They are trying to cancel Dave Chappell

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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
would also point out the hilarity that my Vegan comment was a fucking joke
I was not offended, but I just thought the joke itself is lame.

Can you not call everyone who disagrees with you a bigot, phobic, or whatever other derogatory term you feel like at the time.

It's obvious I'm right leaning at this point, but I've been called all sorts of shit on this forum simply because my opinions don't fit ya'lls ideals. Disagreeing instantly makes me ignorant, naive, oblibivious, whatever....instead of simply conceeding that I simply don't agree with you all.

Crazy how I don't label anyone or call you all names when I don't agree with you, but people have no problem name-calling and labeling me. And NO I'm not offended by that, I'm just pointing out the irony in all of that.
That's your big major problem. It's more than just a disagreement. Whenever somebody points out the flaw in your logic, or has actual evidence back it up, or points out what's wrong, you either only partially listen, ignore it, or downplay it. For all your talks about how you hate both the left and the right and how both in the government are all hypocritical, you are more than happy to embrace conservative outrage, their memes, and their "infinite wisdom" and shares their philosophies. The whacked out philosophies that are meant to hurt those that are marginalized or minorities.

You'd think I'd forget about the topics you posted on this forum? You're go nowhere thread that was turned into the woke thread as a "counter balance" to the anti-woke thread?

The one thread you made about Victoria's secret and how they aren't the same anymore, because they're appealing too much to the damn SJWs. Even though the sjws had nothing to do with it. About how things are not like the "good old days."

Must not forget about the January 6th thread, where you were trying to claim those "peaceful" protesters (rioting terrorists) peacefully walked into the Capitol and you know freaking better than that. There was major violence outside, and a majority of them violently stormed their way inside. The fact that you downplayed all those horrible actions going on, really proves my point. The fact that you're Conservative doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that you've been doing what the alt-right and the ultra nationalistic conservatives have been doing. You can't have it both ways or try to throw those middle of the road I'm on the fence bullcrap. That's been your problem the entire time. The fact that you get offended by stupid or dumb silly stuff that don't matter at the end of the day proves my point. You are no different from those that you claim to despise from outrage culture. Here's a problem with outrage culture, it ain't just a liberal or sjw thing. If anything, the conservatives tend to do way more. Especially those on the alt right or those that support the alt right. They're the ones that want to act like victims when they're being punished or something or you called out on their crap they're the ones that like to make other people villains when those that are innocent to nothing wrong or reminding their own business. They're the same people that like to villainize blacks and other minorities and act like we're always out to get somebody or do something illegal. They try to throw us all under one or two categories and only want to see you us as second class citizens or less than human. So a majority of them, or either ghetto, gangsters, slaves, or victims to be saved, nothing else.

Dave Chappelle, he's a big boy and nobody's canceling him. He can take care of himself. He canceled himself back in the mid 2000s, you should already know this. And you already know the reason why he did that to himself. There's no reason to Waste water works on him. Save the water works for the actual victims or those that are victimized. I like Dave chappelle, but he is not immune to criticism. The jokes I seen so far have not offended me, but I don't think all of them are that great either. He had a couple of funny ones, but he has a big chip on his shoulders. It's at the Double Toasted videos pointed out before, just because you're a great comedian or consider the greatest of all time, doesn't mean you're not immune it's a criticism. No one is. That's the problem with the entertainment industry and Hollywood especially. You got all these rabbid and blind defenders, that don't want their precious being taken away from them, cuz they feel an attack on their favorite piece of media or celebrity is an attack on everyone. Yet they're willing to ignore the harmful actions of said person, cuz they don't want to think or feel bad. Or think it's just an inconvenience to bother putting more than a few minutes of thought into it. That is one of the major issues and a cycle that feeds into itself. It's the same exact damn problem with the video game industry. If you don't have any self-awareness or learn anything from that, then the same crap is going to happen over and over. You're going to be constantly running in the same circles. This is why you say you don't like the current events thread, yet you keep coming back here and doing the same dumb shit. Yet you want to act like a victim about it or the only one that's been personally hurt. When neither is the case a majority of the time.

Do as you please, but I'm not going to feel bad for you, because you constantly make yourself upset over coming back here again and again. There's nothing left to say at this point, either you get it or you don't.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Only because there was a period with so many loud rather obnoxious vegans or self proclaiming vegans that people got fed up and now yell back and called them out lol.
Yes, the 'calling out' that is inevitably the oh-so-novel picture of a steak in a thread about veganism or someone saying they're going to have two burgers instead of one, just to stick it to the vegans. Hilarity abounds. Surely, one must eat vast quantities of red meat to feed the brain cells required for such deep and original thought.

Certainly I've met annoying vegans, but if I'm honest I found them annoying because they were telling me something I really knew but didn't want to have to deal with: the meat industry in horrific and eating meat makes you a contributor to that. Not ideal, really. On the bright side, the message (annoying though it must be) is finally getting through: the number of UK vegans is up from 150K to 600K between 2014 and 2019 alone -- still small numbers, but moving in the right direction.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
I am interested actually. In fact I once had quite the conversation with Kae who actually got me to see and understand their side of the story we were talking about at the time.

I listen. The problem is when I ask for clarification to things the usual response I get is to be called an asshole and nothing more.

And just even if someone brings forth their best argument, I might still disagree with the POV. However there are several times in this VERY thread that I've said things like "fair enough" "good point" "Agreed", as there have been some interesting takes. There has also been some winging, so....whatever i guess.
I'm with BrawlMan on this one, dude. You say you're open to the other side, but you keep whining and complaining about the most trivial bullshit on the left and I've never once seen you level the same criticisms at the right. You'll shoot off a garbage take or say something ignorant and when called out, you just nail yourself to a cross. Would you prefer to be treated with kid gloves?
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Yes, the 'calling out' that is inevitably the oh-so-novel picture of a steak in a thread about veganism or someone saying they're going to have two burgers instead of one, just to stick it to the vegans. Hilarity abounds. Surely, one must eat vast quantities of red meat to feed the brain cells required for such deep and original thought.
And yet the people calling others murders and rapists suddenly get so offended over such a light level of mockery that a person may ignore them or do the opposite. It's like the Wroclaw gnomes were lol.

Certainly I've met annoying vegans, but if I'm honest I found them annoying because they were telling me something I really knew but didn't want to have to deal with: the meat industry in horrific and eating meat makes you a contributor to that. Not ideal, really. On the bright side, the message (annoying though it must be) is finally getting through: the number of UK vegans is up from 150K to 600K between 2014 and 2019 alone -- still small numbers, but moving in the right direction.
So are most industries, what did people think the meat industry was some happy clappy world? It's still far more sanitised then humans hunting down and slitting an animals threat while it was still conscious aware and alive. As for "The right direction" it's really not the right direction because it's not actually a more sustainable direction without other changes and those other changes aren't happening so instead we're slowly sleep walking into another kind of disaster anyway.

I'm with BrawlMan on this one, dude. You say you're open to the other side, but you keep whining and complaining about the most trivial bullshit on the left and I've never once seen you level the same criticisms at the right. You'll shoot off a garbage take or say something ignorant and when called out, you just nail yourself to a cross. Would you prefer to be treated with kid gloves?
Don't you too gleefully announce how you've blocked people and are replying without reading what people have put or just outright ignore what people have said time and time again to instead preach from your pulpits? Cause seem to me like you're projecting here.

Also to be clear you think the most trivial bullshit is standing up to defend the freedom to offend? You don't think that freedom is important? Is this some "Greater Good" bullshit?

You lot don't argue, you don't present points you insult and shame then throw a huff about it and go "Oh you're just playing the victim" when people call it out.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
So are most industries, what did people think the meat industry was some happy clappy world?
No one ever thought it was, people are just careful not to think about it at all because that would ruin the illusion that it's just food.

As for "The right direction" it's really not the right direction because it's not actually a more sustainable direction without other changes and those other changes aren't happening so instead we're slowly sleep walking into another kind of disaster anyway.
No, it's the correct direction and vague prophecies of different kinds of disasters aren't going to change that. Fortunately the price of meat is going to go up a lot, so that'll help.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
No one ever thought it was, people are just careful not to think about it at all because that would ruin the illusion that it's just food.
It is also just food though......... It's part of how the food chain gets to operate.

No, it's the correct direction and vague prophecies of different kinds of disasters aren't going to change that. Fortunately the price of meat is going to go up a lot, so that'll help.
But the idea that we will have a massive disaster unless people stop eating meat all together also a huge vague prophecy of disaster too lol


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
It is also just food though......... It's part of how the food chain gets to operate.
And yet most people would be unhappy if you ate their dog. Is that because it's a possession, or because they wouldn't want their dog to suffer?

But the idea that we will have a massive disaster unless people stop eating meat all together also a huge vague prophecy of disaster too lol
You're the person that said there would be a disaster, you were (and still are) just light on detail.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
Oh and BTW the Trans murder epidemic is a lie. If you look into the reported number of Trans people in the USA vs the normal population the murder rate is LOWER than that for a regular person. It's just presenting a list of 50-80 names is a really good shock tactic when you don't have full context those names look like a lot but comparatively aren't, but it's very good to present shock value and get people to react emotionally rather than stop and think rationally and look at things like context. But hey why argue with information when you can use your feelings as facts right?
What information you colossal insufferable twat?
YOUR sayso?
No, fuck that.

Key Findings

  • Transgender people (16+) are victimized over four times more often than cisgender people. In 2017-2018, transgender people experienced 86.2 victimizations per 1,000 people compared to 21.7 victimizations per 1,000 people for cisgender people.
  • Transgender women and men had higher rates of violent victimization (86.1 and 107.5 per 1,000 people, respectively) than cisgender women and men (23.7 and 19.8 per 1,000 people, respectively).
  • One in four transgender women who were victimized thought the incident was a hate crime compared to less than one in ten cisgender women.
  • In 2017-2018, transgender households had higher rates of property victimization (214.1 per 1,000 households) than cisgender households (108 per 1,000 households).
  • About half of all violent victimizations were not reported to police. Transgender people were as likely as cisgender people to report violence to police.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
And yet most people would be unhappy if you ate their dog. Is that because it's a possession, or because they wouldn't want their dog to suffer?
And yet if it came down to it I'm sure in a worst case scenario apocalypse people would happily eat said dog if it meant surviving.

You're the person that said there would be a disaster, you were (and still are) just light on detail.
Ok lets start with Mycorrhizal death due to nutrient deficiency in soil, carry on into the impact of of fertiliser run off (some of which at present still comes from animals BTW) and the industrial replacements are more concentrated. Go into river system issues and algae blooms and finish up with the awfulness that is the fact using organic farming methods we can't produce the food required to sustain population thus would need to ramp up pesticide use. So yeh all the lovely thought about saving the animals etc is all well and good until you acknowledge the absolute tons of insects etc and potentially other stuff killed off just to grow the crops. I mean the CAT has a plan to deal with this (see their 0 carbon Britain plan) but that basically requires everyone to turn their gardens into farmland too and have composting toilets fitted.

Oh and as we're only about 30% (probably a high estimate) efficient at breaking down plants being omnivores while herbivores are 60% or better efficient at breaking it down it makes the problem almost worse because we can't take advantage of getting energy etc from meat which we can break down too and meat of omnivores will have more efficiently broken down the plant matter for us already into something we can then break down and get more benefit from than if we've eaten the plants.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
What information you colossal insufferable twat?
YOUR sayso?
No, fuck that.

Key Findings

  • Transgender people (16+) are victimized over four times more often than cisgender people. In 2017-2018, transgender people experienced 86.2 victimizations per 1,000 people compared to 21.7 victimizations per 1,000 people for cisgender people.
  • Transgender women and men had higher rates of violent victimization (86.1 and 107.5 per 1,000 people, respectively) than cisgender women and men (23.7 and 19.8 per 1,000 people, respectively).
  • One in four transgender women who were victimized thought the incident was a hate crime compared to less than one in ten cisgender women.
  • In 2017-2018, transgender households had higher rates of property victimization (214.1 per 1,000 households) than cisgender households (108 per 1,000 households).
  • About half of all violent victimizations were not reported to police. Transgender people were as likely as cisgender people to report violence to police.
What information you colossal insufferable twat?
YOUR sayso?
No, fuck that.

Key Findings

  • Transgender people (16+) are victimized over four times more often than cisgender people. In 2017-2018, transgender people experienced 86.2 victimizations per 1,000 people compared to 21.7 victimizations per 1,000 people for cisgender people.
  • Transgender women and men had higher rates of violent victimization (86.1 and 107.5 per 1,000 people, respectively) than cisgender women and men (23.7 and 19.8 per 1,000 people, respectively).
  • One in four transgender women who were victimized thought the incident was a hate crime compared to less than one in ten cisgender women.
  • In 2017-2018, transgender households had higher rates of property victimization (214.1 per 1,000 households) than cisgender households (108 per 1,000 households).
  • About half of all violent victimizations were not reported to police. Transgender people were as likely as cisgender people to report violence to police.
Ah lovely a press release showing none of the relevant data but rom what I can gleam from the press release it was based on self reporting. So it would entirely depend on what they constituted as victimisation and if there was any verification on that.

Now if you won't take my word on the claims would you take the word of an independent journalist who is a Trans Woman who looked into the numbers and information put out by some of organisation where she matches them up with the news around them



Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
I have to ask, are you a vegan who I've offended by what I said?
Actually I have made posts in the past explaining the issues I have with a vegan diet from a health and training perspective. Not a huge fan of veganism in general although definitely see the value in subbing in some plant based alternatives. It has nothing to do with vegans. It's the fact that rather than be concerned about violence and aggression against marginalised groups you lot get worked up over "fake gamer girls", "ethics in games journalism", insisting that George Floyd was no Saint and petty shit like vegans exist and tits on twitch. It's obvious to everyone why those are the issues that concern.

Jesus I pointed out a problem exists and this is your reaction?
Because it is very telling what you consider a "problem" and what you don't.
Oh and BTW the Trans murder epidemic is a lie. If you look into the reported number of Trans people in the USA vs the normal population the murder rate is LOWER than that for a regular person. It's just presenting a list of 50-80 names is a really good shock tactic when you don't have full context those names look like a lot but comparatively aren't, but it's very good to present shock value and get people to react emotionally rather than stop and think rationally and look at things like context. But hey why argue with information when you can use your feelings as facts right?
Source: "I watched a YouTube video"
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Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
Now if you won't take my word on the claims would you take the word of an independent journalist who is a Trans Woman who looked into the numbers and information put out by some of organisation where she matches them up with the news around them
Source: "I watched a YouTube video"
"Article this video is based on: "
A fucking russia today opinion piece by...

Sophia Narwitz is an American YouTuber, Twitch streamer and gaming journalist who makes videos about news and backlash regarding games, hot-button issues in the transgender community and anything else that interests her.

Sophia's first video was on the 2018 game Ion Fury, where she critisized people for giving the small development team heavy backlash. She herself had interviewed the devs themselves and encouraged people to support them. Her critiscm of media backlash was the theme of several of her future videos and she analyzed how manufactured outrage was a tool for most journalists to play as victims[1][2][3]. She is also critical of fellow gaming journalists and the industry behind it[4], particularly key figures from Gamergate, sucoh as Zoe Quinn[5] and LauraKBuzz[6], and on Twitter she often tweets about the former's shady business parctices and history of lying alongside Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency. Other themes in her videos include her analysis of mass backlash[7].

So just another culture warrior.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Actually I have made posts in the past explaining the issues I have with a vegan diet from a health and training perspective. Not a huge fan of veganism in general although definitely see the value in subbing in some plant based alternatives. It has nothing to do with vegans. It's the fact that rather than be concerned about violence and aggression against marginalised groups you lot get worked up over "fake gamer girls", "ethics in games journalism", insisting that George Floyd was no Saint and petty shit like vegans exist and tits on twitch. It's obvious to everyone why those are the issues that concern.
Because it is very telling what you consider a "problem" and what you don't.
Well here's a simple reason. I'm not the god damn Batman and even if I were I wouldn't be able to solve the issue of violence against marginalised groups. Yes some of it is violence against them but it's vastly vastly overstated which the video literally shows with footage from mainstream news sources and reporting comparing it to the list of those deemed killed by discriminatory violence. If you run at the police with a knife and slash at them and they shoot you were you shot because of your identity or because you tried to stab police officers?

What are you expecting me to do shout impotently into the void of the internet with some kind of hashtag attached to things? Join another pointless stupid tumblr war against 4chan? Buy rainbow Disney merchandise where none of the profits will actually go to any of those marginalised people anyway?

You know why I tend to join in the topics I do here? Because often others aren't. There's 1,000s of people impotently shouting into the void on twitter on plenty of issues. But I hope to at least make people think on some of the topics I engage in and show things aren't as clear cut or show different perspectives on things or provide my perspective when I can see it not really being for lack of a better work showcased by others.

Source: "I watched a YouTube video"
Yes, you may also want to watch it.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
"Article this video is based on: "
A fucking russia today opinion piece by...

Sophia Narwitz is an American YouTuber, Twitch streamer and gaming journalist who makes videos about news and backlash regarding games, hot-button issues in the transgender community and anything else that interests her.

Sophia's first video was on the 2018 game Ion Fury, where she critisized people for giving the small development team heavy backlash. She herself had interviewed the devs themselves and encouraged people to support them. Her critiscm of media backlash was the theme of several of her future videos and she analyzed how manufactured outrage was a tool for most journalists to play as victims[1][2][3]. She is also critical of fellow gaming journalists and the industry behind it[4], particularly key figures from Gamergate, sucoh as Zoe Quinn[5] and LauraKBuzz[6], and on Twitter she often tweets about the former's shady business parctices and history of lying alongside Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency. Other themes in her videos include her analysis of mass backlash[7].

So just another culture warrior.
Right so she doesn't count and her evidence is null and void because you disagree with her on other topics. Quite a bit of whataboutism there.

Want to actually explain the points she raised in the video showcasing actual mainstream news sources for evidence of her what the reported version of events that happened were even using video evidence of some events. Man I guess you think Russia Today let her loose on Deep Fake tech to take all those news segments and videos eh?


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
Right so she doesn't count and her evidence is null and void because you disagree with her on other topics. Quite a bit of whataboutism there.

Want to actually explain the points she raised in the video showcasing actual mainstream news sources for evidence of her what the reported version of events that happened were even using video evidence of some events. Man I guess you think Russia Today let her loose on Deep Fake tech to take all those news segments and videos eh?
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
And yet if it came down to it I'm sure in a worst case scenario apocalypse people would happily eat said dog if it meant surviving.
But we're not in an apocalypse are we? We aren't on the very edge of survival contingent on eating our dogs, are we? That's not where we are, so why do you mention it?

Ok lets start with Mycorrhizal death due to nutrient deficiency in soil, carry on into the impact of of fertiliser run off (some of which at present still comes from animals BTW) and the industrial replacements are more concentrated. Go into river system issues and algae blooms and finish up with the awfulness that is the fact using organic farming methods we can't produce the food required to sustain population thus would need to ramp up pesticide use. So yeh all the lovely thought about saving the animals etc is all well and good until you acknowledge the absolute tons of insects etc and potentially other stuff killed off just to grow the crops. I mean the CAT has a plan to deal with this (see their 0 carbon Britain plan) but that basically requires everyone to turn their gardens into farmland too and have composting toilets fitted.
More than 60% of cropland is used for animal feed, so any point you've made about arable farming (which, if I'm honest, you really haven't managed) goes against you anyway. Those river system issues you mention? Being absolutely battered by the runoff from factory farms.

Oh and as we're only about 30% (probably a high estimate) efficient at breaking down plants being omnivores while herbivores are 60% or better efficient at breaking it down it makes the problem almost worse because we can't take advantage of getting energy etc from meat which we can break down too and meat of omnivores will have more efficiently broken down the plant matter for us already into something we can then break down and get more benefit from than if we've eaten the plants.
I suggest you look up a Sankey diagram for energy loss in meat production then come back to this. I tried to upload one to help you but there's something wrong with upload.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
But we're not in an apocalypse are we? We aren't on the very edge of survival contingent on eating our dogs, are we? That's not where we are, so why do you mention it?
No we're not just making a point about people's willingness to be somewhat adaptable. People may not like the idea but they'd do it.

More than 60% of cropland is used for animal feed, so any point you've made about arable farming (which, if I'm honest, you really haven't managed) goes against you anyway. Those river system issues you mention? Being absolutely battered by the runoff from factory farms.
Animals can also eat far lower quality less nutritional stuff that means lower crop quality can go to animal feed as is so that cropland may only be good for animal feed crops not human feed ones. Also the cropland used for animal feed includes grassland fields used for hay some of which are counted as "re-wilded" where part ot the rules round it is to cut the grass down each year which is where at least some of the hay come from. The run off from factory farms would still be work out less intense than the run off from chemical fertilisers

I suggest you look up a Sankey diagram for energy loss in meat production then come back to this. I tried to upload one to help you but there's something wrong with upload.
Well that all works based on the assumption we convert all the mass to energy ourselves or that even the stuff being produced would be fit for human consumption and use. It's still a more efficient conversion of plants to energy in herbivores than in us. Also they have to advantage of producing their own fertiliser of a kind.
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