Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Great now I have to buy an N95 mask. I mean they are more breathable, but where do you find them?!?!!
Chemical suppliers mostly or a few hardware store.

Chemical suppliers are better because you can get filter refills while the hardware store kind degrade with washing so you can only keep reusing them regularly if you build a personal IR cleaning box.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
The same CNN who pushed the information about masks not working?
Oh for fuck's sake.
"Pushed information'?! They reported what the fucking WHO said during a fucking pandemic - you know, reporting the fucking news.
Saying this makes you look like a fucking idiot repeating the drooling lies of the anti-vaccer pro-disease spreaders.
Which I guess makes sense for you.

It quite clearly says -

"We need to be clear," Van Kerkhove said last week. "The world is facing a significant shortage of PPE for our frontline workers -- including masks and gloves and gowns and face shields -- and protecting our health care workers must be the top priority for use of this PPE."


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Oh for fuck's sake.
"Pushed information'?! They reported what the fucking WHO said during a fucking pandemic - you know, reporting the fucking news.
Saying this makes you look like a fucking idiot repeating the drooling lies of the anti-vaccer pro-disease spreaders.
Which I guess makes sense for you.

It quite clearly says -

"We need to be clear," Van Kerkhove said last week. "The world is facing a significant shortage of PPE for our frontline workers -- including masks and gloves and gowns and face shields -- and protecting our health care workers must be the top priority for use of this PPE."
Yeh and CNN have their own experts supposedly and a number of experts were saying masks do work at the time. Also medical grade PPE is more effective than regular masks people use but regular masks do still make a difference.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
Yeh and CNN have their own experts supposedly and a number of experts were saying masks do work at the time. Also medical grade PPE is more effective than regular masks people use but regular masks do still make a difference.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Representative government is the dumbest form of government only after the category I dubbed dictatorship by group or by a single person. And the American form of government is among its dumbest adopters.

Just think, you can elect your reps, but you can't recall them, and even if you can, the position of saying congressional representative is less well paid than the lobbyist or corporate board position they take after getting the job, getting voted out again, or etc. Also, where is the check on someone like Sinema or most others who don't keep their promises, and straight-up lie to the American people, then likely get a corporate position in big pharma after lying, and acting like a sham representative.

Also dumb is democratic socialists, social democrats who say let's keep the conservative sham"representative democratic system" currently being exploited by profiteers in the US system, but also in various countries like Hungry(which started out as a rep. democracy), Brazil, and South Korea. Why would you play by their rules? Why would you not try to push things on a micro-scale of pushing policies that help individual people, and also not try to change the very system that infects, and distorts the will of the people on a macro level, or even international level?

You want to abolish capitalism, but you don't want to abolish the system that will enable capitalism to come back stronger than ever in a bougie counter-revolution every electoral cycle once liberal obstructionists and conservatives team up, and destroy your progressive agency. (what would have happened if Bernie had won)

Well, Gergar12 we could do what Singapore does which is to pay our reps a million dollars or more salary, have the president be paid 26 million a year(not exactly crazy given how important his job is, and how many CEOs of much less important organizations get paid). Great now our officials are the new nobles. Well, we could reform X, Y, or Z. Which will be countered by a bougie counter-revolution/a win of a more conservative head of state, and or legislature.

Well, Gergar12, direct democracy could overthrow itself, progressive policies, or just vote bad shit in. Which we already have, and I argue this would occur less in a direct democracy than in this sham, oligarchic, elitist, fake democracy we have in the US, and around the world.

Well, Gergar12 people are too dumb to vote in their leaders, which is why we should educate them, and slowly phased in direct democracy to get people used to the idea, instead of relying on Jake Tapper, Rachel Maddow, or Tucker Carlson to get our information from, then vote for people who then lie to you.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Ok so to be clear we're blaming Joe Rogan UFC commentator and podcaster for convincing people to get the stuff WHICH HIS DOCTOR PRESCRIBED APPARENTLY. But CNN specifically wording it as horse de-wormer which likely would be easier to order than human ivermectin. Yes CNN said it didn't work but this is the same CNN who previously said it was illegal to read wikileaks.

The same CNN who pushed the information about masks not working?

The same CNN that had an expert on to say this

So yeh when CNN is saying it doesn't work and then guidelines changed you'd think CNN would you know maybe think a bit before specifically terming something horse de-wormer considering how little trust people have in them for their claims to be right such that you know they'd take the most likely part that it's a horse de-wormer and run with that.

That's giving people who already believe it's some miracle cure an easy way to know how to find it avoiding most regular doctors and pharmacies. At least with Joe Rogan saying just the name it would be people going to their local pharmacy or doctor after it where the experts could more easily talk to them and stop them getting it.
What? We were talking about Ivermectin specifically. Did CNN ever say Ivermectin was a cure? Because that's was what you claim was. People took Ivermectin based on their stories

Here is difference between what Trump did and what CNN did. Trump said it might be a good idea. CNN did not. And I cant believe you think that's the same. That is ridiculous.

Yep, CNN did sure kill a bunch of people with their mask nonsense. That DOES NOT ABSOLVE ROGAN. Two wrongs don't make a right. Nor does it mean that CNN should be blamed for people taking Ivermectin inappropriately. They should be blamed for the masks. Because that's what they promoted.

The fact that CNN got something wrong doesn't mean all future instances is wrong. That's not how the world works. Nor should you, in any circumstance, disagree with someone and then go in the complete opposite direction. If someone tells you 'don't jump off a cliff', you don't then JUMP OFF A CLIFF. Nor do you jump off it because they used a stupid term like 'escarpment', 'bluff' or 'crag'. Next, you're going to claim that flat earthers can blame their logic on Copernicus

Clear evidence of what?

1) I didn't bring it up
2) That I find it tacky marketing and I'd wager I'm not alone
3) before you bring up the "Oh but you're so obsessed by it" I didn't bring this shit up, I merely stated my counter evidence
4) if doing that is bad then it really does say something about how bad wokescold are if they can't take rebuttals and need unilateral agreement and power.

The only evidence to take from this is they can throw it out to try and deflect from a topic and hide against accusations about how terrible the writing one some of the comics is getting which they were doing before throwing it out and I believe the term is buffalo-ing.

As far as "Never seeing a comic book" I don't have a vast collection but I've got a few. Most of New 52 suicide Squad. The Squirrel Girl collection. Some Tank girl , Jawbreakers Lost Souls and Godking, The Magicians New Class. So I'm not exactly unaware of them (that's not counting odd issues of stuff like old X force stuff I've had for years).

Also how does not seeing a comic book matter when part of what I'm on about is the news and sites reporting on the stuff? They're not the front page of comic books.
Writing in comics is generally terrible. The marketing is generally terrible. The ONLY time we hear about it from you is when LBGT or women are in it. If you want to say that 'you're not obsessed', you actually have to provide evidence to the contrary, instead of keep providing evidence for it. Because it's 50% of your posts here are about that stuff. If you didn't bring it up, you didn't have to comment on it. What you did was have a knee jerk reaction, which is, you know, more evidence. It's not lack of evidence.

Words mean nothing when you're actions show something else


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
1) It deliberately sows resentment. It's giving people reading reason to look down on others for being so stupid as to take horse medicine.
Kinda like the fuckers saying that the vaccinated are the new Typhoid Marys and we're to be avoided? THAT kind of resentment?! Get the fuck out of here with that shit when they're calling people like me medically dangerous!

Yes it does. Remember, when a liberal screws up, that means everything a conservative says is valid and excused. That's why Trump did everything right because Fauci screwed up on his initial stances on masks. /s
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
1) It deliberately sows resentment. It's giving people reading reason to look down on others for being so stupid as to take horse medicine.
2) Broadcasting the idea that horses and people are taking the same thing is only going to increase the number of people taking horse dosages.
3) It spikes credibility into the ground and is worse at putting people off ivermectin. If you say "ivermectin is an effective drug for other ailments, but has not been shown to effectively treat covid-19" (as many outlets did report, to their credit), people who see that and try and find the research are going to be able to verify that. If you say "you shouldn't take ivermectin, it's for horses", and someone tries to verify that, they not only now see you as a liar, you've also not given a valid reason not to use ivermectin. Like, are we trying to get people to do the right thing, or just trying to mock people who don't?
1. They are stupid. Not the people taking the prescription. The ones stealing it from vets. They are the tide pod people of COVID. I hope if I use a dangerous drug like Ivermectin or shove bleach in my ass to cure COVID, someone would tell me that I'm wrong instead of being frightened of offending my feelings.
2. You can have this too - Nor should you, in any circumstance, disagree with someone and then go in the complete opposite direction. If someone tells you 'don't jump off a cliff', you don't then JUMP OFF A CLIFF.
3. I don't mind people being put off Ivermectin. It should only be used by prescription for its intended use.
4. Have you noticed that logic hasn't stop any of this nonsense from spreading. I'm not just talking about the Ivermectin. Because, it's not base on logic.
5. The real problem is that Ivermectin is just identity politics. It's now part of their identity. Showing research is mocking to them. For goodness sake, calling it a horse dewormer is somehow mocking to a person. That is such a slight mocking, I hope these people never find the internet. Or Twitter. Because they would have a mental breakdown. Yep, I know, it's just that White Fragility stuff but I never thought it was that bad.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Another thing I will rant on is the fact that every time a general election comes it's this is the most important election ever, and maybe every general election in the US is the most important election ever. But if you keep crying wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf, people are going to get tired of it.

2012 wasn't important that's a fact. And 2000 > 2016, 2008, and 2012. And 2016 > 2008, and it could be argued that 2008 < 2012 since it was closer.

By the way, the reason I believe the 2000 election was the most important was due to 9/11, the Patriot Act, the wars on terror, the tax cuts, and the attack on climate change legislation; Kyoto Accords.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
Another thing I will rant on is the fact that every time a general election comes it's this is the most important election ever, and maybe every general election in the US is the most important election ever. But if you keep crying wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf, people are going to get tired of it.
It won't stop because there's always a crop of people willing to boost your ratings/views/likes and make your advertisers happy.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So they're dropping the "American way" from Superman's motto

It's kinda funny because last time people objected to his motto and they wanted a superman who was more willing to take justice into his own hands rather than support the American system and ideas DC put forward an answer of kind basically dismantling the idea of a grim dark vigilante Superman and showing why it was bad.


Which is part of what the DC animated film Superman vs The Elite is based on.



Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
What? We were talking about Ivermectin specifically. Did CNN ever say Ivermectin was a cure? Because that's was what you claim was. People took Ivermectin based on their stories
No people were able to find want to get it more easily thanks to their stories.

Here is difference between what Trump did and what CNN did. Trump said it might be a good idea. CNN did not. And I cant believe you think that's the same. That is ridiculous.
Yeh Trump was relaying (and was pretty clear if you watched the full thing not edited highlights) that these were potential tings being looked into by doctors and to talk wit medical professionals and rely on their advice. He very much didn't say "Go take it now it's a cure" he said "It's being looked into as a possible thing" or words to that effect.

CNN have already been seen as liars so them saying "It doesn't work" but also "it's horse de-wormer" means people who think CNN is lying but hear that it's horse de-wormer and see yes it is used in that and are the kind of people to not know much better can go "Oh well I'll just get it from veterinary supplies stuff". Some of which (and CNN should know this) don't have quite the same level of regulation on people ordering stuff.

Yep, CNN did sure kill a bunch of people with their mask nonsense. That DOES NOT ABSOLVE ROGAN. Two wrongs don't make a right. Nor does it mean that CNN should be blamed for people taking Ivermectin inappropriately. They should be blamed for the masks. Because that's what they promoted.
Again Rogan listed a number of things and was clear he spoke to his doctor about it. So Rogan was wrong to make sure people were talking to their doctor? I don't think anyone thinks Joe Rogan is a doctor himself but CNN well CNN likes to present itself as experts with expert backing. It's not just what some UFC presenter dude thinks. You can argue maybe "Cult of personality" in relation to Rogan and that being the danger but in terms of Rogan screwing up, I'd say it was a minor thing at best but then it would also be worse for CNN because while Rogan listed a number of drugs CNN put out a big headline essentially "Well known celebrity is taking this drug"

The fact that CNN got something wrong doesn't mean all future instances is wrong. That's not how the world works.
No but it does harm trust in them. That is how the world works because it gives the perception their fact checking and information isn't that good or worse is pushing an angle. With people seeing CNN as a sort of mouthpiece for some shadowy elite how well "Don't take this stuff" has people asking if some elite just doesn't want them taking it for some reason. Yes it's somewhat mad but this is the kind of person taking it. A better thing in my view would have been "Despite a few a few stumbles Joe Rogan lists some actual drugs that are thought to help with Coronavirus" or "Joe Rogan encourages people to seek advice from Doctor in regards to Coivd-19 treatment" or something along those lines and used the cult of personality for a good end. But that wouldn't have been as nice a narrative or let them take shots at Joe for not towing some political line or other.

Nor should you, in any circumstance, disagree with someone and then go in the complete opposite direction. If someone tells you 'don't jump off a cliff', you don't then JUMP OFF A CLIFF. Nor do you jump off it because they used a stupid term like 'escarpment', 'bluff' or 'crag'. Next, you're going to claim that flat earthers can blame their logic on Copernicus
Except these are some of the people you're dealing with. These are some of the people who think the government black ops are coming for them and wants to put the boot on their neck to appease a shadow cabal ruling the world or something. They're the kind of people who will take this stuff. They're the kind of people who think I dunno the cliff actually hides the entrance to some cabal base and they're being told not to jump because they might discover some grand truth if they do. Any authority they don't trust they see as being against them. Flat Earthers are in the same camp, they believe there's a conspiracy, I dunno why they believe there is one but they do that's why they are like they are.

Writing in comics is generally terrible. The marketing is generally terrible. The ONLY time we hear about it from you is when LBGT or women are in it. If you want to say that 'you're not obsessed', you actually have to provide evidence to the contrary, instead of keep providing evidence for it. Because it's 50% of your posts here are about that stuff. If you didn't bring it up, you didn't have to comment on it. What you did was have a knee jerk reaction, which is, you know, more evidence. It's not lack of evidence.

Words mean nothing when you're actions show something else
words may mean nothing by dear Cthulhu I hope reality still does because you can check and see I didn't. It's not merely words it's me literally say go check I didn't start this line of argument.

Comics writing has varied, otherwise there wouldn't be comics considered great or at least good. The issue is I can take the piss out of Frank Miller for days (and some people had) and maybe the worst you'll get is "Hey being a bit harsh there, dude does ok work sometimes or was under huge time pressure or I just like his stuff". Meanwhile if you criticise the writing of certain comics with more overt politics and the writer being pushed based on their identity it's always "You're just secretly a bigot who hates the writer because bigotry and your words mean nothing because your actions are to dare attack the work of the brave [insert identities here] creator" because apparently mocking their work is an attack on them and they need to be specially protected from any criticism or something.

Have you ever considered you only hear about it when LGBTQQIAA2+ people are involved is because it lets companies via PR and media try to sell bullshit by portraying it as some chance to take a stand against "The awful people" or pretending the most mediocre works are great and you should only listen to paid media promoting it because "The others online and lying to you because they're secretly evil bigots trying to recruit you into the 5th reich or something".

Also no 50% of my posts have not been about LGBTQQIAA2+ comic characters, 50% of my posts in this very thread have likely not even been about them lol. You can say knee jerk reaction I say it's addressing points that are raised because it's catch 22. I don't address it I get accused of ignoring it. I do address it I get accused of ulterior motives because I dunno how dare I call out the massive corporation when they're totally supporting minority groups just ignore the fact many companies doing this before were trying to look good in public to hide the massive skeletons in their closet or poor handling of stuff on the past. But hey I'm sure this time the massive corporation is being genuine and totally not doing it cynically to pander and for PR right?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Kinda like the fuckers saying that the vaccinated are the new Typhoid Marys and we're to be avoided? THAT kind of resentment?! Get the fuck out of here with that shit when they're calling people like me medically dangerous!
Oh come on if some-one said that to mean I'd laugh and play it up. You don't find it somewhat cool in a hilarious way to be considered medically dangerous? I do. I mean I want to see some-one really lean into it and claim to be the new superhero spike make who got his power of firing micro spikes due to the vaccine or something lol

Yes it does. Remember, when a liberal screws up, that means everything a conservative says is valid and excused. That's why Trump did everything right because Fauci screwed up on his initial stances on masks. /s
It's about expectations.
A massive news organisation claiming to be backed by experts vs a UFC colour commentator on a podcast. It would be like criticising the Democrats because of Gwyneth Paltrow and Goop. Like everyone knows the that stuff is nuts fringe stuff and acknowledges it but the weird perception is that suddenly the entire right wing are some survival preppers injecting themselves with bleach and no-one can acknowledge them as anything else because it's how the media circus show works.

Fauci screwed up wit masks initially then after mandates and talking about it screwed up again by not following the rules himself which guess what happens when people think the elite are lying to them and they see that and no-one outside of their own favoured sources acknowledging it? They think some elite cabal is laughing at people by getting the people to do stuff while they don't have to bother themselves as the elite because I dunno the elite secretly know something the regular person doesn't or something.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
5. The real problem is that Ivermectin is just identity politics. It's now part of their identity. Showing research is mocking to them. For goodness sake, calling it a horse dewormer is somehow mocking to a person. That is such a slight mocking, I hope these people never find the internet. Or Twitter. Because they would have a mental breakdown. Yep, I know, it's just that White Fragility stuff but I never thought it was that bad.

Because people have been getting whiplash over things changing so fast and the lets say standard of reporting on it.

Remember we went from

Coronavirus isn't transmissible between humans WHO says (Thank you China and CCP lying)
1 month later Coronavirus is transmissible from human to human WHO says

Masks don't work says WHO
1 month later Masks may work and be worth it says WHO

The Vaccine won't be safe because Trump pushed to rush it's development and skipped proper safety testing
The vaccine is totally safe and anyone questioning otherwise should be banned from every platform every for even asking about safety worries or discussing (Very Rare) side effects.

Also it is mocking some-one to say they're taking horse drugs when they're not taking horse drugs lol. Especially when it's a supposed reputable major news organisation saying it. It's not some funny joke some late night comedian has come up with, there's an expectation of I dunno the news outside of the absolute muck rakers being above that.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
So they're dropping the "American way" from Superman's motto

It's kinda funny because last time people objected to his motto and they wanted a superman who was more willing to take justice into his own hands rather than support the American system and ideas DC put forward an answer of kind basically dismantling the idea of a grim dark vigilante Superman and showing why it was bad.

View attachment 4700

Which is part of what the DC animated film Superman vs The Elite is based on.

I don’t think he’s specifically had ‘And the American Way’ as part of his broad appeal catch phrase for a long time. Other than #701 and Reeves’ Superman the Movie, I’ve not heard it in any other movies, cartoons, or comics that I’ve read in the past twenty odd years. Presumably because ‘The American Way’ has long become so nebulous that it changes depending where you are.
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Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States

Help me out here... Why is working class people (the man cited in the article is handling the pensions of "more than 80,000 retired librarians, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, and other former employees") potentially not being able to receive the retirement payments they depend upon a good thing? Do you actively enjoy the thought of people not being able to afford rent and/or food? Or is this just more of a 'I want to watch the world burn and don't care who suffers' type of deal?

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Pensions shouldn't be tied to stocks. I want this investment company to go under just like I want Black Rock, and Goldman Sachs to go under.