First of all, welcome to the escapist! Second, what if someone were to create a game that gave you the ability to give gifts to and help out your friends, but didn't require you to visit every few hours for such menial little tasks? You forget that people could pick up another game out of curiosity and still continue to play farmville; they would not be mutually exclusive.Cynical skeptic said:These people don't feel they have an inferior product, they feel they have the easiest product to use be rewarded for using. The people who play farmville actually feel they are actually sending gifts to their friends. They feel good about sending and receiving. They feel good about fertilizing and being fertilized. They'll never "move on" to a new/better/different game because even if someone managed to convince them they made a better "washing machine" they would still lose everything they had and would cease to help their neighbors with their farms.
All that needs to happen is for a rip-off of farmville to do it a little bit better and attract enough players who also play farmville into trying it out and telling their friends to try it out. They might not stop playing zynga games, but if the new ones are good enough, and enough people make the switch with them, they'd probably forget about them.
I mean, when people switched en masse from myspace to facebook, they didn't lose all their friends. I bet what happened is that some people with myspaces had concurrent facebook accounts, told their friends about it, and as they all visited facebook more and more, they slowly forgot about myspace altogether. Same principle, i'd think.