Zero Punctuation: Singularity


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Wait... Bioshock's combat is "unforgiving"?

As much as I loved that game, wasn't one of its problems the fact that it was too easy? And wasn't that something you mentioned in your review?

mik hardcore

New member
Feb 11, 2010
lozfoe444 said:
TIme travel is quite a tricky thing. What happens if you do something and accidentally make it so you were never born?
In fiction there's always some deus ex machina crap goin on to explain it, but in theoretical real life it's logically impossible. You're never born, then you're not around to stop yourself being born. Paradoxical, just doesn't work. Hey, guess I did learn something from that year of philosophy lectures.


New member
Jul 22, 2010
Yatzee probably wont read this but I thought i should clarify something.

There are three endings. One where you join the world leader dude and lead his army to take over the last parts that resist the world government, one where the good doctor turns into a douche, and one where you kill both and use the TMD to start taking over the world.


Aug 25, 2009
Some times it's difficult for FPS' to figure out what they're not, and that is a great way to tell a story, a new game-play mechanic or challenging (if you're like me and have played enough FPS' that you have more twitch fiber than wank muscle and can gleefully shoot a butterfly 14 miles away with your left hand as if you're the main character from Wanted).


New member
Jul 22, 2010
In reply to Mik Hardcore.

true. Whatever "accident" you do in the past would have already happened to shape what happened in the present so that you could go back into the past and do it again.

Its what you said but i just wanted to clarify for the less... umm... smart?

Just wanted to say that time travel movies have no merit to the whole changing the past thing.

BTW the futurama episode where fry goes back to the 50's and becomes his own grandfather is possible because fry does the exact thing i just said up top.


your evil twin

New member
Jun 25, 2010
Brumbek said:
I totally agree with him about the end plot twist...they do this whole massive flashback cut scene to show that you saving the scientist changed everything and I was sitting there thinking, um NO KIDDING YOU STUPID GAME! Man, whoever came up with that "twist" at Raven really needs to never ever write another story...
Except that wasn't the real plot twist. There were several real plot twists during that bit of the game, and the flashback of you saving the scientist was just one of several flashbacks. And if you do the "good" ending you get yet another plot twist.

Yes, it was silly that they showed a flashback of you saving Demechev, I guess that was for stupid people that forgot the start of the game.

But then the real plot twist is that there is evidence you have already tried and failed to get rid of the Singularity, and there is evidence that you've already tried and failed to stop yourself from saving Demechev. That's the weirdness of time travel... there is 50 year old evidence of the fact that you are planning to travel back in time. And it appears that it is not going to go well.

But... because you have seen this evidence, because you know that what you are planning is doomed, you can actually change the plan, there's a chance it could work. You've already changed history several times, things are not fixed. If you screw up you'll create a time loop where doom yourself to repeat your previous mistake, but you've learnt from the previous mistake then perhaps you can get it right this time.

It's like quantum theory and Shrodinger's Cat... the cat in the box is both alive and dead until you've looked in the box. In Singularity you've both failed and succeeded to stop Demechev until you attempt to do it. And what happens when you actually do attempt this is a pretty interesting plot twist.

So yeah, Yahtzee was unfair on the game fo saying he is giving away the plot twist and then saying it has no real plot twist. It actually has several. Just because there's a flashback sequence and a scientist realising something, that doesn't mean that's supposed to be the plot twist.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Yahtzee does have clairvoyant abilities. This is a quote from his site archives, the date is June 11th, 2003: "...or the stock market crashing like passenger planes into oversized office buildings, I confidently predict our comfortable oblivious lives will have some harsh reality drummed into them at some point in the next couple of decades."

And it seems this bear-costumed person at the amusement park made some negative impact on him - he mentions that event couple of times, but doesn't specify any details.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Hardcore_gamer said:
Why doesn't Yahtzee review fighting games like Super Street Fighter 4 or Tekken? I have never seen him review one.
What's to review? It's all mindless fighting with no real story. The plot is one of the most important things for him.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
I'm sorry, but "Upgrades were necessary in bioshock because the combat was harsh and unforgiving"? That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard, yahtzee. Have you got short term memory disorder? Maybe you're thinking of system shock- bioshock was the game where it was literally impossible to die. It was guilty of why-do-I-need-this-upgradeitis more than Singularity.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
strangemoose said:
alright this was a cool video but what the fuck is up with people getting suspended or put on probation for the littlest things?! 6 people where suspended or put on probation for writing nothing offensive or wrong (well one wrote first) but the other five where perfectly fine and they wrote as followed ( this is going in order from first to last): 1."boom" 2.sweet another title from under the radar(well my radar atleast" << now what the hell did he do wrong?! 3. i am awesome<<< ok that was not offensive but someone decided he should get 7 days suspension 4." finally!<< now what is wrong with that! he/she was excited for this review and happy for its release. 5.yay!<<< now nothing is wrong offensive or spam like from that he/she was just happy that the video was out!.
this is happening all over escapist people getting suspended put on probation or even banned for the stupidest reasons something needs to be done about this
They posted as soon as hte video was out. They didn't even watch it first. Their comments add nothing to this thread or the video. Essentailly, TROLLS.

Leftnt Sharpe

Nick Furry
Apr 2, 2009
I'm still trying to figure out what Yahtzee meant by, more holes than Blackburn. I'm just going to awesome it was some sort of insult, in which case: bravo Yahtzee.!


New member
Mar 30, 2010
Why would you not buy a game reviewed by Yahtzee? Do you realise you'd end up playing portal over and over and over again? He's giving us a humerous view on the flaws of each and every game. No game is perfect, doesn't mean they are crap either.

If i was to follow the way of the Australian-British fuhrer regarding all games, i'd miss out on gems like Demon's Souls, Borderlands and a whole lotta others. It's almost like following an american president's groundless statements about the existance of so called WMD in an oilfilled country, without asking questions.

OT: I look forward to playing this game, and was going to buy it if not for the European release of Demon's Souls. Although it's even further postponed cause of my pc blowing up, both PS3s having their laser stop working and dear old Xbox getting 3 reds(after a total of 10 hour use since purchase).


So fucking thrilled to be here!
Jan 8, 2010
Good review. Yahtzee has mentioned this whole alternative history thing before and i think the games industry should heed his advice.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Excellent, I wish I could go back in time to watch it again. Oh wait, I can! *presses replay button*. Wow, the past is amazing.

Oddly enough I actually wrote this in the past but you're now reading it in the future. Wooooo scary stuff etc..

On the original topic: I've already said what I thought of the game in the review, which is why I'm not making much of an effort to make any real comment about it.