They are trying to cancel Dave Chappell

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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Ok one really annoying thing that keeps coming up and can some-one please explain the logic here to me.

The claim "It's not cancel culture because he hasn't been cancelled" or "It's not censorship because the thing hasn't been censored"

Is the logic that it only counts after the fact and nothing before it matters? Because that would be sort of like going "Oh you tried to kill the person and failed so it doesn't matter you are free to go" like attempted murder is a thing so how does it suddenly not become attempted cancellation or censorship just because it hasn't succeeded yet?


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
I guess the problem is that it feels like a lot of these people are throwing stones from their own glass houses. It's all fun and games until someone finds some shit out about them, then all of a sudden it's okay because they've become a better person and whatever.
I wonder how many of them have the foresight to realize that, say, a decade from now what's considered "acceptable" discourse is going to change further (likely through ever more restrictive standards on what language isn't too offensive to say) and with the advent of social media...

Let me just say I wonder how many of them do a semi-frequent scrubbing of the full history of all their social media for anything that might be considered offensive now but wasn't at the time. Because eventually something they said will be considered verboten, and few are bulletproof.

They'll make an animated series with a trans protagonist or whatever.
Maybe Gen Zed will finally have it's day, instead of being stopped by transphobic bigots who don't want an animated series with a trans woman in a leading role! Just ignore that it appears to be just generally awful, and the trans thing is the only way to claim they are victims for not being produced.

This reminds me of a lot of boondocks episodes actually, it's a pretty common joke. They even had MLK calling people it in one episode.
Boondocks as it was couldn't be made today, and it wasn't even that long ago. Hell, S3E4 "The Story of Jimmy Rebel" isn't available on HBOMax and it and S3E8 "Pause" were removed from Adult Swim already.

the likes of Carlin
Carlin's just lucky he died before he could be on the wrong side of the line.

writing a book that involves a killer dressing up as a woman to lure in victims,
Does that make Jefrey Deaver transphobic, as in The Blue Nowhere at one point his serial killer dresses up like a woman to avoid capture?

Blair White is the trans community's Candace Owens
IOW, someone who is a member of the relevant demographic, has a platform, but expressly does not believe what they are "supposed" to based on demographic membership?

Fuck Candice Owens, i dont really know who she is, but that name alone sounds like someone you should tell to fuck off so fuck her probably.
You ever watch that season of SouthPark with TrollTrace? So, they likely got the idea from Candace Owens. 2014 or 2015 (I honestly don't recall which at this point, but that general era) she caused a bunch of stir online with wanting to create essentially that - basically a giant doxing database of anyone who said anything offensive to anyone. In the end, she cancelled the project in response to, well, a broad ranging strong negative reaction from across the political spectrum. Which is the best result for everyone. She then also did a complete political about face and is now a Fox News commentator, acting as their token black woman, which is...a thing that happened.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
And, of course, the people who are offended aren't really offended; they're just attacking other people to get attention.
Yes that is usually how being offended works. Nobody gets offended and keeps it to themselves do they? No they have to let the world know, social media, friends, family, whatever. The more people know that THEY got offended the better.

They are worse than vegans.

But again i ask. Okay you got offended, so what? What the fuck does YOU being offended have to do with anyone else?



Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
hat is usually how being offended works. Nobody gets offended and keeps it to themselves do they? No they have to let the world know, social media, friends, family, whatever. The more people know that THEY got offended the better.

They are worse than vegans.

But again i ask. Okay you got offended, so what? What the fuck does YOU being offended have to do with anyone else?
You must really love being this oblivious and ignorant? You clearly don't care and have a known constant habbit of disregarding people's feelings, regardless if they have point or don't.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Yes that is usually how being offended works. Nobody gets offended and keeps it to themselves do they? No they have to let the world know, social media, friends, family, whatever. The more people know that THEY got offended the better.
Kind of like someone who makes a Netflix special and uses that platform to moan about a kind of person he doesn't like.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Yes that is usually how being offended works. Nobody gets offended and keeps it to themselves do they? No they have to let the world know, social media, friends, family, whatever. The more people know that THEY got offended the better.

They are worse than vegans.

But again i ask. Okay you got offended, so what? What the fuck does YOU being offended have to do with anyone else?
Yes, dude, we get it. Problems don't exist unless they effect you personally. And even then, you're the only one allowed to complain.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
What the fuck does someone else's dietary choices have to do with you then? Stop being so easily offended.
I'm going to go with Scott Pilgrim. He might have read the comic or watched the movie too many times. When I last checked, one douchebag who gets psychic powers via veganism, don't represent the entire population of vegans that exist.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
I'm going to go with Scott Pilgrim. He might have read the comic or watched the movie too many times. When I last checked, one douchebag who gets psychic powers via veganism, don't represent the entire population of vegans that exist.
Vegans are like furries in that some of them make drama, but far more drama is created by people complaining about them.
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Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
Carlin's just lucky he died before he could be on the wrong side of the line.
Reminds me of a Clint Eastwood interview where he complained that lots of things now are considered racist that wouldn't have been when he was a child. Considering when he was a child black people had to sit at the back of the bus I would say "no shit". The line moves. Deal with it.
They are worse than vegans.
You're literally just outing yourself as a Conservative reactionary. I've worked in hospitality for a decade, I have had exactly one stand out annoying vegan customer. Do you know how many have had some bullshit to say about the fact that we sell some vegan food? Because I've lost count.

You're literally here pissing and moaning about someone's dietary choice like it affects you and calling other people too sensitive.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I'm going to go with Scott Pilgrim. He might have read the comic or watched the movie too many times. When I last checked, one douchebag who gets psychic powers via veganism, don't represent the entire population of vegans that exist.
(And even he's cheating the diet, if I remember the comics right)
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
(And even he's cheating the diet, if I remember the comics right)
You are correct. It was the case in both the movie and comic. The video game version surprisingly averts this, but the vegan police still show up as a quick cameo in the background.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
They should try being funny

Humor is SUBJECTIVE. You can't say we need to remove things because it isn't good. Guess what? We wouldn't have anything because there's at least one person that thinks even the most popular beloved things are shit.

Posting someone else's opinion of something justifies that that something isn't good?

Calling the police because of a what a comedian said is like the definition of dystopian. If you don't like what they said, you can, you know, walk out. And if enough people walk out, then the show isn't good and that comedian isn't going to get booked again if they don't get better.

That's very convenient. This special will magically cure people of their transphobia, and if there is any transphobia it's only because trans people brought it upon themselves for speaking out.

Reminds me of the discourse in my country surrounding a racist character from a holiday tradition called Black Pete. Totally not racist, really, not at all, but black people speaking up about it only serves to make people racist.

It's not the fault of the actual issue marginalized groups are calling out, it's the fault of marginalized groups speaking up when we obviously know better than they do.
You don't get my point at all. If some group (doesn't matter who) gets something a lot of people like removed, there will be increased hate (at least dislike) for that group. You think there wouldn't be more hate against trans if a Dave Chappelle special that tons of people like gets removed (from trans people complaining)? Calling something tons of people like not only bad but so bad it should be removed, how is that going to garner positivity? If Star Trek fans said Star Wars is an affront science fiction and should be removed, how do you think that would go down?

You know how we've decided what content shouldn't be made in basically forever? When you make something that so many people don't like that it can't make money, then you know society has decided that it is so bad it shouldn't be made. Trying to alter that natural flow doesn't work. Either more people are gonna see the Chappelle special (Streisand effect and become anti-trans apparently) or you're going to get many people mad if the special gets removed, so what has been actually accomplished? Nothing but negativity towards the trans community.

I say that the special will cause less (even if it's just one person) transphobia because after hearing the story at the end, I don't get how someone could still be transphobic. Will people have some perfect understanding of trans people after the special and be 100% in line with trans issues? Probably not. But will the special result in less overall trans hate? Probably. Someone that might have made fun of a trans person in public might not do that anymore. And that's a step in the right direction. You ain't gonna go from hate/dislike/misunderstanding to complete understanding and anything that gets society a step closer to that is a good thing. I very much doubt the special is getting people a step even further away.

What Dave Chappelle is perhaps more telling us is that he has compassion for individuals that transcends, or exists despite, his opposition to certain elements of trans rights.
What rights don't trans people have?

I can see why people are taking offense
Why is the concept of offense even a thing? Offense just means you didn't like what someone said. You have no right to not be offended as being offended is completely self-made parameters. Why must everyone on the planet know everyone else's very particular parameters so nobody gets upset? I've never been offended by anything in my life because the concept of being offended is a meaningless concept.
Pack it in, guys. There's one trans person who isn't offended by Dave Chappelle, therefor no one has the right to be offended.
The concept of being offended itself is completely meaningless. Nobody has the right to not be offended.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Humor is SUBJECTIVE. You can't say we need to remove things because it isn't good. Guess what? We wouldn't have anything because there's at least one person that thinks even the most popular beloved things are shit.

Posting someone else's opinion of something justifies that that something isn't good?
That's literally what you did: posted the feature length movie about how people can't joke about anything anymore, mostly featuring people who're mad that people don't think they're funny anymore
Did some people take it too far? I dunno, probably. Ironically, it's hard for me to have an opinion on this because I've already taken your advice and stopped giving a shit about most of these people
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
IOW, someone who is a member of the relevant demographic, has a platform, but expressly does not believe what they are "supposed" to based on demographic membership?
You basically answer your own question, yeah:
You ever watch that season of SouthPark with TrollTrace? So, they likely got the idea from Candace Owens. 2014 or 2015 (I honestly don't recall which at this point, but that general era) she caused a bunch of stir online with wanting to create essentially that - basically a giant doxing database of anyone who said anything offensive to anyone. In the end, she cancelled the project in response to, well, a broad ranging strong negative reaction from across the political spectrum. Which is the best result for everyone. She then also did a complete political about face and is now a Fox News commentator, acting as their token black woman, which is...a thing that happened.
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