Oh man, you probably know this too, but early Steam was godawful. First couple years it was pretty much a glorified downloader and matchmaking tool for Valve games. Not even a good one either. Next couple years were only marginally better. Servers frequently went down, buying games was a pain, no search function, no community features, slow download speeds, and so on. Basically none of the basic functionality we now take for granted was around yet.
In many ways EGS as a service is roughly at the level of functionality Steam had circa '06-'07. Except, you know, it's 2021. Then again, Epic have made it quite clear that user experience is not high on the list of priorities. Their tactic is more throwing money at publishers for free stuff and discounts, while hoping sunk cost starts kicking in for the userbase before the next big f2p megahit smashes the Fortnite piggybank.