Zero Punctuation: Top 5 of 2011


New member
Oct 22, 2009
There seems to be a serious problem here.

Yahtzee reviewed Dragon Age 2, and it's not on the worst list.

What planet is this?

DA2 is seriously worse than any of the games mentioned here. Especially MW3/BF3, which aren't really that bad, at least you know what you're expecting and you don't really buy a military FPS shooter and get surprised that it's not innovative or unique.

I'm pretty sure I've never heard of someone buying MW3 and going "WTF I was sure this was going to live up to the COD name and have drastically revised play and an award-winning plot!"

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Dexter111 said:
Uhm, what you say rings true for Call of Duty, but Battlefield doesn't come out every year and the differences between the games are usually pretty huge, especially Battlefield 3 with it's all new/improved engine, enhanced destructibility, animation system, lighting engine etc.

The people that pile on Battlefield with Call of Duty are usually the people that either haven't played it or have some sort of deep ingrained issue with Multiplayer games.
I've played both, and it could just be me, but appeared as though Battlefield 3 inched ever closer to Call of Duty's formula this year, at least in comparison to my experiences with the previous Bad Company titles (I rather liked Bad Company too...)

EA has made it no big secret that they covet Activision's Golden Goose, and I have no doubts they will continue to "adjust" Battlefield until they think it'll pleases their fanbase enough to switch.

In the interim, I will say that I do prefer Battlefield 3's destructible buildings to the usual "Stare down this scope and aim for the center-chest/neck. Knife when you're 5 feet away".
But that's just on account that I always loved demolition games.

So in the interest of fairness, I'll remove Battlefield 3 from that argument...but I won't forgive EA for attaching it to Origin (I don't want to play it on console if I can help it, but that's my only realistic option if I want to avoid Origin).

Zing said:
DA2 is seriously worse than any of the games mentioned here.
No, Mindjack has it beat hands down.
The game crashes at random intervals (a problem, as I discovered, that wasn't unique to my rental copy), the plot is retarded, the gameplay is bland at best, head-bashingly retarded at worst (ever wanted to fight a boss that does nothing but SHOOTS THE FLOOR FOUR FEET IN FRONT OF HIM? Mindjack is only too happy to oblige!).


New member
Jul 22, 2009
So, the Escapist nominate Dead Island as one of the best games of the year, and Yahtzee thinks it's one of the outright worst (an opinion I share)? Something might not be right here. Bastion, again? Jesus, I really need to play that.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
Motakikurushi said:
So, the Escapist nominate Dead Island as one of the best games of the year, and Yahtzee thinks it's one of the outright worst (an opinion I share)? Something might not be right here.
Well, people have different opinions over things. I figured that was kinda the core idea behind the judgement of media.

Sometimes those disagreements are extreme, but it's really nothing unusual.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Joccaren said:
You seem to think I spent only ten minutes in game. I have sunk 200+ hours into it, hoping it would get better. It didn't.

Magic is the exact same at the start and end game, except that you have a different spell that you continually cast until you're out of mana, then drink a mana potion or run round like a retard until your mana fills up.
Archery is very similar at the start and end game too. What do the perks do? Allow you to zoom in? Slow time whilst you're zoomed in, that's the big one. Its still the same motions as it was early on, with nothing much changed.

Exploring would be interesting if they focused more on making each area look different to the other areas. Get me a screenshot and I'll get one of an extremely similar looking area. There are a few uniquish areas, but most of them are the same thing in a slightly different order. Hardly exiting.

The same deal goes for quests. Outside of the questline ones (Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, Companions, College of Winterhold, Main Quest About three Daedric quests (Sanguine, Molag Bal and one other I can't quite remember), they were all the exact same quest, just with a different location.

Now, for your 'You couldn't have experienced it in ten minutes'. My first ten minutes of Skyrim went something like this:
-Finish intro
-Ignore everything, head to that cool looking dungeon over there
-Complete first of many samey dungeons, this one feeling unique because it was the first one.
-Use all main styles of combat, to get a feel for which one I liked best (Single Handed Warrior, Single Handed Assassin, Single Handed shield warrior, Stealth archer, Warrior Archer, Destruction magic [Admittedly the other magics were not available at that time. After that time, I found out for the most part that conjuration is the most boring way to play the game, illusionist and alterationist can be interesting, but turns into a repetitive grind once you get a good style])
-Go to riverwood and get dumped with misc quests and a storyline quest.

Now, did I fight a dragon? No.
Does it matter? No. Dragons are some of the least interesting fights in Skyrim. A bear can kill one. Solo. No joke. I saw it happen. Dragon fights consist of waiting for it to land/stay still so I can stab/shoot it with my sword/bow/magic repeatedly until it dies.

The main problem with dragons, like everything in Skyrim, is that they are far too easy to kill. Short of a Chuck Norris topless hand to hand style battle, there is no challenge to them. Even with that, just chug 1 potion of resist fire and punch away. You'll eventually kill it.
The problem here isn't so much that they are too easy in and of itself - in Morrowind after a short while everything was piss easy and you could accidentally a god. The problem is that the fun things like hovering, scroll of Icarian flight or W/E, custom spell making, ect. were taken out to give the game some challenge and a form of balance, whilst the game itself presents no challenge and I'll be damned if its balanced.

The most redeeming feature of Skyrim is its mods - yet they are not the game itself, and Bethesda actively tried to stop you from using too many with their removal of Large Address Awareness from the PC version.

Skyrim contained a brief breath of fresh air from most titles of the day, but it was hardly remarkable or amazing in its own right. I had much the same experience all my friends had.

First day "Skyrim is so intense I play BF3 when I need to calm down"
End of week: No-one playing Skyrim, all on BF3. Except me, the ever hopeful it-might-get-better that played DN:F almost through to the end because the first 20 minutes were refreshing and I had hoped it would get back to that sort of thing.

Other than the surface of the world being mostly open and without loading screens, what was so amazing about Skyrim that makes it better than any other game this year? One feature doesn't redeem an entire game, especially when the only thing different about that feature is 'mostly no loading screens'.

Now, all that said, I'm off to play Skyrim. Not for the game, but to see just how many NPCs my PC can handle at once. I'll see if I can get a good 300 v 300 battle going somewhere...
Dear god, I love Skyrim but I haven't even played it for 200 hours. Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense to me at all. I mean, you obviously just don't like the game. I would've just stopped.

Now I'm not sure if this fits you, but I've heard it before so I'll address it anyway. Skyrim is a video game; it has a plot, it has visuals. If you can't feel any difference between spells other than you spam it until you run out of mana, learn a new one and do the same, rinse and repeat, then, well, I don't know. I take personal pleasure in shooting lightning at people as opposed to fire, I take pleasure in exploring a dungeon very similair to many previous ones because there is an interesting little plot attached, I take pleasure in doing different side quest-lines because they involve different plots and characters even if I'm doing the same basic gameplay in each. What I'll call the "flavor" of a game, the stuff that's on top of damage numbers and your magicka and stamina pools, is just as important as that underlying stuff. That's why I, personally, and why a lot of people, think 10 minutes is nowhere near enough to experience everything.

Now, Maybe this description isn't accurate of how you think of games, and if so I apologize, but I have seen it before (something along the lines of, "Dragons could be giant cubes for all I care, it's just an avatar on top of the numbers").

But I find your complaints odd because they aren't untrue, it's just that people who like Skyrim don't actually see them as problems. They like using the same combat continuously because they enjoy the combat. They like doing the same basic system of dungeon diving because they like dungeon diving. And yeah a lot of the world looks the same (kind of like any real world location of the same size) but its filled with interesting things. I guess you just wanted more variety out of it. For a game that's supposed to last over a hundred hours, a huge amount of variety seems like an unrealistic expectation.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Zing said:
There seems to be a serious problem here.

Yahtzee reviewed Dragon Age 2, and it's not on the worst list.

What planet is this?

DA2 is seriously worse than any of the games mentioned here. Especially MW3/BF3, which aren't really that bad, at least you know what you're expecting and you don't really buy a military FPS shooter and get surprised that it's not innovative or unique.

I'm pretty sure I've never heard of someone buying MW3 and going "WTF I was sure this was going to live up to the COD name and have drastically revised play and an award-winning plot!"
For all of Yahtzee's other criticisms of the game, it did have one advantage over all five and a half games on his list: one or more characters he actually gave a crap about.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
doggy go 7 said:
I KNEW you really liked portal 2, you coy son of a *****. People got the impression that you didn't like the game, you've missled literally 10s of people down the wrong path, and now you're putting it right ;)
.......What? I find this really confusing, do these people even exist? Because every time someone asks what his opinion was often I find myself facepalming because he makes it so damn clear especially when he summarizes his feelings at the end of each video......


New member
Nov 22, 2011
"Modern Borefare and Twattlefield". I must admit giggles escaped from my mouth like a little girl. And I am delighted to know Yhatzee also feels that games should have demos, not beautiful trailers.

One day I just might buy a present for him. Provided I know the address.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Joccaren said:
jawakiller said:
Okay, I is all done with muy rant.
Yeah, I can see your point. It's just that the arguments he uses against multiplayer sound exactly like someone who is bad at it. I don't know if that's a coincidence or maybe he really is bad.

He does like shooters, just nothing that even closely resembles reality. He's like a 40 year old woman. He plays games to escape reality. Sure he'll play painkiller but anything that's even close to remotely possible? Maybe I'm getting a little defensive but he really doesn't like anything with multiplayer and I think he should just stop reviewing them all together.


New member
May 23, 2011
jawakiller said:
Joccaren said:
jawakiller said:
Okay, I is all done with muy rant.
Yeah, I can see your point. It's just that the arguments he uses against multiplayer sound exactly like someone who is bad at it. I don't know if that's a coincidence or maybe he really is bad.

These two articles elaborate on his stance on multiplayer. One of the arguments he makes is that everybody is bad at multiplayer when you first get into it, and he doesn't want to put in the time to get to the point where it becomes fun rather than an endless succession of deaths. It's the Final Fantasy 13 argument again.

He has expressed positive opinions towards multiplayer-centric games, though. The second article elaborates on his positive experiences in world of Warcraft, he gave a genuinely positive review to Left 4 Dead, and he's mentioned enjoying Team Fortress 2. He enjoys multiplayer that tends towards cooperation rather than free-for-alls.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Markunator said:
I do agree that Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3 got what they deserved, mainly because they wave around 'realism' while not being realistic in the slightest.
Modern Warfare 3 isn't realistic in the slightest, no. But Battlefield 3 has at least a little bit of realism in it, but not so much that it stops being fun. The guns, the vehicles, the sound effects and to a certain degree even the teamplay is actually quite realistic.
Anyone who says BF3 isn't at all realistic is factually wrong. The sounds are actually recorded from real firearms and such at military bases, so at the most basic level BF3 is at least somewhat realistic, whilst CoD is a Mattel shooter.

Joccaren said:
Actually, he loves shooters. Look at his review of Painkiller. Its a shooter. Bulletstorm, while he hated some things about it, he didn't hate because it was a shooter. What he hates is the modern style shooter where there is more emphasis on competitive online play rather than on the game being FUN.
There is actually an immense amount of fun to be had in Battlefield 3 - just not in the singleplayer portion, which, I will admit, sucks.
Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of fun in multiplayer. When you get onto multiplayer though, the competitive aspect can take away from the fun. Getting spawn camped because you joined the wrong team isn't fun, being the only person on your team who isn't a sniper isn't fun - unless you're on metro - playing in a match full of enemy snipers in an open map isn't fun. It can be fun when you get a good match, but its focus on being competitive allows only that sort of fun, and the rare 'over the top' bit of fun like driving a Jihad Jeep off the cliff at Damavand peak, or having an ally line your jeep with C4, ram it into a tank then have them detonate it and you not get hurt 'cause Friendly fire's off. That sort of over the top fun is rarely possible though with the competitive style of the game meaning that players who want to drive in the jeep and use it as it was meant to be used will be taking it 90% of the time, and won't let you C4 it or anything. When you do get a jeep too there is usually only a 20% chance you'll get close to that tank, or any enemy, seeing the number of players that go engineer. There is a certain satisfaction in sitting in a jeep while your friend lines it with C4, then having some random ally come up, look at the C4, then hop in the gun turret before you drive it crying bloody murder into the enemy's main defensive line and blow them sky high, leaving you unharmed.

That depends on what you want out of a shooter. If you don't like more realistic shooters, don't get Battlefield 3, simple as that. There are millions of people who love the Battlefield franchise and have done so ever since 2002. Should they not be able to have it just because people want to have crazy, Painkiller-style shooters instead? I don't think so, that hardly seems fair.

The Battlefield series has always had a real-world setting, so having a flaming crossbow that shoots exploding cows wouldn't exactly fit into it, if you know what I'm saying. Judge a game for what it is, not for what it isn't.
A real world setting isn't the problem. Give people a Halo CE style health system and their normal weapons in a real world setting with gore animations when they die and I'm sure Yahtzee would have a ball. Its the over-the-top-I-can't-help-but-be-entertained style that he'd find fun. Two second kills have little satisfaction to them. Pulling off something with luck and skill and getting given a 'nice' sight to show that you accomplished something fills the gratification and challenge boxes entirely. Context is all that's left, and you're in a war - there's your context.
I also don't think he'd have minded as much if BF3 were more like BF2 - an AI offline mode and slower combat that relied less on ironsights than all modern shooters love to. BF3 is following the modern shooter style of:
-Ironsights if you want to hit something more than 1 meter from you
-You die in 3 or 4 bullets from anything - and these guns shoot 600 rounds per minute as one of the slowest non-sniper/pistols.
-90% of the world is some variation of brown.

BF3 ruined single player for the series [I refuse to acknowledge BC 1 & 2] by adding a tacked-on campaign in and taking out AI matches, and it follows the 'You must be somewhat competitive to enjoy this' formula.

I see what you mean, but if you buy a Battlefield game, you should know that it's not the type of game that you buy for the singleplayer. Just look at Battlefield 1942, Battlefield: Vietnam, Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 1943. None of them had a singleplayer campaign. People bought them because they wanted to shoot friends and strangers online.
I have looked at and played most of them them. Thing is, those of them that did have single player at all had the AI bot matches. They focused on the fun part of the game being in single player, instead of some tacked on story 'Military drama 99900998259'.
It also comes up that why include the single player at all if you don't buy the game for that? Take it out and put more money into multiplayer, and Yahtzee would respect that. He probably wouldn't review it, but having a single player campaign is having a single player section that is there to play. If its there to play, it should be good. If its not good, it reflects poorly on the whole game - especially if there are no bot matches to back it up. If a game includes single player, it must stand on its single player alone, or not include a single player and have only the multiplayer that it can be judged by.

If you buy a game without knowing anything at all about it, then quite frankly, I think you deserve to have your money be wasted. Oh, and a quick sidenote: you mentioned Xbox Live, but Battlefield 3 is actually far better on the PC.
I never buy a game without knowing a lot about it - exception Skyrim [I have now learnt my lesson]. I don't ever waste my money [Exception Skyrim]. And I know it is better on PC, I play it on PC with Ultra settings with over 80 FPS. I've been a battlefield fan for years, and I'll be damned if I'm getting the latest and greatest title on a console. I'm just pointing out that I can see where Yahtzee is coming from, and that whilst IMO unfair to put them at the bottom, its nothing to get worked up over. I understand and to an extent agree with his reasons. Hell, he even states that he doesn't hate them as games - only what they represent.

jawakiller said:
Yeah, I can see your point. It's just that the arguments he uses against multiplayer sound exactly like someone who is bad at it. I don't know if that's a coincidence or maybe he really is bad.

He does like shooters, just nothing that even closely resembles reality. He's like a 40 year old woman. He plays games to escape reality. Sure he'll play painkiller but anything that's even close to remotely possible? Maybe I'm getting a little defensive but he really doesn't like anything with multiplayer and I think he should just stop reviewing them all together.
I really don't think he'd have reviewed it as badly if it hadn't have had a single player. You can say 'You don't buy BF/CoD for single player' all you like but if the game has single player, its intended to be played. If its intended to be played, its going to be reviewed. If it sucks turds, its going to be reviewed badly, and a non-multiplayer reviewer will have nothing else to review the game on and thus it sucks. Take out the crappy single player section, or better yet - bring back the damn AI matches BF instead of the damn campaign - and he would have nothing to review it on other than how the multiplayer works. If it works well and is fun and interesting - congratulations, you only got a mildly scathing review. A game with single player will have to stand on its single player alone if it includes it. If it isn't expected to - don't include the single player. Put that money into making a better multiplayer, or making the game cheaper.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Mugen said:
Yahtzee you prick, review DARK SOULS ALREADY! kidding, but seriously every week you dont review it, i will pirate a copy of Silent Hill 2, or any other game you claim to like :)
You don't really expect him to care do you? I think you should refer to his review of demon souls where in the end he said and I quote "Fuck you demon's souls, A challenge is one thing but trying to break down a cement wall with you're forehead isn't a challenge it's ground for being fucking sectioned!"

Unless you thirst for an escapist thread to drown in fanboy rage I'd quit while you don't have anything to be upset about.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Hal10k said:
jawakiller said:
Yeah, I can see your point. It's just that the arguments he uses against multiplayer sound exactly like someone who is bad at it. I don't know if that's a coincidence or maybe he really is bad.
He has expressed positive opinions towards multiplayer-centric games, though. The second article elaborates on his positive experiences in world of Warcraft, he gave a genuinely positive review to Left 4 Dead, and he's mentioned enjoying Team Fortress 2. He enjoys multiplayer that tends towards cooperation rather than free-for-alls.
Battlefield 3 has no team work? I can totally see how MW3 is a free for all with teams but BF3 is definitely a team based game. At least, that's how it's supposed to be played. Yes you can lone wolf it as a sniper or something but if you work as a team, you do better. A lot better.

Him liking wow and L4D doesn't mean much cuz neither of them are competitive shooters. WoW is a militarized version of Second Life and L4D is a co-op zombie shooter. Both heavily rely on much less pressurized gameplay. L4D isn't competitive and you can depend on your teammates (or bots) to do some of the work. Don't get me wrong, WoW can have some intense pvp but not the kind of intensity you find in a modern fps.

He liked TF2* because of the fantasy, proving my point. He only likes fantasy shooters.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this but I feel like anything he says regarding an fps is invalid due to an overly biased opinion of the genre. It would be like me reviewing a jrpg, it's gonna be harsh.

*TF2 is still a great game though


New member
May 23, 2011
jawakiller said:
Hal10k said:
jawakiller said:
Yeah, I can see your point. It's just that the arguments he uses against multiplayer sound exactly like someone who is bad at it. I don't know if that's a coincidence or maybe he really is bad.
He has expressed positive opinions towards multiplayer-centric games, though. The second article elaborates on his positive experiences in world of Warcraft, he gave a genuinely positive review to Left 4 Dead, and he's mentioned enjoying Team Fortress 2. He enjoys multiplayer that tends towards cooperation rather than free-for-alls.
Battlefield 3 has no team work? I can totally see how MW3 is a free for all with teams but BF3 is definitely a team based game. At least, that's how it's supposed to be played. Yes you can lone wolf it as a sniper or something but if you work as a team, you do better. A lot better.

Him liking wow and L4D doesn't mean much cuz neither of them are competitive shooters. WoW is a militarized version of Second Life and L4D is a co-op zombie shooter. Both heavily rely on much less pressurized gameplay. L4D isn't competitive and you can depend on your teammates (or bots) to do some of the work. Don't get me wrong, WoW can have some intense pvp but not the kind of intensity you find in a modern fps.

He liked TF2* because of the fantasy, proving my point. He only likes fantasy shooters.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this but I feel like anything he says regarding an fps is invalid due to an overly biased opinion of the genre. It would be like me reviewing a jrpg, it's gonna be harsh.

*TF2 is still a great game though
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: there's no such thing as an invalid opinion, only opinions that you disagree with.

Moving on.

Now, I'm not going to lie: I've never played Call of Duty, Team Fortress 2, or Battlefield for any extended period of time. The last multiplayer shooter I spent any decent amount of time playing was Tribes 2. But I honestly can't blame Yahtzee for assuming that Battlefield's multiplayer would be exactly like Call of Duty's. All of the advertisements made the whole affair seem like one of those ripoff DVDs you see in the checkout aisle of the supermarket with names like "Transmorphers", intended to deceive clueless grandmothers into buying the wrong gift for little Johnny. They really seemed to be trying to cater to Call of Duty's fanbase.

And remember, Yahtzee never claimed to be reviewing the multiplayer aspect of CoD or Battlefield anyway, he was only criticizing their single player components.


New member
Nov 26, 2010
I'll never understand why the people who do not like Call of Duty (and similar games) feel the need to ram that opinion down everyone's throats.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Chairman Miaow said:
Gorilla Gunk said:
I know it's his list and I understand he doesn't think MW3 or BF3 are bad gameplay wise. Still doesn't make it any less of a stupid move. All he's doing is standing on a pedestal, proselytizing and trying to make a big statement (Still not sure exactly what he means by "what they represent"). I was expecting him to really dig into another bad game like he did with Kane & Lynch 2 but instead he sat me down and tried me a lecture and expects me to nod and take him seriously. It was lame and not very funny or entertaining. This is definitely one his weaker videos.
What they represent is samey multiplayer-only churned-out year after year money grabs which completely stagnate the FPS genre by completely dominating it and making every other company try to emulate them. I think that is more than reason enough to make them worst game of the year.
is it really CoD's fault that other developers want to copy them? really they found a formula that balances arcade fast action fun, respectable graphics, semi realistic setting and weapons with a single player full of big budget action film fun. no the story is not grand an epic like mass effect. and yes it has a lot of re hashing. but it does what it does damn well, and rehashed what works an tweaks what does't into something better.

They just do what works. also, While not a justification, it's hard to innovate much when your already at a point were your formula is working really well, change to much and you'll get "ZOMG THEY CHANGED IT NOW IT SUCKS" and if you don't you get the same stuff it's been getting "samey" and "bland" an it's already got a whole lot of "It's popular now it sucks" going around on it.

MW3 is the most fun I've had in CoD since CoD4. honestly i just miss the CoD 4 maps i haven't loved maps the same way since CoD4, yet i realize the same maps would never work in MW3. MW2 brought old maps back and they were horrible. the game change made the maps no fun, IR sniper scopes made old sniping spot useless, guns could shoot farther and new KS rewards made the maps unbearable.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Couldn't agree more with his top bottom 5. I really hate both COD and BF for ruining my favorite gonra


New member
Dec 15, 2007
Xman490 said:
Skyrim FREEZES? I thought Bethesda was over "New Vegas" levels of glitchiness! I thought that Skyrim's worst bugs were along the lines of "hovering ground ladies" or spinning horsemen (as seen in a Youtube video).

Has anyone else had serious glitches with Skyrim? I'm starting to doubt whether I should get it if it's going to crash on me.
It's nowhere near New Vegas level of glitchiness. Obsidian (The guys properly in charge of making NV) shat themselves badly on that one.

Skyrim bugs out a little every now and then and every now and then makes a concerted effort to up and die... but honestly? I've only had it happen to me maybe once every six or eight hours, maximum. Normally I can play for an entire day without seeing a single issue (except for something odd like my companion runs like the legions of Hell are on his heels, only to return a minute later).


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Hal10k said:
jawakiller said:
Hal10k said:
He enjoys multiplayer that tends towards cooperation rather than free-for-alls.
I can totally see how MW3 is a free for all with teams but BF3 is definitely a team based game.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: there's no such thing as an invalid opinion, only opinions that you disagree with.

Moving on.

Now, I'm not going to lie: I've never played Call of Duty, Team Fortress 2, or Battlefield for any extended period of time. The last multiplayer shooter I spent any decent amount of time playing was Tribes 2. But I honestly can't blame Yahtzee for assuming that Battlefield's multiplayer would be exactly like Call of Duty's. All of the advertisements made the whole affair seem like one of those ripoff DVDs you see in the checkout aisle of the supermarket with names like "Transmorphers", intended to deceive clueless grandmothers into buying the wrong gift for little Johnny. They really seemed to be trying to cater to Call of Duty's fanbase.

And remember, Yahtzee never claimed to be reviewing the multiplayer aspect of CoD or Battlefield anyway, he was only criticizing their single player components.
And this would be akin to only trying the training simulator in TF2. If you really want to see if a shooter is well created, you have to play with other people. Period. You can't play one part of the game (a part that the genre is weak on, no less) and expect skyrim. Skyrim only had one section to focus on so yes, you only have to play the single player. All the effort involved in that game went straight into the single player experience.

Which is why I think he shouldn't review multiplayer based shooters. He doesn't review them "right." Sure it's funny but if you only played the blacksmithing portion of Skyrim... You're not gonna like the game (unless you're easily entertained). Should they be cheaper? Absolutely but I'm a broke college student, I think everything should be cheaper.

And your whole attitude towards a biased opinion is strange. If you hate a particular genre (he hates most military fps) you can't accurately review it. Like I said, I can't stand most Japanese games, any review I made would be very negative. And it wouldn't help anybody. So, there is invalid opinions, not because they are different but because they have an extremely biased approach.

You said he probably didn't play the multiplayer because he thought it would be the same s CoD? That's why he shouldn't review these games, any self respecting reviewer would play both not assume they would be the same.

And Battlefield 1942 came out a year before the original Call of Duty. So saying they're a wannabe is a bit cruel.