Zero Punctuation: ZombiU

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Did Yahtzee just use Dark Souls as a positive example?

What brought upon this shift I wonder?


New member
May 14, 2012
Honestly, when I saw some gameplay, I was literally thinking "Why does that have to be on the... thing they call controller? A normal GUI would have done the thing as well". Quite a few times, actually.
Of course, they COULD have done something with the controller that only works via controller-screen but I can't think of ANYTHING a GUI couldn't do, to be honest.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Wait, there are still people who think the British Monarch is an active political entity?


New member
Jun 16, 2010
I was on the fence about whether to get this game or not, I decided against it and got NSMB U instead, even now, I still don't know if I made the right decision, NSMB U is actually challenging, either that or I'm just terrible at platformers now.


New member
Apr 6, 2004
Casual Shinji said:
Did Yahtzee just use Dark Souls as a positive example?

What brought upon this shift I wonder?
He's reviewing a Nintendo game and he has to compare something in favor to it apparently.

OuendanCyrus said:
I was on the fence about whether to get this game or not, I decided against it and got NSMB U instead, even now, I still don't know if I made the right decision, NSMB U is actually challenging, either that or I'm just terrible at platformers now.
No, it's much like with Mario Galaxy, where the guys at Nintendo essentially said "We do listen to players saying the previous game is too easy and make you regret saying it."

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
By the way, did anyone else notice that starting with the Super Nintendo and with the exception of the Gamecube, Nintendo likes to have most the game titles for the given console to fit the theme of the console? For the Super Nintendo, many of the titles had "Super" attached to them, for the Nintendo 64 they had 64 attached on the the end, the Wii had Wii tacked on to the end, and now with the Wii U they're haveing U tacked on to the end.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
sorry Yahtzee that they decided to have a real time, realistic interpretation of things. I am also sorry that they didn't give you the Bethesda menu system where you almost need a road map just to find where you put that health potion.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Guffe said:
Got this console for myself for xmas.

Seems like he didn't really like the console itself but he didn't seem to have anything against the game.

The controller thingy is loaded with a charger I hope. Otherwise the cost for batteries is going to be pretty damn high.
it charges, but A it darn slow, so for every 3 hour gaming expect 1 hour doing something else B it done via it´s own electric cable, not via a cable between the console and controller, but if that´s bad or good that´s up to you.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
remmus said:
Guffe said:
The controller thingy is loaded with a charger I hope.
it charges, but A it darn slow, so for every 3 hour gaming expect 1 hour doing something else B it done via it´s own electric cable, not via a cable between the console and controller, but if that´s bad or good that´s up to you.
You can have it on charge while playing I hope, that should allow one to play a bit longer?

I very seldom do 3 hour runs anyway but who knows, sometimes I find games in which 5 hour runs won't be enough, those are pretty rare thou.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
GodzillaGuy92 said:
I was waiting to see what he made of the whole look-at-your-controller-for-inventory-management thing. In most games it certainly would be annoying and pointless, but since this is survival horror, this sort of thing accomplisheses the all-important task of keeping the tension high since having to look away from the TV screen gives the zombies a chance to sneak up on you, making even navigating a menu a something of a nervous prospect. Maybe Yahtzee figured that ZombiU doesn't deserve a thumbs-up for it because he figures every other WiiU game is going to shoehorn in touchscreen-based menu systems for far less useful reasons... which will probably soon prove 100% correct as the WiiU's library expands.

At any rate, great review, and well worth the time spent in anticipation of it. Let Yahtzee's epic struggle against the WiiU begin.
I dunno, when something makes me look away from the screen during a fight or whatever it's just irritating and immersion-breaking, not more tense.

Azure Knight-Zeo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
That's the problem with a "serious" zombie game like this, after you introduce them you can't really add anything new exept for more intense encounters. You can't introduce, say, fly-men once you've established this is a "conventional" zombie outbreak. This is probibly why Resident Evil made it aobut bio-weapons, to add giant snakes and lizard-men giving the game some variaty.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
The Wii U's controller is the stupidest think I've ever seen. People thought the Wii's controller would be "revolutionary" and the Wii was just a shovelware box. I'd give it a year before we see the same exact thing from the Wii U.

WaitWHAT said:
Stabby Joe said:
Wait, there are still people who think the British Monarch is an active political entity?
'Muricans. 'Muricans everywhere.
1. No one in America actually thinks that.

2. I'd rather be in a country where people think that a Queen should do something than be in a country that is backwards enough to still have a Queen, stupid enough to not have her do anything, and shallow enough to publicly make her and her family's affairs into pop culture... but that's just me. ;)


New member
Oct 31, 2008
The thing about the Wii U is it really is the Wii again. Nintendo talk about it being for the harcore, release a party game as their launch title (not ZombiU, Adventureland) and all the tech demos are about 5 players, 4 of which have wii motes. And they base it around a gimmick and it doesn't have the hardware to keep up with the other consoles

Whats more, they're bigging up asychronous gameplay, but guess what, we've been able to do that since we invented the internet when you think about it. We just don't do it that often (except for L4D Vs and defend/attack maps) because it's really not that interesting if you don't have other people in the room with you.

So what I'm saying is, the Wii U is more like the Wii Too


New member
Nov 14, 2011
Please tell me Yahtzee recorded this last week, and the sniper scope view is just a coincidence.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
"Come and join us, the master will be home soon"
Anyone else have a awkward boner?... yeah, me neither...

OT: Being a Londoner this game intrigues me from the possibility of lolz.

Also, I hope he reveiws Rayman Legends.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
TomLikesGuitar said:
The Wii U's controller is the stupidest think I've ever seen. People thought the Wii's controller would be "revolutionary" and the Wii was just a shovelware box. I'd give it a year before we see the same exact thing from the Wii U.

WaitWHAT said:
Stabby Joe said:
Wait, there are still people who think the British Monarch is an active political entity?
'Muricans. 'Muricans everywhere.
1. No one in America actually thinks that.

2. I'd rather be in a country where people think that a Queen should do something than be in a country that is backwards enough to still have a Queen, stupid enough to not have her do anything, and shallow enough to publicly make her and her family's affairs into pop culture... but that's just me. ;)
Ohoho, country dick waggerling is it *gets out 'Bush' portfolio*

Seriously though guy/gal, the only peeps who give it the 'God save the queen' thing anymore are proberly much akin to the 'God bless America' lot. Shes like the relative no one likes, we only really put up with her at Christmas. Shes good for coaxing tourists away from their money though.