Zero Punctuation: Webcomics


New member
Jun 18, 2008
I had 5 bucks that he was gonna do it on B company lol at the CAD reference about the miscarriage.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Let's consider something very important we seem to be missing here. Even IF all this crap about Buckley is true (most of this is just unproven crap that sounds like the stuff politicians throw around at election time), does that really matter? We're talking about the webcomic, not its author! I mean, heck, Harrison Ford has participated in plenty of douchebaggery, but we still all love Star Wars and Indiana Jones. And we all know people who have done some pretty screwed up things, but we still hang out with them. In this case, all we're doing s reading a comic. Heck, even if it gets to the point where you don't want to support him, he gets NO money from the comics. As long as you don't actually buy anything, you can still enjoy the comics, regardless of your opinion of the author.

And let's clear something up, too. The miscarriage was tragic. The only funny comics for the next few WEEKS were the occasional commentary on gaming culture, for a break from the drama. He was not joking about miscarriages, he was not blowing them off like no big deal, he put a genuinely tragic turn in the story, and portrayed it for what it is: a terrible, sad experience. Go read it before you talk about it.


New member
Mar 18, 2008
I use to read many, many web comics. VG cats, CAD, Penny, White ninja, plus about ohh 9 others, but eventually got tired of jokes centered around violence and cheeky stupidity. While a good point is made every now and then in said comics, I personally stopped laughing then stopped reading.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
KMD said:
David_Cat said:
ioudas omnis said:
Jenx said:
Wargamer said:
Meh... that felt dull to me... personally, I was impressed CAD had the balls to do a serious and hard-hitting storyline, as opposed to the tongue-in-cheek crap everyone else does.
The point is - you can't go from blah blah funny funny blah blah to blah blah serious tragic blah blah. That is why most webcomics stick either to making it a "gag a day" or make a serious storyline and go with it. Trying to mix both usually doesn't work, and CAD has proven that as well.
though some would certainly argue that "storytelling" and "CAD" shouldn't be used in the same sentence.
CAD has a lot more story than it used to.
That's like saying Chernobyl is slightly less irradiated than it used to be. It doesn't matter if there's more story if it is ill-concieved, planned, or excecuted. CAD hits at least two of those with regularity and all three with the serious twist.
Ill-concieved yes, but the "serious twist" was planned since the start of the pregnancy story, and it was executed superbly.

Melo The Yellow

New member
Jul 2, 2008
Oh and Player vs player's wikipage got one day changed to "PVP sucks".
Guess who?


New member
Jul 2, 2008
firstly, Yahtzee never mentioned the names of any of the comics (bar PA) but I think it's obviously he's throwing alot of bile at CAD (and others too, like the whole mega-man sprite thing - ripping the likes of 8 bit theatre - well I lolled)

The internet has always had a bad run whenever it trys to deal with things that are 'real' - I've seen things on forums that make me upset that I share a species with these people.

It was a very brave, and a very stupid move for Buckley to do the miscarriage plotline for two reasons:

1) Even if his intentions were good, and he decided to make a serious go of tackling the big issues, he must have known that there would be trolls and sharks waiting to pounce on him and rip him. In defending himself vehemently and vocally the way he has, he comes across as nothing but a dick.

2) If his intentions were only to stir the trolls and sharks in order to boost flagging readership figures, then he's a dick.

Myself, I'm waiting for the end of this plot to see where it goes, to see whether or not he actually means to tackle issues and is really a nice guy trying something different or is just a media whore.

But just remember, he also tried something different with his comic voting thing earlier in the year (Ethan space archaeologist or some such) in an attempt to gather people in before unleashing this beast.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Melo The Yellow said:
Oh and Player vs player's wikipage got one day changed to "PVP sucks".
Guess who?
Anonymous IP?


New member
Jul 2, 2008
David_Cat said:
Melo The Yellow said:
Oh and Player vs player's wikipage got one day changed to "PVP sucks".
Guess who?
Anonymous IP?

ioudas omnis

New member
Jul 2, 2008
David_Cat said:
ioudas omnis said:
Jenx said:
Wargamer said:
Meh... that felt dull to me... personally, I was impressed CAD had the balls to do a serious and hard-hitting storyline, as opposed to the tongue-in-cheek crap everyone else does.
The point is - you can't go from blah blah funny funny blah blah to blah blah serious tragic blah blah. That is why most webcomics stick either to making it a "gag a day" or make a serious storyline and go with it. Trying to mix both usually doesn't work, and CAD has proven that as well.
though some would certainly argue that "storytelling" and "CAD" shouldn't be used in the same sentence.
CAD has a lot more story than it used to.
I don't doubt that. But as I said, the comic lost my interest sometime a few years ago, and I only read it now whenever someone decides to link me to it. It just isn't my kind of webcomic anymore.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Canazza said:
David_Cat said:
Melo The Yellow said:
Oh and Player vs player's wikipage got one day changed to "PVP sucks".
Guess who?
Anonymous IP?
Yes alright alright it was obviously Tim

Melo The Yellow

New member
Jul 2, 2008
CADbortion Comic Shops

Further adding to the webcomic's mind-numbingly retarded pool of unfunny, undramatic plot drama, Tim Buckley decided it would be fun to kill off the bi- the female character's unborn child (This is probably the funniest comic he's done to date). When asked why he thought a miscarriage would be a particularly good plot turn, he gave a tl;dr response on his website about character building and plot or some shit. This shows that not only is Buckley an unfunny hack, but he's also a fucking lunatic for thinking that his shitty little webcomic actually has anything close to an engaging storyline or good characterization. Also, he would have had to make a new drawing of a fat *****, and that was too much work. Naturally, some wept, some raged, and others fired up Photoshop to extract some laughs from the situation.

Fu- Buckley would go on to thank his fanbase "from the bottom of my heart for your overwhelming support" for all the emails he got. Yeah, that's right. Comfort me! The guy who drew a comic with no words and made the ***** lose her spawn, not actual women who miscarry. Attention-whore Douchefag Status confirmed.

Only time will tell if Fuckley chooses to see this intentionally unfunny plot twist through, complete with crushed relationships, grief counseling, alcohol and substance abuse, and his author inserted fantasy persona maturing into a real man and taking serious charge of the situation, AND sustain this for the months and maybe years it would take to properly unwind this tragedy, or if he'll just jump the shark again and dive right back into the stale shitfest that is his comic as if nothing ever happened.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Heroic One said:
Non-gaming webcomics can be (and most of them are) really good. You should check them out!

are on my reading list, not directly gaming comics, but tend to reference alot of fantasy games (LFG did this to start with, referencing WoW quite a bit, but has since gotten into it's stride)

pluses are that the artists can draw, and that there is enough text to make a joke/plot without sacrificing graphics

Also, check out totally not gaming related, but excellently drawn and pun-tastically funny - case in point:


New member
Dec 16, 2007
This over the top dose of hipocracy and unrelentless sense of irony could very well be what will keep me coming back here every week, forever untill there is no more ZP.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
And you guys will also notice that the CAD Wiki page makes no mention of any criticism other than this latest Zero Punctuation video. And given the massive series of Internet shitstorms that have gone off because of Buckley, I find that highly telling.

Best case scenario? Someone's attempting to brown-nose their way up the ranks.
Worst case scenario? Buckley's not yet discovered this latest ZP (Or he considers it below his notice).


Only time will tell if Fuckley chooses to see this intentionally unfunny plot twist through, complete with crushed relationships, grief counseling, alcohol and substance abuse, and his author inserted fantasy persona maturing into a real man and taking serious charge of the situation, AND sustain this for the months and maybe years it would take to properly unwind this tragedy, or if he'll just jump the shark again and dive right back into the stale shitfest that is his comic as if nothing ever happened.
From CAD's news:

There are a number of supporting characters in the strip through which I can tell the story, or I could break away completely with some one-shots and come back to join the characters post-ground-zero, when the pain isn't so fresh, to show how they handle it.
Translation? "I'm going to either not focus on the fucking characters at the centre of these events or fast-forward past most - if not all - of an inevitable source of character development."

Melo The Yellow

New member
Jul 2, 2008
Blayze said:
And you guys will also notice that the CAD Wiki page makes no mention of any criticism other than this latest Zero Punctuation video. And given the massive series of Internet shitstorms that have gone off because of Buckley, I find that highly telling.

Best case scenario? Someone's attempting to brown-nose their way up the ranks.
Worst case scenario? Buckley's not yet discovered this latest ZP (Or he considers it below his notice).
I noticed this too, the criticism part has gotten shorter hasn't it? Before it would go for more than 3 lines of text.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
As always, I laughed at today's video. And, to be honest, I'm a CAD fan myself. Even though Yahtzee was very negative with his view on Ctrl-Alt-Del, I'd be honored if I was Tim Buckley. If I had a webcomic and someone like Yahtzee made a video about it - despite not naming any names - I'd be excited, even if it was very negative. I respect Yahtzee's opinion and I do agree that there are a lot of generic, run-of-the-mill webcomics out there. I can't wait to see what he talks about next week.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
I had to create an account just so I could comment on this video. One of the best in a long while, Yahtzee. I was a CAD reader until he started to go down this weird slope of "I'm trying this out, seeing where my writing goes" crap of a terrible, creepy, awful storyline. Its like the guy thinks he's Stephen King. I mean, he's not, he writes a comic. On the internet.

Applause to ZP for calling out the "balls in his mouth" taste this storyline gave everyone


New member
Mar 9, 2008
imo, I for one like CAD, and it strikes me that Yahtzee has stated his dislike of this comic before, yet he still checks up on it enough to see the latest story line and finds time to vent about it. In the end we are all entitled to our own opinion, but i can understand buckleys reaction to ZP review, criticism fair enough, but Yahtzee completely tore CAD to pieces. No one is forcing you to go and read these comics just because they are there, if you dont like it, dont read it. Just like games, music, art, film and anything else I can think of, use viewer discretion.

Edit: before anyone flames me, I still love ZP because of his no BS assessments.