COD: Vanguard trailer


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
What are they doing there?
Being their dumbass selves. I know last time Yoshi and another user both got suspended for 3 days back and I want to say either in March or April. After that, he's learned to clam up more often. B-cell does his usual thing, but no one on the site respects nor likes him either. I go out of my way to avoid both of them. They know to avoid and not talk to me. It's been awhile since I've been on the forum anyway.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Being their dumbass selves. I know last time Yoshi and another user both got suspended for 3 days back and I want to say either in March or April. After that, he's learned to clam up more often. B-cell does his usual thing, but no one on the site respects nor likes him either. I go out of my way to avoid both of them. They know to avoid and not talk to me. It's been awhile since I've been on the for anyway.
Sounds about right.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Yes. He got banned last year. I'm going to assume you had him on ignore. Yoshi got banned too, in case you didn't know or forgotten. They're both on the Easy Allies forum and they're both on very thin ice there
I honestly didn't even really notice they were gone, really. They were annoying but not Houseman levels of obnoxious and I'd kinda tuned both of them out so when they stopped posting it didn't even register to me.

It's people like Zontar and Houseman where I actually notice when they STFU because suddenly the forums feel a little bit more pleasant due to their mere absence. Like removing a nest of angry hornets from your living room, as opposed to the housefly levels of annoyance from Yoshi and B-Cell.

Also gonna admit I've never really gone to Easy Allies, but it feels like it's getting a reputation for the place all the Escapist Exiles go once they're no longer welcome here.
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Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Also gonna admit I've never really gone to Easy Allies, but it feels like it's getting a reputation for the place all the Escapist Exiles go once they're no longer welcome here.
It sounds like a forum for assholes.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Also gonna admit I've never really gone to Easy Allies, but it feels like it's getting a reputation for the place all the Escapist Exiles go once they're no longer welcome here.
It sounds like a forum for assholes.
Most of the people there are pretty cool, and the staff have a 0 tolerance policy. It does not take a person too long to get banned when they constantly act like obnoxious assholes. I don't how many ex-Escapists users are there, but there a lot of former Game Trailers users, including myself.Which makes sense as Game Trailers and Easy Allies are one in the same. Most of the staff that worked at GT became Easy Allies. I'm sure there is a crossbreed of a few users. Like I said before, the forums are pretty chill.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Are there not other wars to cover? I'm certain the pool is far larger than these tiresome endeavours.

For example, an insta-buy for me would be something like, um...


Try and monetise that shit, you greedy exploitative ghouls!
I'm seeing emu skin packs as far as the eye can see. Neon, Camo, polka-dot...the possibilities are endless!


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
My biggest gripe with CoD is that it is still a yearly franchise. I find it difficult to justify the purchase, or get invested in the game, if it is a certainty that it is going to be replaced within a year. This is especially bad for a game like Call of Duty, because multiplayer is so integral to the experience, and everyone will just move onto whatever comes next.

I'd buy the games after the fact for the campaigns, but for whatever reason, even when the CoD games go on sale, they are still stupidly expensive.

One thing that also immediately puts me off, is the cosmetics. This is an issue that I have with a lot of multiplayer games, these days. See, I like it when the games that I am playing, look like they are grounded in the world's that they are supposedly set in. For most games at launch, this is usually completely fine, but as game goes on, things start to get whacky, as the devs try to constantly one-up themselves into absurdity.

For Modern Warfare 2019, this started off fine with various different soldier-looking characters, and different weapon camos, but by the end of that game's lifespan, people were running around as shirtless men, wielding anime-skinned guns, firing pink laser ("tracer") bullets. It just didn't look like Modern Warfare anymore.

And judging by this screenshot, it is going to be more of the same:


Thankfully on PC you don't have to install Warzone or care about the updates for it. Makes the game so much smaller.
I don't know how Warzone integration works with Cold War, but with Modern Warfare 2019, despite the ability to install only the portions of the game that you want, Warzone is literally the only part of the game that is mandatory.


Hell, the game isn't even called "Modern Warfare" in the launcher anymore. The whole thing has been rebranded to Warzone, outside of the store.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I don't know how Warzone integration works with Cold War, and whether or not it is optional, but with Modern Warfare 2019, despite the ability to install only the portions of the game that you want, Warzone is literally the only part of the game that is mandatory.

View attachment 4331

Hell, the game isn't even called "Modern Warfare" in the launcher anymore. The whole thing has been rebranded to Warzone, outside of the store.
This is MW on the PS4 as well. Genuinely the worst experience I've had on this generation of consoles. They fucking advertised Cold War to me before I could even select the MW single player option (that was not yet installed apparently.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
My biggest gripe with CoD is that it is still a yearly franchise. I find it difficult to justify the purchase, or get invested in the game, if it is a certainty that it is going to be replaced within a year. This is especially bad for a game like Call of Duty, because multiplayer is so integral to the experience, and everyone will just move onto whatever comes next.
Part of the reason why I stopped caring after MW2.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Don't forget about B cell. The prick.
I got the impression he wasn’t trolling but was simply behind some cultural barrier socially, or maybe had some form of aspergers, unless someone knows differently. It’s why I never really directly gave him much shit about the shit posts.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I got the impression he wasn’t trolling but was simply behind some cultural barrier socially, or maybe had some form of aspergers, unless someone knows differently. It’s why I never really directly gave him much shit about the shit posts.
Doesn't matter either way, it's still no excuse for acting like an asshole. Especially with such a sexist attitude. The fact nobody likes him on the easy allies forum shows you, regardless, he is a big jerk-ass.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Activision makes it incredibly easy to not support COD.
1. Retails for $60-70
2. Limited actual content in base game.
3. Overpriced DLC
4. short support window on PC
5. buggy hacker ridden multiplayer
6. PC versions remain overpriced forever ensuring that PC gamers never even give it a chance. Black ops III is still listed for $60+.
7. Maps about the size of my backyard
8. lots of better competition on PC

I say all that and I am the target demographic. As a PC gamer I'd buy COD games if they'd make at least any 3 concessions. As it stands it's not that I'm "protesting" I literally just cant be bothered. Even EA is actually trying with limited DLC frenzy and all kinds of cheap passes.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Activision makes it incredibly easy to not support COD.
1. Retails for $60-70
2. Limited actual content in base game.
3. Overpriced DLC
4. short support window on PC
5. buggy hacker ridden multiplayer
6. PC versions remain overpriced forever ensuring that PC gamers never even give it a chance. Black ops III is still listed for $60+.
7. Maps about the size of my backyard
8. lots of better competition on PC

I say all that and I am the target demographic. As a PC gamer I'd buy COD games if they'd make at least any 3 concessions. As it stands it's not that I'm "protesting" I literally just cant be bothered. Even EA is actually trying with limited DLC frenzy and all kinds of cheap passes.
You're still protesting, just in a different way. I can't be bothered either. I haven't bothered buying their games since COD 4.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
You're still protesting, just in a different way. I can't be bothered either. I haven't bothered buying their games since COD 4.
Last one I paid money for was Black Ops II I think, The maps were insanely small, like I could see enemies spawn from my spawn. Spawns like 20ft apart. Always keep an eye out for COD stuff, but they never lower their prices, have a sale or demo. By the time I'm even on the fence reviewers are tearing the PC version apart.

Worst case scenario with Battlefield 2042 is that you pay $5 bucks to check it out for a couple weeks. I'm not paying $70 to "try" a game from a company with a horrible record on that series.
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Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Activision makes it incredibly easy to not support COD.
1. Retails for $60-70
2. Limited actual content in base game.
3. Overpriced DLC
4. short support window on PC
5. buggy hacker ridden multiplayer
6. PC versions remain overpriced forever ensuring that PC gamers never even give it a chance. Black ops III is still listed for $60+.
7. Maps about the size of my backyard
8. lots of better competition on PC

I say all that and I am the target demographic. As a PC gamer I'd buy COD games if they'd make at least any 3 concessions. As it stands it's not that I'm "protesting" I literally just cant be bothered. Even EA is actually trying with limited DLC frenzy and all kinds of cheap passes.
I would say that some of those aren't entirely fair.

Point #3 about overpriced DLC. All of the DLC that actually matters (new maps and new guns) are free and available to everyone. I agree that the microtransactions are definitely overpriced (like $10-$20 for character skins is ridiculous) but I much prefer the current monetization over the DLC map packs of old where you paid $20 for 3 maps that half the population wouldn't have and almost never got played.

I personally also prefer smaller maps. I've never really enjoyed Battlefield because the maps are too big, it takes forever to get anywhere unless you're using vehicles, and vehicle combat has never interested me as much close quarters gunplay. As such I've always preferred Call of Duty over Battlefield. Battlefield has bigger more impressive maps, and better graphics, but Call of Duty has always controlled better and more precisely, and has better overall map design for "boots on the ground" combat because they don't have to accommodate for vehicles.

I do think that no one should ever buy Call of Duty games right at launch though on PC. They've only started seriously supporting the PC within the last couple of years and the PC versions of their games are rough and buggy and don't launch with enough to justify the price until at least 3 months down the line once they've added a 2-3 additional seasons worth of content.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Because people seem to ignore that women are involved in every conflict. They are mainly visible in support rolls but there are a ton of instances of women sneaking into the military and joining as solders. Which could make a fantastic game since not only would you have to worry about the enemy, but also your own allies since if they found out you would be kicked out.
I want Call of Duty: Land Girls and have it based around the lives of the women who worked on the land or did all the work the men usually did in order to keep the country going. It would give the usual COD players a different look at WW2 other than the D Day landing for the 8 millionth time and showing us that guns go bang. I would play the fuck out of that and the multiplayer should be interesting at least.

Screw it, I also want Call of Duty: Dads Army based around the exploits of the characters in the TV show. At least no one could complain that a bunch of old men acting as the final line of defense should the Nazis ever of made it Great Britain was unrealistic.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
So they surprisingly released some multiplayer gameplay. That was quick.

Looks really like more of the same. A little too much of the same. Are armor plates really a thing they had in WWII? Oh, and there's "destruction", which looks embarrassing. Wooden boards, how cutting edge.

Despite using the same engine as MW, it has none of that game's graphical improvements, sound design, fresh ideas, and little touches that really made me want to try out a CoD game after years of staying away. I guess the cycle continues.
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