Zero Punctuation: Silent Hill Homecoming


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Ok review, but the ending was not needed. But he was trying something new, so I'm not mad at him...:)


New member
Aug 6, 2008
This one didn't make me laugh as much as other have, I did enjoy the otaku reference though.

I hope he does fable 2 or WAR next week...


New member
Feb 21, 2008
ygetoff post=6.74729.844647 said:
This one was very funny...but Yahtzee HAS to review Fallout 3 next week!
Considering that the game doesn't come out until next Tuesday in the US (which means it won't hit Australia until freaking Christmas), that's probably not going to be feasible. I figure Fable II is next.

Homecoming is the retarded cousin of the Silent Hill franchise. It's entertaining in the same way: watching a mentally deficient family member eat bugs is good for a few laughs, but you kinda just want to take a shower afterwards and wash off all the guilt.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
After playing the game, I was shocked at all the hate going around about it. I liked it, but the Yahtz made the good point that fans will always be butthurt regardless and s**t on everything. I've played every iteration of the game to hit the states since the first on the PS1, but you don't see sand in my crack over the changes. Things change to suit the times, and I'm glad that at least one reviewer (my fav) can put his negative elements to it credibly.

Thank you Yahtzee, you didn't break my heart like I expected once I saw what game was up this week.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
"Crying Fans" needs to be a t-shirt too : ) That image was just too hillarious to let slide.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
actually fallout 3 comes out in australia one day after the us... which, upon further thought, is wednesday. maybe in two weeks.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
hmmm shame really I was looking at silent hill 5 then when I saw 'homecoming' was like oh?
...then oh -_-;;

but suppose I'll rent then attempt a speed completage ;)

lol btw :D ta for the end bit lol reminded me to play 3 with a lightsaber again :p

Hiroshi Mishima

New member
Sep 25, 2008
I think a lot of people are missing the point where he talks about fans. Because Yahtzee is by his own admission a fan of several games. It really is hard to please a fan, especially when you've been released games for the past few years that just don't measure up to the ones that came before it.

And to be perfectly fair, we probably wouldn't even have video games today if it wasn't for the fans. After all, someone had to like the games enough to keep buying them. Series like Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Halo.. if there weren't fans, you would never see second or third games in a series.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
He makes a good point, I love subtle Japanese horror, the kind that when you stop playing you're still on-edge and antsy.


New member
Nov 5, 2007
Fan are great for buying video games but not for designing them.

Good video game design (or heck any design) is not best done by committee. A fan base, as a whole, is usually a 7-headed beast with no overall direction. Some ideas that come out of a fan base can be great but for the most part is bad for direction and distinction.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
How can I put this... (first time texter last time caller)

I love the Silent Hill series and while the last few games feel like being sodomized I stuck through them hoping for some kind of reciprocated reach around.

While passing through the first few moments of Homecoming, I regretfully admit that I was thinking of of you... to be specific, the very first moments..... /sigh A quick time event. A FUCKING XXXXXXXXXXX quick time event.

It was like sleeping with your possible better half to realize she's as equipped as you and can take a load to the.... whatever, I shouldn't superimpose

While I may nod nod nod nod through your reviews, this time around I felt you over my shoulder the entire time; to the point where I had to choose to blow my mother's brains out, I had to ask what would Yahtzee do?? I blew the ****'s brains out in an attempt to free my own boredom. (that word is still only illegal in the US right?)

I really tried to care about Alex and enjoyed their lack luster attempt to recreate SH2, but after the third attempt to find Josh, I found myself asking the question why I didn't just shoot him in the leg so he couldn't run away this time?....

But isn't it awesome they brought Pyramid Head back?? I am so glad he was totting an army knife this time around... I totally get it it.... so is he related to.... oh who fucking cares..


p.s Someone should kill George Lucas and create more adventure games... Personally it gave me incentive to learn to read at 3 years old. Under those circumstances why wouldn't Edna throw my ass in jail?

Not Good

New member
Sep 17, 2008
The ironic statement at the end was damn good. I've never seen the Silent Hill Movie mostly because I don't have the tendency to actually go and see a movie about a videogame. Same thing will go for Max Payne, even if it has Marky Mark and the Funky bunch in it.