as good as Killer 7.


New member
Apr 5, 2008
Sagecat said:
What was with the "I <3 Hitler" bit? I didn't get the joke and found it to be a bit offensive. :(
He was using it to describe an awkward moment. If u were talking to someone wearing an "I love hitler" t-shirt, it feel a bit awkward.


New member
Apr 6, 2008
Killer 7 was awesome, and if I owned a Wii there is no way I would have ever seen this review because I would have still been far to busy playing No More Heroes for the 100th time, because that's the kind of fanboy I am. Hopeless.
BTW, great review this week, very funny for a positive (mostly) one.
Now I can go back to my meaningless life again until next Wednesday.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
absolutely genius episode this week.
I had the game a while now and have been waiting for his review, knowing it would be this great. He hit a lot of the points I made on my own, plus taught me the greatness of branston pickle.


EDIT - Earthbound was the greatest RPG for the entire Nintendo catalog, and I'm talking better than anything Enix, Square, or Level 5 has done. But they are my favs there (square-enix being the line).


New member
Mar 12, 2008
@ myopicseal. Thank you so much for the transcript. I was about to ask some ... rather emberassing quesitons, because I really, really had some difficulties of getting some of the words. Ah, this is so hard to understand but worth every trouble. *sits down with the dictionary*
at least, at the end of the struggle its FUN. (and not just at the end)


New member
Nov 24, 2007
I haven't gotten far into this game because, quite frankly, it is so god-damned ugly. Normally I am a strong advocate of graphics coming last and being the least important thing about a game, but something about this game made it just... hard to look at. At first I thought maybe there was something wrong with my Wii, but other games ran fine. I looked at the disc... perfect condition. This is just an ugly, ugly, ugly game, and I can't understand why. Something about it makes it difficult for me to tolerate. If it looked good during the tedious parts, or if it didn't have those tedious parts which also look like the hind end of a diarrhetic yak with a tie-dye coat, I have a feeling I would be a lot farther into it by now.


New member
Oct 11, 2007
Sagecat said:
What was with the "I <3 Hitler" bit? I didn't get the joke and found it to be a bit offensive. :(
How about you stop taking offense at stuff you read/see on the Internet, you 'nob.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Bitchin', as always. Actually made me want to buy the game, which is weird as it's not the sort of game I'd usually spend my rare supply of cash on.
I love Wednesdays.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Okay! Who slipped Yahtzee acid and a copy of Killer7?!!!

That was the most disappointing review ever. Did he only try this game for an hour or so? That's the only excuse for this review. I liked NMH at first too but about an hour into it I realized I'd been ripped off and they were trying to pass some half finished, repetitive disaster of programming as a complete game. This was one game that I was really expecting Yahtzee to give a well deserved roasting. I do appreciate the fact that he can enjoy a good game every once in a while, but NMH is the most overrated, underdeveloped, half-ashed, piece of crap I've played in a long time and is damn far from even being a half decent budget title. There were sooo many things to make fun of and he didn't even touch on them:
The big empty boring overworld (NOTHING like GTA) that you're forced to drive back and forth in (that really IS all you can do in the sandbox besides look for a few unrewarding collectibles) for half the game.
The fact that (some of) the boss levels only seem interesting because in between them you have to grind around the sandbox which is even less compelling than my cat's. I can't believe he didn't tear apart the level where you have to run down a long plain gray corridor only to NOT fight a boss; and yes I get the joke but the big joke is on us. Suda 51 must be laughing his ash off. And I don't put a spoiler warning there because I can't possibly spoil it more than they did.
The vapid minigames which I can't believe he liked: I always thought he hated quick time events and tedium.
The motorcycle which is only mildly of interesting because it looks like something out of Akira and the other vehicles (the few pedestrians too) in the sandbox looks worse than something copied out of an N64 game and don't do ANYTHING.
Really the humor is the only appealing thing about NMH but all of that is based on making fun of anyone who can fool themselves into liking it. Funny for me but how is it not humiliating for the fans? Suda 51 is basically calling anyone who likes his game a d-bag. Why doesn't he just spit in the eye of anyone who buys it; now THAT would be punk.
If I didn't already play through this nightmare of poor programming, I probably would've picked this game up on Yahtzee's suggestion and would have been even more disappointed than I was when I only had the expectations drawn from Killer 7 and the minor publicity and that was bad enough.
I never thought I could be so disappointed in a Zero Punctuation review. It's so disappointing I can't help but think that Suda 51 went to Yahtzee's flat and gave him a big briefcase full of cash, or maybe just a lugy in the eye.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Sagecat said:
What was with the "I <3 Hitler" bit? I didn't get the joke and found it to be a bit offensive. :(
Not only awkward talking to someone who has an I <3 Hitler shirt is awkward, but I believe he has a star of David on the other person. So what could be more awkward than someone talking to a Jew wearing a Hitler shirt?

...I'll agree with you, though. I feel like there were probably other, more tactful "awkward" situations you could take advantage of there. It was gratuitous Hitler.

On a different note:
When you finish a ZP video, are the random suggested videos at the bottom just random ones, or are they like "most viewed today," or what? I can't seem to find the pattern in which videos appear and when they change.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
MasterOfHisOwnDomain said:
Another good review. It is interesting to see The Escapist has kicked you into the advertising business too..
THAT would explain why he recommends buying it: he was paid to.
I really thought Yahtzee hated quick time events and tedium as much as I do.


New member
Feb 5, 2008
Incoming translation:
<Suena ?no more heroes? por The stranglers y se corta de golpe> No, no, es demasiado obvio.
No More Heroes es un juego japonés basado en luchas jedi con sable láser y cuyo protagonista es un marginado social obsesionado con la cultura pop que pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo quejándose, siendo liado por mujeres y siendo, en general, un jodido pirado antipático. Así que no tienes por que culparle de comprender a su público (broma predecible) El juego nos lo trae Suda 51, el 51º resultado de un experimento japonés de clonación ilegal para crear al mayor diseñador de juegos del mundo. Los Sudas del 1 al 50murieron des pues de que sus mentes fallasen al absorber el nivel necesario de pretensiones.

Su ultimo juego fue Killer 7, Y dejemos una cosa bien clara: A mi me encanto killer 7. Ahí estábamos viviendo nuestras grises y predecibles vidas y jugando a nuestros grises y predecibles juegos hasta que killer 7 apareció con un abrigo de fantasía technicolor dejando un poco de perplejo gozo con el arranque de su enorme moto, mostrándonos exactamente que se podía hacer cuando se desobedecen todo lo establecido y se explora lo que se puede hacer con el juego como forma de arte. Aun no se donde clasificarlo: ¿puzzles? ¿Aventura-acción? ¿shooter sobre raíles? Bueno, fuera lo que fuese, era una preciosa única y divertida ballena de dibujos animados en un océano de agua usada de cachimbas.

Ahora tenemos el No More Heroes, un clon de GTA. Brilla, diamante loco? decía Yahtzee, su voz sonaba profunda como levadura sarcástica. Bueno, eso ha sido un tanto inesperado, la experiencia es tan fuera de lo convencional como me esperaba. Controlas atraéis Touchdow, el tío raro cuatro-ojos narcisista mentado antes (caracterizado de una forma incomoda mente cercana), que se compra una espada laser y jura convertirse en el asesino mas grande del mundo. Vamos, como cuando compras una barbacoa y haces muchas fiestas para convencerte de que no malgastaste el dinero. Para conseguir su objetivo tendra que abrirse paso a tajos entre los 10 jefes en una utraviolenta y rayante odisea con aires de ?submarino amarillo? ,y con un fondo de sátira social, entre ir en moto, jugar con su gato y comprar ropa guay en una side-quest opcional para parecer un autentico capullo.

El aspecto de mundo abierto es una ilusión; el juego es en esencia lineal, no hay nada de malo en ello. Sin embargo, si lo hay en la repetición. Después de matar a un asesino experto te vas a la ciudad a hacer grind como un imbecil. Para continuar tienes que conseguir una suma que es casi la equivalente al valor en la calle de 3 pulmones humanos. Primero empiezas con un trabajo mal pagado a tiempo parcial, que desbloquea sub-misiones de asesinato mejor pagadas dado que hay solapamientos en las industrias de recogida de basuras y asesinato Después, te sueltan en una habitación con 50 de los bocazas moñas contra los que luchas en todas las jodidas partes y luego te dan una gran bolsa de dinero una vez caen llenando el suelo de confiados pedacitos .

Extrañamente, mi parte favorita del absurdo intermedio entre misiones es el servicial trabajo a tiempo parcial del principio. Cada vez es un ingenioso mini-juego ingenioso que intenta aprovechar al máximo los pobres controles. Si fueran mejor pagados probablemente lo habría dejado en los asesinatos en masa, los cuales se resumen en: machaca A hasta que te aburras y entonces, en vez de A, pulsa B un rato. A decir verdad las peleas con espada son bastante divertidas (ya les valía a las jodidas que lo fuesen, considerando la gran cantidad de ellas), pero hay un aspecto que me hace querer hostiar a suda 51 hasta que sus ojos se cambien de sitio y es el hecho de que después de matar a un enemigo, Travis tiene la aleatoria oportunidad de gritar su postre preferido y conseguir superpoderes por un tiempo. Y cuando mezclas aleatoriedad en una mecánica de combate toda la estrategia se va ventana abajo, se hace mierda contra el suelo y se usa para recoger los cristales. Y la ley de murphy asegura que el enemigo que te de los superpoderes sea el ultimo de la habitación, dejando a Travis corriendo durante 10 segundos con el pelo brillando a lo Dragonball Z y amenazando seriamente a las paredes.

El modo de jugar en las luchas contra los jefes del ranking se reduce a: esperar a que ataquen, bloquear o esquivar y abofetearles unas pocas veces hasta que se sienten a rascarse la cabeza como monos gilipollas. Pero lo más molesto de NMH, o al menos de tener que analizarlo, es que al igual que Killer 7, intenta ser satírico, y cuando hay problemas con la jugabilidad me preocupa si es intencionado (como sátira de, no se, los videojuegos pretenciosos) Y si tuviese que meterme con ello entonces perdería mi credibilidad ante la gente guay alternativa. Pero entonces recuerdo que cualquier diseñador de juegos que sacrifique diversión por arte esta tan metido en su culo que corre el peligro de atragantarse con su propia cabeza.

Ya es suficiente con la rabieta por que, a pesar de los últimos 8 párrafos de gorgoritos petulantes, me ha gustado No More Heroes. La historia impredecible y la peculiar estética me han mantenido lo suficientemente fascinado para que siguiese jugando y ver que pasaba después. Así que digo de No More Heroes, lo mismo que dije de Killer 7 y de Earthbound, y el Branston Pickle. Tómalo con sus defectos, por que nunca experimentaras nada igual. Dios sabe que pasaría si se te cae Branston Pickle encima de No More Heroes, posiblemente el fin del universo. Y eso seria LA OSTIA.