Zero Punctuation: Psychonauts


New member
Sep 21, 2007
I frigg'n loved this game back then! It had a slow start, but then it was like a gangbang of fresh, original ideas and memorable characters.


New member
Dec 5, 2007
I really enjoyed this game: Original, challenging and funny "Remember that? Fun is what we had before games became a second job".
Probably is one of your Top-10 best lines (a real achievement). Videogames today are just that: play for 6 hours in a solo campaing and stay the rest of your life sticked to your computer. Or you wanted to be called "noob"?

Psychonauts is great and if you don't like, you must be STUPID
By the way, the game is available (paying of course) in the Xbox 360 marketplace


New member
Oct 4, 2007
Although it's not the cynical drop kick in the lower extremities that we all expected out of Ol' Yahtzee, it's still as brilliant as a sack of pennies in a bathtub of vinegar and diamond dust. The pen thing hurts like a tack wedged between those little muscles in your pinky and 4th toes as well. Keep it up good man! And yes, you can be nice to a game and still be great. It's possible!


New member
Dec 23, 2007
He's Right.
Psychonauts is one of the most interesting original games I've ever played. If you don't own it, go buy it. It never stops being entertaining.

He's right on some of the difficulty spikes. There are some times that I was like "Jeebus!"
Parts of the Lungfish bossbattle was some of the hardest platformer boss battle stuff I've ever had to play.

It's very intersting in how it catches you off guard. With this type of cartoony game you get used to expecting to hear certain things, and never hear when someone mentions how someone committed suicicde, using that word, suicide, it slaps you in the face. Not in a bad way, but you make note of it. And at one point you're in someone's mind projection, and happen on to a secret room (if you look for it). Inside you find out that they once had children and that they were burned alive in a fire. IF that's not enough, you pop open a secret doorway and are warned not to enter it because it's a real "party killer", because the whole theme so far as been super light and happy and celebratory.
Inside the secret door you're dropped into a hellish burning room where demonic spectres wail about burning alive and why they weren't saved in creepy voices.
Keep in mind, I'm not saying that because I think it's bad. In fact I was highly impressed that the developers did it. As a writer it caught me as a very honest move. They didn't pull punches, they told the story.

So again, I deffinitely suggest it, the way I'd suggest Fitzgerald, King, or Faulkner to an english major.


New member
Sep 14, 2007
Wait what? I beat Psychonauts, and I never saw that. Where is it? How do I find it? Is it related to the Milk Man?


And you are?
Sep 10, 2007
During the hippy party lady's level. The one where you get levitation. Surprising as hell. All of the characters have something like that, I think.


New member
Dec 16, 2007
Damn, I really want to go back and play this now.

They need a Wii port. Only cause I don't want to re-buy an xbox to play it.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
I stumbled upon you in the churning sea of messages in bottles that is youtube, and I must say that you are one of the greatest game reviewers in the english speaking world (which is pretty important considering that I am one man and that the only other places that make videogames is Japan and Korea but really who cares about Korea: only the southern half isn't busy starving to death b\c they have an economy).

Anyway I hadn't even given Psychonauts a chance until this review, but I'm so going to buy it because setting squirrels on fire is my life's greatest ambition and society tends to frown upon such actions being taken in real life.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
I just got this... for one of the only games that had a favorable ZP review, my expectations were high... and it's really, really good so far!


Afternoon Delight
Jan 1, 2008
I loved Pschonauts, especially Waterloo World and Lungfishopolis. It was clever and fun and I understand the Tim Burton reference perfectly. It's a warped and twisted experience, bu thats not a bad thing in this case.


New member
Jan 6, 2008
Tried to give psychonauts a spin based on this expecting next best thing since sliced bread, only to discover everything it did, had already been done better, by American McGee's Alice.
The base concept is the same, romping through acid trip induced dream-world levels, except the combat is fun, no annoying jumping puzzles or scavenger hunts, no bratty kids (the goggled freak you're forced to play gives me shivers), huge variety of cool weapons vs like 3 boring ones in psychonauts, and very clunky controls (very clearly half-arsed effort of porting from consoles, the very least they could have let map more than 3 powers to keys) and yes you can set squirrels on fire in psychonauts but again alice's jack-in-a-box with flamethrower trumps it.
Finally, 'I'm a graphics whore and I can't play old ugly and blocky game from 2000 like Alice' based on quake 3 engine gets discarded because psychonauts manages to look just as ugly and blocky, and worse, very kiddy.


New member
Jan 11, 2008

I've done my part and forced 3 people to go out and buy the game, now everyone else needs to do it to.

Kade Cassius

New member
Jan 17, 2008
ok, ive bought it from amazon, primarily for the squirrels, ps i love that the login register goes up to 2008... "yeah, i'm one month old and youre one crazy little mofo, i should know... youre my daddy!"


New member
Jan 12, 2008
Maurog said:
It's funny that the recent reviews were Bioshock and Psychonauts, because that's exactly the two games I've been playing in the last two weeks or so. I got Bioshock on Steam, because otherwise the delivery would take ages, and seen as I've installed Steam for Bioshock anyway, buying Psychonauts as well was a logical step to make.

Current situation: I've finished Psychonauts, but about in the middle of Bioshock. This indicates rather well which of the two games is more immersing and less tedious. The Zero Punctuation reviews have it spot on - there was no criticism, because Psychonauts has almost no weak points, not because the author haven't tried hard enough. I'm an experienced gamer, and in my opinion it almost competes with Planescape: Torment for the title of best game ever made.

As for Bioshock, I'm playing it on hard mode and loading every time I die rather than exploiting the vitachambers, and it's *still* too easy. You would expect at least some ammo shortage or something, but no, there's enough ammo to kill all the Big Daddies several times over. Sigh. Anyway, both reviews were dead on. Thanks for being so accurate.
I dont want to be picky and I like people to enjoy themselves, that is why I say this: The best game of all time is either one of these

Super Mario Bros.

Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time.

Depending on who you ask. :)

P.S.: Actually I was trying to comment on the guy mentioning Planescape: Torment.


New member
Jan 12, 2008
Actually I wonder if it is actually possible to review WoW in a fair manner. There seem to be a lot of people "enjoying" themselves in it. Although this is pure theory to me - I've only watched others play. Never touched it myself. Looks so booooooring.

There is just a slightly negative tone whenever WoW is mentioned. Is there any way to justify this?
Jan 24, 2008
I've watched this several times now, and only now did I think to comment on how glad I am that Ben can do more than just toss about poo.

Thank You sir.


New member
Mar 17, 2008
StolenName said:
Geoffrey42 said:
You can file this under "curiosity killed the cat" but I found at first that it did not work either. At first.

The trick to hurting oneself is making sure that when you squeeze, the two pairs of fingers remain in the same plane. If you allow two fingers to subduct under the other two, and the pen twists, there is no pain.

So, if you keep the fingers in a flat plane, and squeeze, it does indeed hurt. And surprisingly, while the initial pain is not very great, the dull ache produced lasts a little longer than you would think.

So, ummm... ow.
Oh, dear. That's ... wow.

Dedication! I'll give it a shot after lunch :)
:D:D:D i tried it,,, its true at first it wouldnt freakin work...
but now im in serious pain,, won't be able to play CoD for a while. :p
thanks Yahtzee, u rock!


New member
Apr 27, 2008
it seems to me that for some odd reason all you twats are talking about is whether or not you got hurt by a fucking pen....apparently all of you missed the point that this is an astoundingly good game and well worth your atention and money that isn't already being wasted on hurting yourself with pens