Stuff You've Changed Your Mind On


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
It's established here

His dad is clearly framed as confrontational, distant, dismissive, typical dad tropes.
Which is tragic in its own right that even after Howard's memorable and emotional recording he left for Tony in Iron Man 2, that that is still the overriding image of his father in his head. Even academically knowing his father wasn't JUST cold, calculating etc, that he did have faith in him and did love him.

Turns out the technology of the time wasn't the only thing Howard was limited by.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
It's established here

His dad is clearly framed as confrontational, distant, dismissive, typical dad tropes.

Mom is literally introduced, playing him a lullaby while he's asleep on the couch, and she's clearly fine with doing that. Now, these are all fabricated memories (or at least slightly altered, no reason the actual moment didn't mostly play out like that), but they are pulled from Tony's head, so the entire emotional tone of his mother, is one of love, compassion, caring. Even his recreation doesn't give her shit, all his teen angst is directed at dad. The only snarky thing he says to mom, is actually an insult directed at dad, about how he thinks it's kind of shitty that dad is taking her to the pentagon, and she'll be forced to eat their terrible cafeteria food. Implying he'd rather dad took mom someplace much nicer to eat, because he cares about her and doesn't want her getting the pentagon shits.

So yeah, he loved his mom. Also, is that really a huge leap? Even if they hadn't clearly established his feelings for her in the BARF? MOST kids love their moms very deeply. I mean he loved his dad, that was well established in several of the films, IM 2 in particular. You can have a volatile relationship with a family member, and still be pissed off to the point of irrational behavior when looking at the guy WHO SHOT THEM IN COLD BLOOD, and you just watched it. He didn't LACK feelings for his parents, he suppressed them. And they all came flooding back as he watched the footage of the Winter Soldier, dragging their helpless bodies, casually putting a bullet in his dad's head, and then repeating the process on mom.

So..yeah, "I'm sorry Captain, but I'm too angry for rational thought right now, and only want to crush his skull" is a fairly legit response.
To me “He killed my mom” was everything BVS’s “Martha” scene was accused of being. It felt tacked on, out of place and had no real weight behind it, like it belonged in a shitty daytime soap opera on an Emmy grab episode.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
To me “He killed my mom” was everything BVS’s “Martha” scene was accused of being. It felt tacked on, out of place and had no real weight behind it, like it belonged in a shitty daytime soap opera on an Emmy grab episode.
He literally JUST watched his mother get shot in the fucking HEAD, by a guy standing 20 feet away from him! Why is this hard to fathom? That a person would love their mother, and be consumed with blinding rage at suddenly learning, during an already emotionally tense moment, that someone they were in the same room with, killed their parents, an event that traumatized him as a young man. I mean seriously, this is the suspension of disbelief hill you want to die on? Is it because they didn't actually utter the words "I love you." on screen, so you can't infer that they had love for each other? "Wasn't on screen! Didn't happen!" ? It's called subtlety and implication. Allowing the body language, and other cues to tell you the underlying emotions that are there, and are important.

I'll criticize MCU all day, as I find several of the movies underwhelming, boring, and some I've flat out fallen asleep in at the theater, during the dramatic climax. But THIS scene, this line, this motivation for someone raging out, no, this is not one of those things.

The Martha Scene isn't even remotely close to the same thing as this scene.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
And I feel like one ‘worked’ simply because it was in the MCU and fans don’t criticize the MCU.
Now you're just drawing straws. Second, their are plenty fans that have critcized the MCU. They're not as loud as the super zealot defenders who never shut up.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Having the wrong expectations can initially ruin a movie for you. Reaching way back there were two I can think of.

The Stunt Man (1980) This trailer makes this look like a thriller. It is a biting satirical black comedy instead. As it wasn't what I thought it would be, at first, it was like accidentally reaching for a glass of milk but grabbing the nearby coke instead. But I ended up seeing it again and loving it.
Then, in 1985, when movies like "Porkies" and "Hard Bodies" were coming out, "American Flyers" released a trailer that made it look like just such a movie. It isn't. Very interesting drama well worth watching.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Internet critics in general, whether they be gaming, movies, TV shows, etc. At the time I liked a good amount of them, but some I did ignore or avoid the best I could. Now, I consider most of them crap; especially if they're loud mouth individuals on YouTube. I know they're still good ones out there about the quality of their work or the content they make, but you got a lot of crappy ones out there that don't, just go for whatever trends popular, or go out of their way to mock or hurt others for not having the same opinion or political beliefs as them. Red letter media, channel awesome (that website had many problems and there's a reason why there was a big fallout), Nostalgia Critic, Cinema Sins, and even honest trailers at times, have egotistical, know nothing know at all, loudmouth, jackasses. CinemaSins I especially dislike the most. Nostalgia Critic learn some things, but Doug Walker still can't not take criticism really well. It's part of the reason why the fallout happened or you don't find many people working with them outside of his little crew. The few I do care about can be counted on two hands, but it's still a small amount compared to what's out there. What does not help is that a lot of these guys and gals treat their opinions as if they're 100%, absolute, facts. We get it, you love or don't love this thing, doesn't mean anybody's wrong for thinking the opposite or not thinking the same thing as you do. You're part of the problem of what's wrong with criticism in any type of media. Because of people like them, I really almost miss Robert Ebert and Gene Siskel. Keep in mind, I did not have a high opinion of either of them.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Internet critics in general, whether they be gaming, movies, TV shows, etc. At the time I liked a good amount of them, but some I did ignore or avoid the best I could. Now, I consider most of them crap; especially if they're loud mouth individuals on YouTube. I know they're still good ones out there about the quality of their work or the content they make, but you got a lot of crappy ones out there that don't, just go for whatever trends popular, or go out of their way to mock or hurt others for not having the same opinion or political beliefs as them. Red letter media, channel awesome (that website had many problems and there's a reason why there was a big fallout), Nostalgia Critic, Cinema Sins, and even honest trailers at times, have egotistical, know nothing know at all, loudmouth, jackasses. CinemaSins I especially dislike the most. Nostalgia Critic learn some things, but Doug Walker still can't not take criticism really well. It's part of the reason why the fallout happened or you don't find many people working with them outside of his little crew. The few I do care about can be counted on two hands, but it's still a small amount compared to what's out there. What does that help is that a lot of these guys and gals treat their opinions as if they're 100%, absolute, facts. We get it, you love or don't love this thing, doesn't mean anybody's wrong for thinking the opposite or not thinking the same thing as you do. You're part of the problem of what's wrong with criticism in any type of media. Because of people like them, I really almost miss Robert Ebert and Gene Siskel. Keep in mind, I did not have a high opinion of either of them.
Yeah I've stopped watching a lot of those as well. I find my enjoyment of intentionally snarky and confrontational content incredibly low these past few years. It was never high to begin with, but it's tanked considerably. I don't mind negative reviews of things, and I do think that some elements of games/film can be objectively said to be bad, but mostly it's opinion and personal taste. If they state their criticisms in a way that clearly shows it's a personal opinion, fine. But they often don't.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Yeah I've stopped watching a lot of those as well. I find my enjoyment of intentionally snarky and confrontational content incredibly low these past few years. It was never high to begin with, but it's tanked considerably. I don't mind negative reviews of things, and I do think that some elements of games/film can be objectively said to be bad, but mostly it's opinion and personal taste. If they state their criticisms in a way that clearly shows it's a personal opinion, fine. But they often don't.
The few I do recommend are Double Toasted who used to be even Corey and Martin admit that that became too vindictive on certain movies or of their criticisms of them. Another recommendation is Cinema Wins. You might still have disagreements with some of their opinions, but you least understand and they never take things too far someone or people thinks different of them. Now DT will call out people with bad attitudes or those that go overboard for not sharing the same opinion. Otherwise, they're all cool people.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
The few I do recommend are Double Toasted who used to be even Corey and Martin admit that that baby came too vindictive on certain movies or of their criticism. Another recommendation is Cinema Wins. You might still have disagreements with some of their opinions, but you least understand and they never take things too far someone or people thinks different of them. Now DT will call out people with bad attitudes or those that go overboard for not sharing the same opinion. Otherwise, they're all cool people.
Yeah I regularly watch Cinema Wins, though I usually only check out movies that I've seen and like. Him and Chris Stuckman are probably the most chill, reasonable reviewers that I watch these days. Chris will clearly let you know if he didn't like something, but he definitely tries to be civil and polite about it, without mincing his words. I actually recall an interview with him...I think by the Double Toasted guy when he revealed he was raised jehovah's witness, where he talked about how he changed his review style from being more biting and snarky, to just saying his thoughts politely, even if negative. He cited that he just didn't LIKE doing it. I also watch Jeremy Jahnz, from time to time, though again it depends on the film. I watch almost zero movies these days, so seeing someone review a mid-tier action/horror flick, that I had no plans on watching anyway, just doesn't compel me to click the video :LOL:


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Internet critics in general, whether they be gaming, movies, TV shows, etc. At the time I liked a good amount of them, but some I did ignore or avoid the best I could. Now, I consider most of them crap; especially if they're loud mouth individuals on YouTube. I know they're still good ones out there about the quality of their work or the content they make, but you got a lot of crappy ones out there that don't, just go for whatever trends popular, or go out of their way to mock or hurt others for not having the same opinion or political beliefs as them. Red letter media, channel awesome (that website had many problems and there's a reason why there was a big fallout), Nostalgia Critic, Cinema Sins, and even honest trailers at times, have egotistical, know nothing know at all, loudmouth, jackasses. CinemaSins I especially dislike the most. Nostalgia Critic learn some things, but Doug Walker still can't not take criticism really well. It's part of the reason why the fallout happened or you don't find many people working with them outside of his little crew. The few I do care about can be counted on two hands, but it's still a small amount compared to what's out there. What does that help is that a lot of these guys and gals treat their opinions as if they're 100%, absolute, facts. We get it, you love or don't love this thing, doesn't mean anybody's wrong for thinking the opposite or not thinking the same thing as you do. You're part of the problem of what's wrong with criticism in any type of media. Because of people like them, I really almost miss Robert Ebert and Gene Siskel. Keep in mind, I did not have a high opinion of either of them.
Mostly I'd agree. I think you can almost hear the tonal change when a channel becomes more job than joy. I actually checked in on AVG recently because I hadn't seen one in years and I wasn't aware Cinemamassacre was like a whole business model now. I get why these folks drive towards monetization over time, but it's almost like it literally drains any color and heart from it.

I watch a channel called Kidshoyuken, its an english teacher living in japan that has a small channel showing off retrogame stores, arcades and talks about import games. He mentioned recently that he'd been reached out to by large youtube media groups and was asking for advice because he worries that if he turned it into a business he'd lose all passion for it. I think that's the word I'm thinking of. The visible loss of passion.

RLM is the only one you mentioned that still watch, quite religiously. They are just very much on my wavelength and my obsession with the actual art of film so I watch their reviews and deep dives. They seem far less invested in running a business. Are they loudmouthed jackasses? sure I think thats probably a point of pride part of why I like RLM. They are very honest.

I can think of others like AngryJoe. I used to like him, but again it's clearly a business model now with very scripted channel releases. I don't like feeling like I'm tuning in and expecting to see the same thing over and over.

I can see a point coming where I turn-off subscriptions on youtube altogether at some point when it all starts to melt together.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Chris will clearly let you know if he didn't like something, but he definitely tries to be civil and polite about it, without mincing his words. I actually recall an interview with him...I think by the Double Toasted guy when he revealed he was raised jehovah's witness, where he talked about how he changed his review style from being more biting and snarky, to just saying his thoughts politely, even if negative. He cited that he just didn't LIKE doing it.
It's why I did not like Stuckmann at the start. He had this air of forced cynicism and unjustified arrogance. I know he got better, and proud to see him change for the better. I don't watch many of his vids, but I do trust him than most online critics now.

I also watch Jeremy Jahnz, from time to time, though again it depends on the film.
Jeremy (another review with that name I dislike) I am not fan of, and was never fan of the guy. He just did not sit right with me. I don't hate as much as CinemaSin!Jeremy, but want nothing to do with him either way.

Mostly I'd agree. I think you can almost hear the tonal change when a channel becomes more job than joy. I actually checked in on AVG recently because I hadn't seen one in years and I wasn't aware Cinemamassacre was like a whole business model now. I get why these folks drive towards monetization over time, but it's almost like it literally drains any color and heart from it.
James Rolfe is a nice guy all around, and sought to improve his work during the mid 2010s. Between 2011-2014, he was going through a dork age with the AVGN character. Also, he no longer works with Mike Mattei (the asshole), and they broke up. Mattei is no longer part of Cinemassacre either; good riddance.

RLM is the only one you mentioned that still watch, quite religiously. They are just very much on my wavelength and my obsession with the actual art of film so I watch their reviews and deep dives. They seem far less invested in running a business. Are they loudmouthed jackasses? sure I think thats probably a point of pride part of why I like RLM. They are very honest.
I'm glad they have passion, but it does not excuse them antagonizing fan bases unjustifiably, insulting people for being fans/liking/disliking a film or TV show, and they are not as smart as they present themselves. How they missed the point of Escape from NY, and should have been more "self-aware" a la Deadpool is beyond me. John Carpenter is known for making B-Grade Action and Horror films. While some had a little awareness, and did not go overboard. Not everything needs be the MCU or Deadpool. That school of film "science" really needs to go. I say that as someone who is a fan of both. That is the talking out of my ass shit that is a big part of the shit stain in online film criticism I hate.

I can think of others like AngryJoe. I used to like him, but again it's clearly a business model now with very scripted channel releases. I don't like feeling like I'm tuning in and expecting to see the same thing over and over.
Joe was fine at the start, but he suffers the same problem a lot of contributors from Channel Awesome have: oversized ego, idiocy, and acting as if their words are law. I suscribed to him in 2013 and dropped him in Jan. 2016. The dude is an unfunny dumb ass, and when he decided to bring in his "friends" and do these 50+ minute "reviews", I said fuck it and packed it all in.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
This is for telling us how you changed your mind on how Surf Ninjas is now your favorite film because of *whatever reason you have*, despite hating it when you were a kid.
Speaking of Surf Ninjas, my older brother and I watch that movie over a dozen times either by renting it on tape, or watching it on a movie channel. I know it's one of those movies that came out doing the Ninja Turtles craze. Nowadays, I really can't even bother to watch the whole thing. I don't hate it, but it's one of those movies I really gain not much from watching again, other than some nostalgia. It's a weird movie. It had a working Game Gear with no cartridge. I know the little Asian kid had some mystical powers and could channel it through a Game Gear. That is so freaking 90s. I'm surprised Sega let them use it. Even more ironic is that there's a game on The Game Gear that's actually pretty decent. I think I still have the copy lying around in my old toy chest.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Speaking of Surf Ninjas, my older brother and I watch that movie over a dozen times either by renting it on tape, or watching it on a movie channel. I know it's one of those movies that came out doing the Ninja Turtles craze. Nowadays, I really can't even bother to watch the whole thing. I don't hate it, but it's one of those movies I really gain not much from washing again, other than some nostalgia. It was a weird movie. It had a working Game Gear with no cartridge. I know the little Asian kid had some mystical powers and could channel it through a Game Gear. That is so freaking 90s. I'm surprised saying I let them use it. Even more ironic is that there's a game on The Game Gear that's actually pretty decent. I think I still have the copy lying around in my old toy chest.
I've never seen the Surf Ninjas films. My only thing about them, is any time I see the posters, I think "Hey! It's the little asian kid from The Last Dragon!" (Ernie Reyes Jr) Which is exactly my same response when I saw him in The Rundown (which is a tragically underrated action comedy). You haven't lived until you've seen a 5ft nothing asian guy (but ripped as hell) playing a central american jungle fighter, battling The Rock while swinging on jungle vines, using I'm guessing capoeira, or at least something damn close, all while stiffler is messing with them all.

Seriously, everyone should go see The Rundown. It's a really solid film, The Rock and Sean William Scott have great chemistry over the course of that film. Christopher Walken has some of the most Walken-esque monologues in history, the supporting cast are just a delightful menagerie of goofball characters (the pilot is a personal favorite), Rosario Dawson is in it as the female lead (and she does really well for what she had), it's got way more emotion and depth than you might expect from that kind of film. Plus it's funny as hell.

....shit I need to watch that now. Thinking about it reminded me of how much I enjoyed that film.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I've never seen the Surf Ninjas films. My only thing about them, is any time I see the posters, I think "Hey! It's the little asian kid from The Last Dragon!" (Ernie Reyes Jr) Which is exactly my same response when I saw him in The Rundown (which is a tragically underrated action comedy). You haven't lived until you've seen a 5ft nothing asian guy (but ripped as hell) playing a central american jungle fighter, battling The Rock while swinging on jungle vines, using I'm guessing capoeira, or at least something damn close, all while stiffler is messing with them all.

Seriously, everyone should go see The Rundown. It's a really solid film, The Rock and Sean William Scott have great chemistry over the course of that film. Christopher Walken has some of the most Walken-esque monologues in history, the supporting cast are just a delightful menagerie of goofball characters (the pilot is a personal favorite), Rosario Dawson is in it as the female lead (and she does really well for what she had), it's got way more emotion and depth than you might expect from that kind of film. Plus it's funny as hell.

....shit I need to watch that now. Thinking about it reminded me of how much I enjoyed that film.
I've seen The Rundown so many times. My mom has that on tape and dvd. I for some reason don't have my own copy. I might have to change that soon.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I've seen The Rundown so many times. My mom has that on tape and dvd. I for some reason don't have my own copy. I might have to change that soon.
Yeah, that film, and The Bulletproof Monk, I think are some criminally underrated Sean William Scott performances. I felt he walked that very fine line between comic goofball, and genuine physicality in fighting, really well.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I've also heard a few critics say that the way it should've ended, was for Scott to end up with the asian woman, don't know her name. But the girl that is actually into him, that he avoids like the plague because....reasons? *shrugs* Like I said, just wasn't my thing
Her name is Knives Cho. Honestly, that relationship wouldn't work either. One because she is actually 17 years old, and two, Scott is at least 23 in the comic and the movie. It's a relationship that's really creepy. You have this guy in his near mid-20s going after a high schooler. At least the movie and some characters even bothers to call him out on it, but it still played for kinda laughs. I found it uncomfortable back then, and nowadays, especially with the me too movement, I outright despise it.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Her name is Knives Cho. Honestly, that relationship wouldn't work either. One because she is actually 17 years old, and two, Scott is at least 23 in the comic and the movie. It's a relationship that's really creeping you have this guy in his near mid-20s going after a high schooler. At least the movie and some characters even bothers to call him out on it, but it still played for kinda laughs. I found it uncomfortable back then, and nowadays, especially with the me too movement, I outright despise it.
Yeah, that relationship is really just used to show that Scott is aimless and taking the easy way and Knives is young enough not to see his bullshit. Scott has to make a lot of personal growth before he becomes not a piece of shit.