I so love The Punchline Is Machismo.
This skit is one of the things that inspired a post-apocalypse themed story I had, where the entire time, you don't know it's a power rangers story. It follows a group of kids that are part of a community, and there is a legend of some buried bunker with a treasure that could save them. Some of them think it's a myth, but others think it's worth looking into. So five of them (subtly color coded, like very subtly) journey out to find the place. Long story short, they find a vault basically, and find it guarded by a series of traps that challenge their intelligence and problem solving, teamwork, athletics, combat, etc. It ends with them having to sacrifice 4 of the 5, to let the 5th go forward and claim the prize. And it's a voluntary kind of sacrifice. After the 4 die, the 5th goes into the final dark chamber, which is suddenly lit up by a floating head, and 4 very confused, by very much alive, friends, entering from a side room. The head explains that he was built by a scientist, to safeguard a set of power suits, to make sure they didn't fall into the wrong hands. So the head set up this set of tests, to weed out the unworthy. The final test, being one of self sacrifice, and trust in an ally, to accomplish a goal greater than just personal greed/power. As the 5 look around, and fans clearly see "holy shit this is a power rangers story!" as they see the suits lit up in their little pods, the head would casually say "My creator said he wanted me to find 5 people with attitude, but I felt that was a poor measure of a champion, and instead decided to test for other factors." Then the film would end with them putting on the suits, cue sequel.