Here's the thing though, the 1995 version was uncomplicated. It had some changes, but those changes were either for narrative or pacing purposes. Other than that, it's pretty much almost one for one. And that is not a bad thing. Even if you're not a fan of the arcade games or didn't know the story, a non fan can get into the 95 movie easily. My mom loves the shit out of the 1995 MK film, she doesn't know Jack dick about the lore or backstories for most of the characters. She's also a huge Christopher Lambert fan.
The 1995 film definitely has more effort put into it. Everybody on production cared. The director actually cared for a time. The actors all actually cared what they were doing. The production and writing group actually care about what they're doing. Everyone bought their A game to this B movie. It was more than just some generic or standard checklist. No fan fic characters with some generic I have to protect my family backstory. Seriously, Cole is so unnecessary to this movie. They need to drop him hard in the sequel.
Yeah, you can say that special effects are cheesy or hokey by today standards, but for the time they were at least decent looking. For animatronic, Goro was super hard to pull off.
Now, the new movie is better than say, Annihilation, but that's really not much of a milestone. Scorpions Revenge is better than the new live-action MK film. SR does more it has better characterization than the new live action movie. They did more there with Scorpion and certain other characters. The best thing about the new MK movie was Kano. And the after for him ad-libbed most of his lines. Almost none of his lines were in the script. Kano practically saved this movie. I also hate movies that try to set up a franchise or trilogy and expecting it to work out a okay. Make your story first, then worry about the sequels, if they're even needed at all. Now the MK 1999 film is somewhat guilty of this, but the 2020 film is way worse with it. I could at least kind of ignore the part where Shao Kahn comes in at the end of the original, but it was mostly a standalone story.