A few thoughts:
1) This weeks ZP is one of the worst of the bunch. All ZPs walk a very fine line between funny and rant and for the most part Yahtzee keeps it on the funny side, or if it slides into rant mode it still has some good laughs. This one however didn't, it went into rant mode early and never really let up, while some good points were raised about the limited character variety of webcomics (something I'd like to point out CAD addressed in its first four strips) after it became obvious he was talking about CAD the train went careening off the rails and the funny went with it. What makes ZP great is that Yahtzee can make a point while still being really funny (like any good satirist), here he pushed the point too much and lost the humor.
2) I read CAD somewhat regularly and for the most part its pretty good. I don't really care is Buckley is an ass (or showed his penis to a 14 year old, a claim I seriously doubt) because if I get something out of his (or any) comic I'll keep reading. His CYOA thing was great, it felt original, it was funny and it gave the readers input on how the comic went, whats not to like? Obviously there are some problems with CAD, the faces being one of the most obvious but I don't understand all the hatred it seems to provoke.
thebrink said:
CAD was never funny. If you think it's funny you're a douche.
Exhibit A
On the whole miscarriage storyline it surprised me, obviously the question of how CAD was going to deal with a little baby running around was out there but I didn't expect the miscarriage thing. Overall I thought the storyline was ill advised (although in light of his miscarriage experience somewhat understandable), because even though Buckley has gone in the direction of storyline (as he notes here [http://ctrlaltdel-online.com/comic.php?d=20030509]) he still does the funny gaming comic style more often then not and even the storyline strips are generally humorous. That said he handled the series surprisingly well and it did give more depth to Ethan who for the most part was still just there for his antics, the comic where he puts away the mini Xbox360 controller (here [http://ctrlaltdel-online.com/comic.php?d=20080613]) was really good and surprisingly powerful. On the supposedly misogynistic storyline I thought that was one of the best ones he did, it was so dead on. How many of you wouldn't take your friends excuse to force him to go on a date with a really unattractive girl? The scene in the restaurant is so accurate, in that situation I'm sure most guys would be doing just like Lucas and probably thinking very similar things too.
3) For those of you who haven't read it Yahtzee's own "Yahtzee Takes on the World" is one of the funniest webcomics I've ever read so I suggest you go out and read it.
4) A quick plug for one of my favorite webcomics, Dresden Codak [http://dresdencodak.com/index.html]. The artwork is beautiful and the comic manages to do both serious and funny relatively well.